View Full Version : New player - Belgium- with questions

February 27th, 2008, 18:10
Hi all,

I'm new to this place and to the software...
I've been checking a lot of the messages in this part of the forum but you all seem to have a lot of spare time and I don't. :(

So what I would love to know is if anyone is running a game on just a few evenings of the week (GMT-1) and if that someone is willing to take a noob on? I would prefer D&D 3.5 but can play on Monday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday evening only.

Do you all use Teamspeak, or is the chat system in the software okay? I can't get my microphone to work so there I'm handicapped as well...


February 27th, 2008, 19:33
Of those who use voice besides Teamspeak, there is Ventrilo and Skype are the most common ones. Unfortunately, in your case, once you get one to work the rest do too - and vice versa. IE if you can't get TS to work then probably Vent and Skype won't work either. That's because usually the problem often is: a) hardware or b) OS mixer sound settings. These type of problems would normally effect all voice software. The other common problems are you are on voice activated and have the software set so you have to yell or the mic is too far away ect (you really should use a headset). Or oppositely, you are on push to talk and either haven't set a key for it or are not pushing the correct key.

The chat in FG works fine - it is just slow to use compaired voice. Voice in particular really speeds up combat. My impression is somewhere between 60 to 80% of the games use voice of some type.

Waldo Pepper
February 27th, 2008, 21:29
I run a weekly Friday night Savage Worlds game (it alternates between a modern horror game and a sci-fi game) that runs from 9pm until midnight your time (GMT-1). You are more than welcome to join us. No experience is necessary and we don't use anything but FG. PM me for more details.

February 28th, 2008, 11:20
Several people have responded (some in private). Looks like my lack of time is not a problem after all. And people seem to be very helpful here. Thanks all! Looks like I'm in... :)

Waldo Pepper
March 1st, 2008, 07:21
Great job last night - you seemed to get the hang of the software and Savage Worlds rules pretty quickly.

I also am part of an Indie gaming group that plays a couple Sundays a month (typically 8-11pm GMT) if you're interested in trying out something completely different: The games tend to be long on story,and low on mechanics so learning them is usually not too much of a problem. They also tend to generate really interesting scenarios and situations. Right now we're playing In a Wicked Age... - the game has turned in to sort of a Robert Howard writes "The Ghost and the Darkness" out of Africa thing. It's pretty dark and very interesting. Drop me a PM if you want to join in or even just lurk.

March 1st, 2008, 10:56
Yes, it was great fun.

I never played Savage Worlds and I never used the FG software, so at first I felt kinda lost. But with the help of the great Waldo Pepper and the (great other) players this was quickly fixed. ;)

My main problem was not being familiar with the rules btw.
Wild Cards? Huh? Combat sequence? Huh? ... :confused:

Fantasy Grounds itself fell quickly into place. The occasional incorrect slash-command left out of consideration. :o

Looking forward to next weeks session. I even try to have a picture by then. :)