View Full Version : Modules invisible to FGU

November 29th, 2023, 16:06
I am hoping someone can help ...

I have a module that I wanted to add some maps and content to. In the past what I have done is to open the module as a Campaign, add text, items, maps, NPCs etc and then Export. I usually change the name by adding the suffix "verX". All works perfectly until today. The updated (with new name) module is in the folder but cannot be seen by FGU and is thus invisible. Having (I thought) sensibly removed the older versions, on placing them back in the folder ... FGU cannot see these either even though they were visible minutes before.

Any ideas?

Exporting updated/amended modules don't throw any Error messages at all and ...the exported module can be found in the folder but not by FGU ... I'm stuck!

November 29th, 2023, 16:27
You might try opening the console after you try exporting and see if there are any clues. My personal experience with things like this is it's a typo somehow, though it's also possible something got corrupt. Maybe it's possible you ended up two different versions of the same data?

I'd try creating an entirely new campaign and then copy the db.xml into it, along with any images and export to an entirely new name and see what happens.

November 29th, 2023, 16:48
Try /reload or exiting FG and relaunching it. I don't think the module folder gets re-read unless you do one of those.

November 29th, 2023, 17:03
Try /reload or exiting FG and relaunching it. I don't think the module folder gets re-read unless you do one of those.

November 29th, 2023, 18:56
Are you doing the adding in the campaign that you created the original module in? You can't open a module in a campaign and add to it (unless you copy everything in the module first); you can only export that which you have created in the campaign. It's also inherently bad to open a module in the same campaign that you created the module in. You'll end up editing the wrong thing and then exporting basically a blank module.

If you can post the module here then we could have a look to see if we can figure out what you might have done.