View Full Version : 5e Ruleset Character Selection Window Not Populating/delayed

November 19th, 2023, 22:25
It's taking 15 minutes or more for players to see their characters load in the character selection window. I checked for updates today, as did players.

Tested in several different campaigns. Unloaded all extensions.

Logs attached (if I did it right, sorry first time using this message board), any help would be amazing.

November 19th, 2023, 22:29
You've got about 60 extensions loaded there. It's possible the delay may be caused by one of those.

Try a brand new campaign with no extensions - do you see the same issue?

November 19th, 2023, 22:31
You've got about 60 extensions loaded there. It's possible the delay may be caused by one of those.

Try a brand new campaign with no extensions - do you see the same issue?

Crap. That was the first set of logs before I unloaded them all maybe?

I’ll go compile again. Thank you for your help.

November 20th, 2023, 00:41
I'm having the same issue and I have unloaded all addons (only had like 8)... but same issue tonight for me also.

November 20th, 2023, 01:29
I'm not able to reproduce with a new campaign with no extensions, connecting a player instance via localhost and only the PHB loaded.

How many characters do you have in the Character Selection window? How many modules do the players have loaded?

November 20th, 2023, 01:43
I think I messed up that reply:

1) Last test was with no extensions. Normally I have one theme (from published stuff) and run 5 addon extensions for MNM - like Combat Statistics.
2) 19 Characters are within the window available to me as the GM. I have eight players and each has 1-2 chars.
3) There are 16 available mods for them to load via Module activation.

Players stated it was 10-20 mins for characters to appear. Out of an abundance of caution I cancelled the game this week since I wasn't sure what beyond this might be happening.

Moon Wizard
November 20th, 2023, 02:37
The time to load is directly proportional to the amount of data that needs to be sent to each client. When a player first connects, the tabletop immediately loads with the ruleset/extension files; and any shared data, shared images, shared modules and character data are streamed to the client. If your campaign shares a lot of data, lots of shared images, lots of modules or characters are very large; this can cause delays before the actual character data is received.

My guess is that you have extensions which are force loading modules, loading lots of large images, and/or other loads of data sharing.

To reset, you can try these steps:
* Turn off all extensions.
* Use /flushdb to clear all record sharing in the campaign while it is loaded on the GM client.
* Have the players delete the cache folder for that campaign and reconnect individually to allow them to rebuild their cache of characters without any modules loading.


November 20th, 2023, 03:25
I’ll try this, thank you.

I’m somewhat skeptical; it’s happened with 3 different player groups in 3 different campaigns since this week’s update. These are campaigns that all loaded fine the previous week. I’ve added nothing in terms of modules or extensions to any of them since their previous sessions.

Moon Wizard
November 20th, 2023, 03:53
Since the GM machine is the "server" for Fantasy Grounds, it's possible that something has changed in the GM network that could be slowing/throttling things as well. We have a wiki article that looks at various settings on machines/routers that could impact network performance. That's probably worth a review as well.


November 20th, 2023, 04:06
Thank you again. I really do appreciate the responses.

Definitely went through possible network issues. (Spent time as a network engineer in a former life, so while I’m by no means an expert these days I am fluent enough to troubleshoot that side of things.) speed and latency this week were consistent with the past.

Normally when one of the Tuesday updates gobs something up for me it’s an extension, so disabling all extensions was one of my early attempts as well. (Haven’t been back around to try again and grab newer logs than the one above.)

November 20th, 2023, 15:37
If you have lots of image assets, it can impact all campaigns. The other possibility I can think of it a player's network. Since FG is single threaded, if one player suddenly has a throttled connection, it could impact all players. I'll try to hang out on Discord for a bit in the FG Support channel. Maybe myself or another person could try joining your campaign and see if the problem persists for us. https://discord.gg/Ha9bgnH9