View Full Version : LFG : New playering wanting to learn and make friends

November 13th, 2023, 15:49
FG License: FGU Standard
Time Zone: EST (GMT -5)
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Weekdays available after 5 PM EST. Weekends are flexible/open
Term: Open to different scenarios. I am a new player and looking to learn.
Voice: Yes - Currently have Discord

Game System Preferred: Open
Game System Experience: I have some basic understand of DnD listening to pod casts and watching a friend play.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: I am new to FGU and DnD in general

Character Type Preferred: I am flexible. Just wanting to have fun and interesting experiences.
About me: If your group is serious/hardcore I probably wouldn't be a good fit. Since I am learning chances are I will have side conversations, questions and out of character interations.
I would like to find a group that can help me learn, let me make horrible choices to see how those play out and will laugh along with me when it all goes wrong for me.

November 13th, 2023, 17:57
Heya :) Good to see someone new. I'm also looking to make new friends an perhaps start a game. I have a FGU Ultimate license with DCC and AD&D modules. I can be added on Discord (My username is .mechatoine).
Hope to talk to you soon.

December 2nd, 2023, 00:43
If you guys ever get started and have room for one more newb, I would like to join. Have only been around for a week, have fair understanding of FG and 5e. Would like to have an easy time to walk through early levels and get a feel for the game. I am available most evenings (EST). Thanks for reading!

December 2nd, 2023, 15:20
I have a FGU Ultimate license with DCC and AD&D modules.

Good to see more DCC players!

Welcome nsult it's good to see new blood!

Aladars Assets
December 8th, 2023, 03:15
Hey, did you folks find a welcoming group to get you started on your FGU / DnD 5e journey? I'm a member of a small Discord community (about 20 active players & DMs) that plays DnD games a few times a week. We're new player friendly, in fact I'm often the DM teaching new folks the game. If you haven't gotten started and would like to be introduced to the game/software/community, let me know. We typically play in the evenings, US Eastern time zone, English using FGU (we all have Ultimate Edition for hosting Demo players).

I'd be happy to show you around FG, create a character and run a little mini combat. We've got DM's who host games 4-5 times a week, and members can sign up for sessions that interest them. All free, no cost.

I'm Aladar on the Bethica Discord. Jump in and say hi if you're interested.


December 10th, 2023, 16:03
Hey there, I am hosting 2 free introductory sessions this week to introduce new players to D&D 5e and Fantasy Grounds. They will be on Weds and Thurs this week, each at 7pm EST.
These one-shots are for up to 5 characters and will last just 1 hour each. Select from a list of pre-gens (to save time) and play a number of encounters, depending on how many sign up.
All you need is any version of Fantasy Grounds Unity, Discord and a microphone.

I am posting at least 1 of these sessions every week. While they are all at 7pm, a time to your liking can be requested by messaging me in Startplaying.games.
I have been hosting games from startplaying for almost 2 years now and provide these free 1 hour sessions to meet new players and players to meet other players.

Here is a link to this weeks sessions. Sign in to startplaying.games.


December 13th, 2023, 00:16
hello game master here i run coc7e , savage worlds:Dead End ,savage worlds:Dead lands 1ss edition, savage worlds:fantasy,Icons heroes assembled i am looking for players to add to my main group or one offs or creation of a seperate group if need be if you interested message ma and we will see how we mix.