View Full Version : FGU crashing player's computer

November 23rd, 2023, 21:29
We only play for a couple of hours each week so the timeline is a little exaggerated.

About a month or so ago one of my players machine started crashing. Not just FGU but the whole system, black screen and completely unresponsive. The machine functions normally if FGU is not running.

We were using a custom map for Tomb of Horrors. This same map has been in use for months. What happens is the player loads the map and as soon as they try to move their character the machine crashes. I updated the graphics drivers with no improvement. I then set up the game with no extensions or added modules and it still happens. We tried running a deferent dungeon and it looked like it was working for about 2 minutes and then it crashed again. As an experiment I went in and disabled dynamic lighting and we were able to complete the session. Then just as another experiment I put the character back on the Tomb of Horrors map with lighting disabled and it worked for about 45 seconds before crashing again.

I'm at my wits end trying to figure out what's going on. I'm going over to their house for Turkey day and I'll check out their log files but I'm not hopeful. BTW all the other players machines work fine.


November 23rd, 2023, 22:13
The log files may hold some answers. It is possible that the player is running out of memory. Check how much memory FG is using when the campaign is running. It is also possible that some installation files have become corrupted so a reinstall may fix that. It could also be anti virus software interfering. If you post the log files here it may help point us in the right direction.

Moon Wizard
November 24th, 2023, 01:08
Most likely, this is a graphics driver or hardware issue (memory/graphics) manifesting itself. Application "crashes" generally cannot black/blue screen a machine; as applications are fenced off by the OS to capture crashes to prevent the whole machine from failing.

Make sure that the user is running the latest OS version, latest graphics driver version and check their memory as @Zaccaheus suggests.
Also, you may be able to check the OS system event logs to see if anything was reported during the black screen event.
