View Full Version : SWADE Templates with area effect attacks

November 16th, 2023, 01:18

Noob question here. Does the official FGU SWADE rule set have area effect attack templates? I can't seem to find them. If they are there, where can I find them? Also, is there a place that show you how to use them. I purchased the ones made by Pinnacle that are on Drivethrurpg, but can't find any documentation on how to use them. I believe that they are .PNG files and the card files that I purchased are .PDFs. Thanks,


Mike Serfass
November 16th, 2023, 02:13
They're part of the Savage Worlds/SWADE setting.
On a map, right click. Radial buttons appear.
Select the arrow at the 11:00 position. If you hover over it, a tool tip appears that says "pointer".
Click the arrow button. Another set of radial buttons appears.
Those are the templates. Tool tips appear if you hover over each one to tell you which template it is.
Click on one, then click and drag anywhere on the map. It will draw the template.
You don't have to drag very much.
The template has a tiny dot in the center when you hover over it. That very tiny dot allows you to drag the template around the map.
For templates of dynamic size, hold down both mouse buttons and drag. That draws an arrow.
Hold Ctrl while doing that it draws a circle.
Holding Alt draws a cone.
Holding Shift draws a circle.
Holding Alt+F4 while you do that closes FGU. Never press Alt+F4.
The second radial, where you select a template, allows you to remove the selected template or all templates.
Templates are drawn in the color you select in settings. So every player's templates and pointers can be identified. Unless they all pick black, which they sometimes do.

And, welcome to FGU / SWADE / the forum!

November 16th, 2023, 16:03
Thank you!