View Full Version : LFG for Campaign on Monday nights

December 24th, 2023, 11:00
My brother and I are looking for a group to join on Monday nights. We prefer 5e but would be okay with PF1 or PF2 as well. I am a veteran DM who has used Fantasy Grounds for several years for our group but I finally want to get a chance to play as a player. I actively have an ongoing in-person game and a weekly online game as a dm. My brother is still very new to DnD and Fantasy Grounds but loves to jump in and play. He is currently in my in-person game that I run and he loves to roleplay and is enjoying dnd and wants to get in a game with me as a player. I have no preference on a class to play he is more focused on barbarian or fighter characters right now. Would love to join anything from someone running the adventure modules to possibly running in their own world. If anyone has room for two players please reach out on here or via Discord. Discord name is JaymzLuke. Thank you!

Ron Lumsden
December 25th, 2023, 18:07
Hello Gentlemen,
if you change your mind and decide to go back to running a game on Monday, I would love to jump on board!
Happy Gaming

December 28th, 2023, 06:55
FG License: I have Unity Ultimate and my brother has standard version
Time Zone: Central Time USA
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Would need something evening our time starting about 6pm CST. We are available Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday throughout the week. Would likely a weekly campaign but ever other week is fine too.
Term: Would prefer a long time play but we would join just about anything to play and roll some dice
Voice: We have discord with cameras as well if needed. Can download any other voice apps if needed though.
Game System Preferred: D&D 5e, PF1, or PF2
Game System Experience: Expert with 5e and PF1. Still fairly new to PF2. My brother is new to all.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: How familiar are you with Fantasy Grounds? I am very adept to FGU and use it regularly for a weekly campaign. Brother is still new to the software.
Character Type Preferred: I can play anything the party needs. My brother is still learning and has focused on melee classes.
About me: See above post. Posting this because I say the template post so I figured I would add this.

December 28th, 2023, 15:38
Hi, I run weekly, long term campaigns. Having said that, I do ask $15 per character, per 3 hour session.
As a recruiting effort, I am going to host free 3 hour sessions during January on nights I am not otherwise hosting.
These are usually Wed, Thurs and Friday. Sessions can start between 6-7pm EST.
I have 1 player in the wings that was interested. I would like to see 3-5 players in order to conduct any session.

I work from Startplaying.games Here is a link to the game.