View Full Version : Error messaages everywhere after updates

January 5th, 2024, 18:16

I and my players get error messages as soon we use the combat tracker and figures:Any idea what (mods or ext) will do the error messages- loaded logs and errors up?

for your help- its really hard to have to check every ext after each update again.



January 5th, 2024, 18:53
Looking at the logs I see the following issues;

2 that specifically say BetterCombatEffects
So you should make sure you update or disable that extension until it is fixed.

1 that uses a deprecated function TokenManager.lua:registerWidgetSet/getWidgetList
This is not yet an error, but any extension that has not been updated since November should be suspect.

You seem to have many hundreds of images shared. Though this is possible, it makes your player connect time very long and hinders your users performance. Periodically unshare images/maps that the players are unlikely to need again. I wonder if you have shared entire DM facing modules with your players? Players should only load the 'Player' modules that they need and you should share individual maps, images, and items as they need them.

Atleast one warning that appears related to "bettermoduleselection" (probably 878507-Better_Module_Window) along with couple of deprecated issues that may be in that extension too.

Repeating warnings that I'm not familiar with but seem to be related to a chat extension;

[WARNING] buttoncontrol: Could not find pressed icon (down) in control (button_edit_pcdisc) in class (logentry_main)
[1/5/2024 2:05:16 PM] [WARNING] buttoncontrol: Could not find pressed icon (down) in control (button_chat_place) in class (logentry_main)
[1/5/2024 2:05:37 PM] [WARNING] buttoncontrol: Could not find pressed icon (down) in control (button_edit_pcdisc) in class (logentry_main)
[1/5/2024 2:05:37 PM] [WARNING] buttoncontrol: Could not find pressed icon (down) in control (button_chat_place) in class (logentry_main)

I'm guessing these are related to the Portals extension:

[1/5/2024 5:58:07 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static width ignored for control (portal_token_seven) in windowclass (portal_toolbox)
[1/5/2024 5:58:07 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static width ignored for control (portal_token_thirteen) in windowclass (portal_toolbox)
[1/5/2024 5:58:07 PM] s'anchor_reftitle - DEPRECATED - 2023-08-29 - Use anchor_content_referencelist_top and anchor_content_referencelist_bottom templates instead'
[1/5/2024 5:58:07 PM] s'close_referencelist - DEPRECATED - 2023-12-12 - Use windowmenubar_(frame) template'
[1/5/2024 5:58:07 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static width ignored for control (portal_token_seven) in windowclass (portal_toolbox)
[1/5/2024 5:58:07 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static width ignored for control (portal_token_thirteen) in windowclass (portal_toolbox)

Then you have the below error that is probably the root of your problem, but I see few indications of what extension is might be realted to. Something that probably works for all CoreRPG ruesets and has to do with images;

Handler error: [string "CoreRPG:scripts/manager_actor_display.lua"]:501: attempt to index local 'cImage' (a userdata value)

And this one that appears to be realted to a combat tracker extension:

Handler error: [string "CoreRPG:scripts/manager_actor_display.lua"]:501: attempt to index local 'cImage' (a userdata value)

As well, any of these could be due to a conflict between 2 or more extensions.

Looking at your list of extensions, there are some that you probably should not be loading at all:
878507-NPC_Maker_5E is a great extension, but should be used in your development campaign or when you are developing content, not when players are connected.
Token Height most if not all of the capabilities of this extension were incorporated into core FG a long time ago.
DeathIndicatorEx most if not all of the capabilities of this extension were incorporated into core FG a long time ago.
Waterdeep Decal should be obsolete as there has been a updated way to use decals that does not require an extension for even longer.

As you have probably no doubt heard before, if you are going to use 31 extensions, you are going to need to do a lot of testing and research with every update to FG. I suggest that each time an FG update comes out, you do the following;
- Check to see if it updates any rulesets or core application functions, if so do not update until:
- Wait 5-10 days after the update, then
- Check the forum or DMsGuild or Discord thread for each extension and determine if anyone else has reported problems with it
- Update any non-Forge extensions manually
- At least 3 days prior to your gaming session, update and test. Using a second instance of FG to connect as a player and test player things.
- Identify which extensions still have issues and if you can't get a fix before game time, disable it for that session.

January 5th, 2024, 19:40
Looking at the logs I see the following issues;

2 that specifically say BetterCombatEffects
So you should make sure you update or disable that extension until it is fixed.

1 that uses a deprecated function TokenManager.lua:registerWidgetSet/getWidgetList
This is not yet an error, but any extension that has not been updated since November should be suspect.

You seem to have many hundreds of images shared. Though this is possible, it makes your player connect time very long and hinders your users performance. Periodically unshare images/maps that the players are unlikely to need again. I wonder if you have shared entire DM facing modules with your players? Players should only load the 'Player' modules that they need and you should share individual maps, images, and items as they need them.

Atleast one warning that appears related to "bettermoduleselection" (probably 878507-Better_Module_Window) along with couple of deprecated issues that may be in that extension too.

Repeating warnings that I'm not familiar with but seem to be related to a chat extension;

I'm guessing these are related to the Portals extension:
Then you have the below error that is probably the root of your problem, but I see few indications of what extension is might be realted to. Something that probably works for all CoreRPG ruesets and has to do with images;

And this one that appears to be realted to a combat tracker extension:

As well, any of these could be due to a conflict between 2 or more extensions.

Looking at your list of extensions, there are some that you probably should not be loading at all:
878507-NPC_Maker_5E is a great extension, but should be used in your development campaign or when you are developing content, not when players are connected.
Token Height most if not all of the capabilities of this extension were incorporated into core FG a long time ago.
DeathIndicatorEx most if not all of the capabilities of this extension were incorporated into core FG a long time ago.
Waterdeep Decal should be obsolete as there has been a updated way to use decals that does not require an extension for even longer.

As you have probably no doubt heard before, if you are going to use 31 extensions, you are going to need to do a lot of testing and research with every update to FG. I suggest that each time an FG update comes out, you do the following;
- Check to see if it updates any rulesets or core application functions, if so do not update until:
- Wait 5-10 days after the update, then
- Check the forum or DMsGuild or Discord thread for each extension and determine if anyone else has reported problems with it
- Update any non-Forge extensions manually
- At least 3 days prior to your gaming session, update and test. Using a second instance of FG to connect as a player and test player things.
- Identify which extensions still have issues and if you can't get a fix before game time, disable it for that session.

Thank you very much for your nice help- I tried to get infos for the updates but mostly the release notes are not updated (last update is from last year).


January 5th, 2024, 23:29
You can find the detailed patch notes here:


January 6th, 2024, 01:10
Looking at the logs I see the following issues;

2 that specifically say BetterCombatEffects
So you should make sure you update or disable that extension until it is fixed.

1 that uses a deprecated function TokenManager.lua:registerWidgetSet/getWidgetList
This is not yet an error, but any extension that has not been updated since November should be suspect.

You seem to have many hundreds of images shared. Though this is possible, it makes your player connect time very long and hinders your users performance. Periodically unshare images/maps that the players are unlikely to need again. I wonder if you have shared entire DM facing modules with your players? Players should only load the 'Player' modules that they need and you should share individual maps, images, and items as they need them.

Atleast one warning that appears related to "bettermoduleselection" (probably 878507-Better_Module_Window) along with couple of deprecated issues that may be in that extension too.

Repeating warnings that I'm not familiar with but seem to be related to a chat extension;

I'm guessing these are related to the Portals extension:
Then you have the below error that is probably the root of your problem, but I see few indications of what extension is might be realted to. Something that probably works for all CoreRPG ruesets and has to do with images;

And this one that appears to be realted to a combat tracker extension:

As well, any of these could be due to a conflict between 2 or more extensions.

Looking at your list of extensions, there are some that you probably should not be loading at all:
878507-NPC_Maker_5E is a great extension, but should be used in your development campaign or when you are developing content, not when players are connected.
Token Height most if not all of the capabilities of this extension were incorporated into core FG a long time ago.
DeathIndicatorEx most if not all of the capabilities of this extension were incorporated into core FG a long time ago.
Waterdeep Decal should be obsolete as there has been a updated way to use decals that does not require an extension for even longer.

As you have probably no doubt heard before, if you are going to use 31 extensions, you are going to need to do a lot of testing and research with every update to FG. I suggest that each time an FG update comes out, you do the following;
- Check to see if it updates any rulesets or core application functions, if so do not update until:
- Wait 5-10 days after the update, then
- Check the forum or DMsGuild or Discord thread for each extension and determine if anyone else has reported problems with it
- Update any non-Forge extensions manually
- At least 3 days prior to your gaming session, update and test. Using a second instance of FG to connect as a player and test player things.
- Identify which extensions still have issues and if you can't get a fix before game time, disable it for that session.

Please stop mentioning that FGU can do what DeathIndicatorEX does - it does not. Though really as long as it works for me I'm fine if everyone abandons it I suppose - personally I can't live without the ability to have flaming wrecks placed and removed simply by updating the wounds on the CT but maybe nobody else does.

January 6th, 2024, 15:02
Please stop mentioning that FGU can do what DeathIndicatorEX does - it does not. Though really as long as it works for me I'm fine if everyone abandons it I suppose - personally I can't live without the ability to have flaming wrecks placed and removed simply by updating the wounds on the CT but maybe nobody else does.
I will try to be more clear than saying "most if not all".
I was not aware of the additional capability you speak of even though I used to use your extension.

January 6th, 2024, 17:16
I will try to be more clear than saying "most if not all".
I was not aware of the additional capability you speak of even though I used to use your extension.

No additional - FGU and DI extension have never done the same things - even now (and its not my extension its one I maintain and butcher from time to time).

FGU - will put out a display indicator in the map layers when dead and removed from CT.

DI - will put out a token replacements representing dying/dead/stable as defined by CT entry sheet for DI token (death) and blood indicators (dying) supported for both PC and NPCs. Preserving the orientation and allowing the original token to be replaced when wounds is no longer dead/dying (as in my games we make mistakes and want to easily recover).

Neither do the same things - both are complimentary as they do things the other does not (one is runtime during life of CT entry - other is what is "left" of the remains in the map). I use both.

January 6th, 2024, 17:41
[QUOTE]Token Height most if not all of the capabilities of this extension were incorporated into core FG a long time ago.


Perhaps I donīt understand this- how can I show in FGU in which height somebody is levitating, climbing or flying? And how does FGU calculate ranges to flxing creatures?



January 6th, 2024, 17:44
[QUOTE]Token Height most if not all of the capabilities of this extension were incorporated into core FG a long time ago.


Perhaps I donīt understand this- how can I show in FGU in which height somebody is levitating, climbing or flying? And how does FGU calculate ranges to flxing creatures?



Roll mouse wheel with ALT held - pure FGU no extensions.

January 6th, 2024, 21:51
"You seem to have many hundreds of images shared. Though this is possible, it makes your player connect time very long and hinders your users performance. Periodically unshare images/maps that the players are unlikely to need again"

Thanks, is there a way to unshare lots of maps at the same time or do I have to individually click every one after another?


January 6th, 2024, 21:54
"You seem to have many hundreds of images shared. Though this is possible, it makes your player connect time very long and hinders your users performance. Periodically unshare images/maps that the players are unlikely to need again"

Thanks, is there a way to unshare lots of maps at the same time or do I have to individually click every one after another?

Well, if you shared entire module(s) you can change their share status in the module activation window. But I don't know of a way to bulk unshare individually shared images :( Maybe someone else does.

January 6th, 2024, 22:21
Good Day All :)
I don't know about bulk unsharing, but if you go to the bottom right corner of the to show all the shared images and just go down the list unsharing any you think will not be needed anymore, should not take too long and you can do it between sessions. :)

January 6th, 2024, 22:23
You can type /flushdb in chat and press return (don’t do this whilst players are joined). This will unshare everything that you have shared. However you may not want to do something this drastic. Otherwise you’ll need to unshare one image at a time.