View Full Version : LFP 3-6 Players Sunday 4-8 PM ET Curse of Strahd

The Black Dugal
December 2nd, 2023, 23:24
Curse of Strahd 5e! This is my third time running and it gets better every time. Come join me for a true gothic horror experience. Not like your typical Forgotten Realms game. We have 3 players locked in and will accept up to 3 more. DM me if interested and sign up on game calendar, join discord server...1st session is scheduled for 12/10!
DM FG License: Fantasy Grounds Unity Standard required
Game System: D&D 5e
Day: Sunday
Time of Day: 4 PM
Time Zone: ET
Duration and Frequency: Bi-Weekly
Voice/Text: Voice required (Discord)
Number of Players in game & needed: 3-6
Character starting level: 5.
Permitted Source Books: PHB, VRGtR
Permitted/Restricted Player Options: VRGtR character creation rules
Setting/Adventure Info: Gothic Earth, Ravenloft

Join Discord server using this link https://discord.gg/DcCCkdyx and sign-up on game calendar using the link below:
Link to game calendar: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/index.xcp?id=6667