View Full Version : What token vision settings do most people use for 5E

December 28th, 2023, 06:50
Hello. I know that most people will just put "darkvision 60" on the character sheet but do people ever customize the "near, falloff, far, falloff settings? What about torches and candles as well?

Nick Frost
December 28th, 2023, 10:20
IDK about most people. I played with light and LoS settings for a while, but I vastly prefer them off and at most use masking.

December 28th, 2023, 12:26
Hello. I know that most people will just put "darkvision 60" on the character sheet but do people ever customize the "near, falloff, far, falloff settings? What about torches and candles as well?

Most people do not change any settings.

December 28th, 2023, 14:48
I rarely use lightning, but often when I do I will drop the color values so that at least one of the colors has a value of less than 100. This is to prevent stacking whiteout for when two sources overlap. i.e. if two red lights of 255, 150, 150 intersect they will result in an area of 255,255,255 aka white. So instead, make the light 200, 100, 100 and then the areas they overlap will still have a red tint (255,200,200).
Otherwise I use all default settings.

December 28th, 2023, 15:51
Hello. I know that most people will just put "darkvision 60" on the character sheet but do people ever customize the "near, falloff, far, falloff settings? What about torches and candles as well?

Yes, when developing modules I will take some time to create lighting that is appropriate for the descriptions in the text. If, for example, the text says the rooms are dimly lit then I will play around with the range and falloff as well as the alpha channel of the lights to make the room dimly lit. When playing I just use the defaults for darkvision, torches, and lanterns unless it's some special item that has different values.

December 28th, 2023, 17:48
Like Lord Entrails I almost never use/add lighting on maps (ie adding lights to the map) - other than ambient light - because of the additive implementation of light in FGU. While additive light *is* realistic physics, I don't see the point of color map images if they just become white toned washed out. Additive lighting works fine with sepia or blue/white old school maps, though.

I do use party lights - lanterns, spells - and darkvision at the default settings. I've experimented with different settings to avoid the additive lighting effects but the problem I ran into is it's a hassle to change every monster which use the default effects and I don't want to give the party a vision advantage over the monsters with the same vision types/radii.

In areas where there should be some lighting, I usually keep a few monsters on the tracker that I don't unhide. I use these monsters, ie a shrieker, to put default lights on as needed.

All that said I do use some vision settings for special cases. In the jungle or dense fog where you really can't see more than 20 feet or so, I'll put Vision 20 on them or there is a vision restrictor, maxvision? (can't remember the effect off hand). This really adds tension and while I don't usually play with Token movement lock on, I do in that case so make every space of movement full of excitement/tension since often different PCs can see things the others can't.

Likewise I was using a map with some lighting on it and it was really bogging things down so I disabled lighting and vision restricted the PCs to speed things up.

December 28th, 2023, 17:52
In the jungle or dense fog where you really can't see more than 20 feet or so, I'll put Vision 20 on them or there is a vision restrictor, maxvision? (can't remember the effect off hand). This really adds tension and while I don't usually play with Token movement lock on, I do in that case so make every space of movement full of excitement/tension since often different PCs can see things the others can't.