View Full Version : LFG - 1 Player - Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat - 5PM^ UTC - Starfinder/5E

December 6th, 2023, 01:45
FG License: Ultimate (forever DM last 4 years)
Time Zone: UTC (British)
Days of week: Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri, Sat
Times Available: Typically any time from 5PM^
Frequency: Weekly
Term: Long term or one shot hopper
Comms software: happy to use any
Comms use: happy to use video and voice chat

Game System Pref: listed preference first

Anything goes

Game System XP: most experienced in first

5E (DM & Player, 4 years)
Starfinder (Player, 3 months)
Alien (DM, 2 months)

Fantasy Grounds XP: 800+ hours, 70% as DM.

Character Type Pref: Versatile based on group needs. My character choices tend to be made with the following logic:

what skill gaps does the party have?
what combat roles does the party need?
create something fun for me that fits the party equation.
lean towards versatile builds over min-max specialists.

About me: I'm my friend groups forever DM and I need to stretch my player legs. So I'm looking outside my usual circle.

I'm relaxed and like a laugh so games that allow for out of character banter is likely best.

I don't gravitate to one type of game style, I'm the sort of gamer who just likes to get the most out of the games in front of me.

If you make it combat heavy I'll rock up with my Clausewitz strategy hat on, if you give me roleplay I'll do my best to think like my character and if your lucky I'll do a pantomime level performance with it, if you give me exploration, puzzles and relic hunting you damn well better believe I'll be playing the Indiana Jones theme in my head while trying to out run any giant boulders.

I pick up games systems very quickly and I'm open to trying anything out. I've put starfinder as a preference because I already know I like it and want to get more of it if I can.
