View Full Version : Difficulty and Compliactions do not seem to be working for me

November 23rd, 2023, 14:25
Hi all.

Ive been doing some testing and trying a combat and clicking the D or the C buttons do not seem to affect the player attack rolls.
for example I click the D2 button as GM and the chat still states a hit with one success not the intended two successes needed. (to apply for medium range for example)

The same happend for the complication increase.

Am im dong this wrong?


November 23rd, 2023, 14:30
ok seems to work with skill tests ok

November 23rd, 2023, 15:12
The complication setting works for me in Combat. The d20 result in the chat box gets a red box around it when it activates. (I set it to C4, and the 17 and 19 I rolled did get the red box). Are you using a theme different from the default Fallout theme?

The difficulty setting (in combat) is determined by what/who the character has targeted. I don't think the "D setting buttons" have any impact in combat, and I'm pretty sure that is by design. That way you don't have two different inputs giving different difficulty settings to the die roll. If the character doesn't have a target selected, the chat result for the die roll just tells you how many successes you have but doesn't make a "hit/no hit" adjudication.

November 23rd, 2023, 15:12
Combat uses a combination of effects and the rules for the system in handling combat. The desktop buttons don't play a part in that functionality.

November 23rd, 2023, 15:16
OK is there a effect i can use to alter the success difficulty, just it might confuse the players if i increase the diffculity to 2 and they see one success hits.


November 23rd, 2023, 15:24
Yes! Head to the Effects menu and add a custom effect with everything between the asterisks:

*Difficulty Increase; DEFENSE: 1*

I've set mine up for difficulty increases from 1 to 5. When someone is targeting a target that needs a difficulty increase, I just grab the corresponding effect and drag and drop it on the target. Then I delete it when no longer needed.

November 23rd, 2023, 15:27
Here is a list of basic effects you can create and drag and drop onto characters:


November 23rd, 2023, 15:34
Thanks everyone your a great help