View Full Version : Any More Shadow World Modules for FGU Planned?

November 14th, 2023, 15:08
We are presently using the Green Gryphon Inn module for Shadow World. It seems to be the only one. Does anyone know if there are plans to bring in the dozen or so other modules? If so, when. If not, why?

[I tried to find a thread with this info but could not]


November 14th, 2023, 19:15
Because ICE doesn't take expanding the player base and options seriously so there is a very small market for their products. I concur that i would love to see all the Shadow World stuff in FGU as well as many more publications. It has literally taken them 12 years to get RMU finished and it is still not fully published.

November 15th, 2023, 02:28
Because ICE doesn't take expanding the player base and options seriously so there is a very small market for their products. I concur that i would love to see all the Shadow World stuff in FGU as well as many more publications. It has literally taken them 12 years to get RMU finished and it is still not fully published.

That is indeed a bummer if true. I just figured it was pure profit to sell the modules in FGU form. And if they need people to do the conversions, I am sure there are many people that would be willing (myself included). I mean they could even double-dip, pay for the graphical components and NPC/monster stat blocks, then still require people to have the PDFs for the story. I don't care, it just needs to get done or it is a dead world for VTT. And dead world == dead game.

November 15th, 2023, 09:32
And if they need people to do the conversions, I am sure there are many people that would be willing (myself included). I mean they could even double-dip, pay for the graphical components and NPC/monster stat blocks, then still require people to have the PDFs for the story.
For official conversions the FG conversion would have to be the whole product - i.e. stand-alone.

If you're interested in doing official product conversions then please email [email protected] and discuss further.

November 15th, 2023, 17:35
If you want to make FGU modules for selling here is the link giving you the procedure.


Basic rule of thumb is if the module is on DriveThruRPG you can port it to FGU. If it isn't that is because ICE wasn't able to get everyone's release on the product way back when ICE went through their partial implosion so FGU will put the kibosh on anything other than what's on DriveThruRPG.

It is pretty straight forward but I can attest, from publishing C&T II and III (coming out soon), Heroes and Rogues as well as Oriental Companion, it is a time consuming affair.

I'm happy to answer any questions as far as Rolemaster specific content creation.

November 16th, 2023, 16:02
How about some more RM Companions....

November 16th, 2023, 16:26
Same situation with the RM companions. I have personally remade RMC2,3,4 and 5 as well as the Elemental Companion and am currently working on 6 but I can publish any of them because ICE didn't get the authors to agree to a licensing agreement back in the day when the ICE implosion hit. You are able to make the companions for yourself to use in your campaigns but you cannot sell them (unless you are willing to take the legal risk of getting sued by those same authors).

I know that's not the answer you were hoping for and it gets worse. Current ICE management has abandoned trying to get those agreements in place because they are 100% focused on Rolemaster Unity. That system will be able to be published on FGU without issue.

November 16th, 2023, 23:15
Put it this way, if you don’t see it here, it likely can’t be officially converted:

That is the list of what ICE has licenses to sell

November 17th, 2023, 05:07
Better yet, write an adventure and publish it. That's what I'm working on!

November 17th, 2023, 15:30
That is an awesome suggestion Grimbold11. I wish I had that level of creativity.

November 17th, 2023, 15:50
Heh, you give me far more credit than I deserve! But in all seriousness, I think anyone who can run a Rolemaster campaign (not a small feat in itself!) is likely capable of bundling up their adventure and publishing it even if they just make it a free download for others to use.

November 17th, 2023, 20:42
Heh, you give me far more credit than I deserve! But in all seriousness, I think anyone who can run a Rolemaster campaign (not a small feat in itself!) is likely capable of bundling up their adventure and publishing it even if they just make it a free download for others to use.

I would like to do this at some point, but I wasn't sure what the rules were regarding Shadow World IP. For instance if my module is some dungeon under a known country/city in Shadow World and I use a lot of the known timeline and people/places/things in that world, is that OK? Or does it all have to be non-canon homebrew?

And RajekPlathmos, are you suggesting I can take any module on drivethrurpg and port it into FGU? for instance Jaiman, Land of Twilight (https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/251118/shadow-world-jaiman-land-of-twilight)? Is this because they get a cut of the sales for when people buy that FGU module? If so, I'll gladly do it. I jsut don't want to do a ton of work only to have it banned.

I'll try emailing [email protected]. I thought posting here would be a good first step to learn.

November 17th, 2023, 20:52
You are correct. If the module is on DriveThruRPG then you can apply to get permission from FGU to convert it to the RMC ruleset. This link will give you the steps you need to follow to get approved as well as technical requirements for the different artefacts you will be creating...


If you have any other questions let me know and I'll do what I can to help.

November 27th, 2023, 19:58
So as far as publishable sourcebooks the below list is what I have compiled as ones that haven't been converted yet...

1) Creatures & Treasures III -> this sourcebook will be released in the near future as I just received confirmation that it has passed the final hurdle for publication.
2) Sea Law -> There isn't much reason to make this into a FGU module unless an extension is created to handle ship to ship combat. I have been looking into how easy that can be.
3) Castles and Ruins -> This one could be converted with little issue.
4) Rolemaster Rome -> This one could be converted with little issue. Unfortunately, Mythic Greece and Robin Hood sourcebooks are not on DriveThruRPG so they can't be converted which is a pity because I love Mythic Greece.
5) At Rapier's Point -> This one could be converted with little issue.

If there are any other sourcebooks I've overlooked please reply to this thread and let us know.

There are only 2 adventure modules created so far...
1) Tales from the Green Gryphon Inn
2) Dun Cru

There are a large number of books on DriveThruRPG for the Shadow World campaign setting. Right now I have not put any effort into making any of them. Right now, I'm focusing on sourcebook modules so that when I port my campaign world over to FGU I will have all the foundational material created.

It would be great if others would be interested in creating these modules. They do take time and you need to understand FGU and the RMC ruleset very well but once you get through that steep learning curve creation becomes much easier.

If any of you want to get involved in creating content for FGU you are best to start with this link as it gives you the process as to how to get your module published...

If you are going to make any of the adventures (or perhaps publish your own adventures) the below link I found to be very helpful...

There are also numerous people on this forum as well as on the FGU Discord Rolemaster server that can help with tips and insight. If you don't have FGU on your Discord server list here is a link to it...

I implore any of you who are interested in creating content to just jump in and start building. Your first module will take a lot of time and you will probably have to start from scratch numerous times (at least I did) but seeing your final product on the FGU store of the Forge you will feel a sense of pride.

My apologies if I sound preachy. When I jumped into making publishable modules I thought I was going to drown but once I got the hang of it I really found making modules fun and satisfying. So take a look at the info above and if you have questions feel free to post to the forum or direct message me.


November 27th, 2023, 21:48
Very helpful, thank you!

November 28th, 2023, 13:26
You're welcome.

November 28th, 2023, 16:52
Well if you convert the RMSS companions to RMC then this would expand a bit. It is a shame they haven't gotten at least some of the standard RMC Companions out. There is really useful data in there...particularly the more complete set of skills. Frankly, i think there is a fundamental misunderstanding of copyright law by Iron Crown on these issues, but its systemic at this point. Of course, it would be nice to have Spacemaster 2 content that works with RMC and the skill in the Spacemaster companions that are for sale on DriveThru RPG are the same skills, mostly, as the RMC Companions that are not for sale.

November 28th, 2023, 19:14
While a lot of Spacemaster's functionality is a match for the RMC ruleset there is a major difference on how the attack tables are used which would require either an extension or a change to the core ruleset to handle the difference. Basically this is the same issue that faces getting Sea Law produced. I can do it but there wouldn't be any useful automation. As far as the copyright law goes we are limited by what ICE is willing to do. They are 100% focused on Rolemaster Unity so they don't / won't take time to try to enable the foundational Rolemaster that RMU is taking off from.

I can definitely sympathize with the frustration out there for this situation.

November 28th, 2023, 19:23
do what i did, move to the world of greyhawk! lol easy conversion. tons of info for campaigns.