View Full Version : LFP : Ongoing DnD 5e campaigns on Friday or Saturday

December 9th, 2023, 01:11
FG License type: GM is running Ultimate Fantasy Grounds Unity. Players can use any license type.
Game: D&D 5e
Location/Timezone: UK / London time. English speaking group.
Experience: New can work, veterans should feel at home

Schedule: 2 Groups, both run weekly with rare exceptions. Ongoing campaigns.
Friday 19:00 - 23:00.
Saturday 14:00 - 23:00 (1 hour dinner break).

Roles sought: Players.
Friday group has 4 players so would be nice to have an extra.
Saturday group has 3 players so it wants 1-2 extras.

Game style: We generally use 5e "Rules as Written "except when that feels wrong. Both groups generally prefer stealth and talking over combat but can solve problems with force where necessary. We like to make time in game for RP / "fluff" but also operate on a Discord server with channels for various conversations - player planning, characters chatting in sub-groups while having watches etc.

Both groups have had a common player unexpectedly depart recently and we're a bit at a loss in how one goes about finding people, hence this post! Ideally we want people who will take part in the RP as well as the problem solving and combat. Characters aren't super min/max'd but also not built as massively suboptimal concept characters.

Please note that one of the groups has a Trans player. You'll need to be accepting of this to join either group since we all share one Discord.

Friday group
Friday 19:00 - 23:00. Discord used for voice comms along with FGU as VTT. Next session on 15th Dec and then a break until January.

This group started May 2022 and has just hit Level 6. They were sent to deliver some messages from their home village and it's not been straightforward! They are running through something based on Descent into Avernus. Current party composition is:

Celestial Warlock/Cleric (of Lathander). Human from the same village as most of the party.
Battlemaster Fighter. Tiefling who would love to have herself some wings.
Lore Bard. Half Elf whom the party found as a street urchin in Baldur's Gate.
Evoker Mage. Deep Gnome who was brought up by Dwarves.
(Retiring when there's a good place for it) Swashbuckler Rogue. Kobold brought up more or less alongside the Deep Gnome.
A few NPCs/familiars and a flying miniature mammoth.
Currently we have 4 players (M and F) covering ages 17-50 with :

Decades of continuous experience across multiple systems. Is also GM'ing the Saturday group.
Decades of experience with gaps across multiple systems.
A little bit of Rogue Trader experience some years ago.
This was their first RPG group though they've already joined a 2nd group, son of one of the above players.

Saturday group
Saturday 14:00 - 23:00 with an hour for dinner around 19:00. We use Skype for voice comms and FGU as VTT. Next session on 16th Dec and then a break until January.

This group started 2020 ish and has just hit Level 11. It has completed Tomb of Annihilation, one of the Heists and a bit of the first 3 levels of Undermountain. Long term goal is to destroy a bunch of phylacteries found at the bottom of the Tomb of Annihilation, or establish an organization that has a chance of achieving that. The one that we've managed to Legend Lore so far has references to a place called Ansalon which so far eludes the group. Our current activity is trying to sort out the orphaned Drow children we found in Undermountain. Luckily we'd tidied the adult bodies away enough that the kids had no reason to ask awkward questions of us. At least yet.

Current party composition is:

Vengeance Paladin / Hexblade Warlock. Devout follower of the Raven Queen. Tiefling who's research into his parentage has taken some curious twists.
Divine Soul Sorceror / Celestial Warlock. She's an Elven follower of Sehanine
Swashbuckler Rogue and a Dwarf from Chult.
(Retiring to Waterdeep) Forge Cleric. Warforged raised by Dwarves and follower of Moradin.
(Retiring to Waterdeep) Eloquence Bard / Soulknife Rogue. Half Elf
(Retiring to Waterdeep) Evoker Mage. Human educated in Waterdeep.

Currently we have 3 players (M and F) aged roughly 40-50 covering:

Decades of experience with gaps across multiple systems. Is also GM'ing the Friday group.
Decades of experience with gaps across multiple systems.
Was new to RGPs when the group started.

I assume you can message me here as well if you have private questions or, of course, respond in this thread. My Discord name is BasilVulpine if you want to ask further questions there. I manage the Discord server we use and GM the Friday group.

December 9th, 2023, 12:30
Sent you a DM.

December 9th, 2023, 15:56
Just sent you a DM

December 10th, 2023, 22:19
We are probably full on both groups at this point. I'll still take extra names just in case some of the current prospects don't mesh with the party but it is looking promising.