View Full Version : Finding the skill list

December 21st, 2023, 17:55
Does anyone know where the default skill list the sheet uses lives in files? Been trying to find it since the sheet doesn't allow removing skills, so going to have to edit it in the ruleset to fit it for non-modern settings. Seems like it's referencing a database for the list but I can;t find it in the rlueset riles and its present withuot any modules loaded, so I'm at a bit of a loss

December 21st, 2023, 18:55

December 21st, 2023, 22:11
Also look in the /docs directory for a sample campaign extension and the (old) manual. The manual is old but is still useful for help setting up your own campaign extension. I strongly recommend using a campaign extension instead of modifying scripts/manager_gameline.lua. That script will be reset the next time you update FG. Give me a shout if you need help setting your campaign up.

December 28th, 2023, 23:36
Thanks very much!