View Full Version : New feature request: Countdown

December 18th, 2023, 19:51
A feature that would be helpful for certain game effects would be a countdown feature. One of the limitations of the current way that effects work is that when the duration runs out, they just vanish. Sometimes it would helpful to have something that appeared (rather than disappeared) when the effect expired. For example, someone drank a poison, which has a 10 min delay. When the 10 min is up, I would like to see a reminder of some sort appear to let the GM know that the player needs to roll a save. Looking for the absence of something is a clumsy way to remember it.

I don't have any good suggestions on ways to implement it. Maybe if there was an outer effect and an inner effect, when the outer ran out it put the inner one on with no duration. Like ingested poison onset (Reminder to roll save) 10 min, but in more FGU syntax.

December 18th, 2023, 20:33
Note that the developers ask that feature requests be added to the Wish List, so that they can be tracked, searched, sorted and voted on by community members. http://fgapp.idea.informer.com/

That does not mean that a forum post isn't valuable for discussion. I suggest you do both, and place a link in each one to the other so that people vote on the Wish List and discuss here.

But a forum post alone is a poor means since it will soon get lost in the numerous forum threads.

December 18th, 2023, 21:44
Note that the developers ask that feature requests be added to the Wish List, so that they can be tracked, searched, sorted and voted on by community members. http://fgapp.idea.informer.com/

That does not mean that a forum post isn't valuable for discussion. I suggest you do both, and place a link in each one to the other so that people vote on the Wish List and discuss here.

But a forum post alone is a poor means since it will soon get lost in the numerous forum threads.

An Ideas and Suggestions forum category on these forums would be a great addition, imho. Sub-categories of "Frequently Suggested", "Implemented", "Not Implemented", et.al that ideas could be moved into as appropriate.

December 18th, 2023, 22:25
An Ideas and Suggestions forum category on these forums would be a great addition, imho. Sub-categories of "Frequently Suggested", "Implemented", "Not Implemented", et.al that ideas could be moved into as appropriate.
I don't know of anyone who wishes to manage that. It's not really maintained on the wish list as is, so seems like trying to manage it here as well is a recipe for failure.

I don't disagree that being able to status ideas better would be great, but I also hesitate to have the developers spend more time on status updating requests rather than working on enhancements.

Moon Wizard
December 18th, 2023, 23:06
We used to track on the forum, but it got very unwieldy and required a fair amount of time to manage. That's why we moved to a site that handled wish lists like the one in my signature.


December 19th, 2023, 03:47
I don't know of anyone who wishes to manage that.I don't recall anyone being asked :)

It's not really maintained on the wish list as is, so seems like trying to manage it here as well is a recipe for failure.I think a lot of the disfunction there is "out of sight, out of mind", imho.

I don't disagree that being able to status ideas better would be great, but I also hesitate to have the developers spend more time on status updating requests rather than working on enhancements.Mods manage the lists, bring up the top ideas for what I hope is at least a weekly or bi-weekly SCRUM. Mod updates the statuses based on the SCRUM. Simple matter to update top ideas to "Will Not Implement", "Under Consideration", "Will Implement", "Implemented"..et.al.

December 19th, 2023, 04:36
You say that no one is being asked to do the work, but then you say the mods can update the lists, hold scrums, update statuses etc.
Sounds like you are asking someone to do the work :)

I'm not saying that such work isn't valuable, but it's not my place to prioritize it. Plus I think you misunderstand a few things.
- The forum Mods (like myself) are not SmiteWorks employees. I don't see any mods stepping up to do manage part of the forums like you are suggesting, though they are welcome to.
- Smitework employees do participate and monitor the forums, but they generally try not to have to manage it (and we have such a great community they rarely have to)
- Yes it appears SmiteWorks uses Agile development methodology, I don't see them working in kanban, but rather sprints and increments (based on a few comments here and there). So it would be more likely that the wish list would get evaluated ~quarterly, not bi-weekly.

I do wish the devs (SW employees) would keep the Wish List status more up to date. But I also understand why they don't. And it's not just the time it takes would not be spent developing, but also because sometimes communities end up spending a lot of time debating the decisions of the developers. Resulting in the devs taking even more time away from development to justify their decisions. Transparency is a double edged sword, it can help build community engagement & loyalty, but it can also turn into a nightmare and time sink and divide a community.

Just so I'm clear:
- I am not intending to discourage your idea, I'm glad you brought it up
- Your idea is good, and your participation in the community is valuable to me and imo the whole community
- I hope my comments can be viewed as another perspective, and perhaps some insight. All in hope of your consideration and perhaps making your participation even more valuable