View Full Version : LFP Fridays EST 7:00 p.m. Vaesen

December 3rd, 2023, 07:56
FG License: Ultimate
Game System: Vaesen
Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Time: weekly, Friday at 7:00 p.m. for 2.5 hours
Text or Voice: Voice (Discord). No video, no recording, and no streaming.

We have played a lot of different games in FG over the years such as D&D, ALIEN, Shadow of the Demon Lord, and Rolemster. Vaesen is next. We have gradually come to know each other, and like to chat a little bit about real life. We are all easy-going and no one ever argues about rules. (We have zero tolerance for that.) Actual role playing / voice acting does happen (and it is much enjoyed) but it is limited, since we are a bit shy.
We are looking for someone who fits in and who has a decent voice connection without background noise (i.e., feedback, television in the background, poor internet connection causing broken voice, etc.).

Vaesen is "Ghost Busters" in the nineteenth century. It is a rules-light, and there is an expectation that you do not die (you get injuries instead of dying). No experience needed. After we play Vaesen for a few adventures, we will are going to consider the possibility of playing the CoC mega campaign Masks of Nyarlathotep using Vaesen rules.