View Full Version : Character Wizard

November 29th, 2023, 19:06
Selecting Race - bugbear, class - wizard, and selecting 2nd cantrip will always result in console error...

[11/29/2023 1:01:50 PM] [ERROR] Script execution error: attempt to compare two userdata values

November 29th, 2023, 19:52
I can't reproduce this. Any other steps other than selecting class/race/spells that need to be considered?

November 29th, 2023, 19:58
I can't reproduce this. Any other steps other than selecting class/race/spells that need to be considered?

Don't see how you can't duplicate it. No extensions.


If you tell me your not in TEST (as this post is in Laboratory) I'll have to thwack you on the nose with a rolled up wet newspaper...

November 29th, 2023, 20:09
OK, I can replicate now; seems like there was an update which I hadn't noticed. So whatever was updated most recently seems to be causing the issue.

Also it doesn't seem to matter what race is selected.

November 29th, 2023, 20:13
Yeah the whole thing is being rewritten... again. I only noticed as I have an extension I had to spend 6 hours modifying to get working again. Just wanted to test it all out from start to end when i blew up - then ran campaign with no extensions and still blew up.

November 29th, 2023, 21:46
I have a fix pushed for review. It will be available with the next TEST build.

Moon Wizard
November 30th, 2023, 02:31
I have pushed the new Test build.


November 30th, 2023, 03:50
No more crash but after I select wizard - 3 cantrips and 1 level 1 - selecting the cantrip or 1 buttons give me the wrong results. I've seen 2 pop up on cantrips - and other random combinations of the 4 things I've selected. That's assuming the cantrip list and level 1 list presented to me were correct which I think they were.

I suggest testing actually creating something all the way through that uses the most stuff you present - high elf on races - wizard and spells - not sure what class and race equipment is as I never seem to see any in my data sets but that may just be me. But I'd check it all the way through a creation.

November 30th, 2023, 09:22
From what I have read, you are not seeing the filtering buttons working correctly on the known spells?

I tested each spell casting class and was not able to replicate the filtering buttons acting in that manner. I did however remove the new sorting function to ensure that is not the issue as that is the only new bit of code.

November 30th, 2023, 14:28
From what I have read, you are not seeing the filtering buttons working correctly on the known spells?

I tested each spell casting class and was not able to replicate the filtering buttons acting in that manner. I did however remove the new sorting function to ensure that is not the issue as that is the only new bit of code.

Correct. I basically can jump straight into wizard - pick spells - pick the first 3 cantrips that show - then pick 1 and pick first spell... then go back and hit cantrips or 1 buttons and they show 2 in cantrips and 2 in 1 - which is wrong.

November 30th, 2023, 19:12
From what I have read, you are not seeing the filtering buttons working correctly on the known spells?

I tested each spell casting class and was not able to replicate the filtering buttons acting in that manner. I did however remove the new sorting function to ensure that is not the issue as that is the only new bit of code.

My mistake in thinking the first default list was the cantrips when it was a blend of all. Was not expecting to have to click a filter as did not see use of one unfiltered list (when I'm trying to pick cantrip or level spells to fill quota - I'm not smart enough to know one spell name is a cantrip or level just from name). Anyway all good - was my mistake. Will always make sure players have a button selected for filtering when filling out cantrip/known/level stuff.