View Full Version : languages in 5e with Chat Frame

October 31st, 2023, 15:12
Hello, do we have any ways to show in chat menu text from "chat frame" paragraph option in another then common fantasy language (orc for example)?

October 31st, 2023, 15:48
If I'm understanding you question you can add any language(s) you want to the drop down by pushing the options (gear) button at the top right in the "Tools" section then clicking the "Languages" button at the bottom left. This could be affected by the ruleset though I think its a CoreRPG function.

Edit: it is a CoreRPG function but the bottom buttons may have a different order/number based on the ruleset. The screenshot is from 5E.

October 31st, 2023, 15:56
Not quite what I mean. In stories we can choose "chat box" type of paragraph. When I click on that paragraph in story it copy text from the story to chat. I want to use it but text must be in Infernal Language. I know that I can copy text from story, insert it in chat and choose language, but I want to know is it possible to do that with "chat box' paragraph type? It will be more conveniet for me to just click on the chat box and text appears in the chat window in Infernal Language.

October 31st, 2023, 16:35
You can assign a speaker to the chat frame, but I do not think is will use that as the language. What you need to do is before you click the chat buble to send it to chat, change the language drop down in the chat window to Orcish (etc) and then click the bubble to send it to chat.

October 31st, 2023, 16:54
You can assign a speaker to the chat frame, but I do not think is will use that as the language. What you need to do is before you click the chat buble to send it to chat, change the language drop down in the chat window to Orcish (etc) and then click the bubble to send it to chat.

It doesn't work. I choose Infernal but if i click on bubble text that pasted in chat is in common.

October 31st, 2023, 17:26
If you assign a speaker to the chat bubble and then select the language from the drop down menu in chat and then press the chat bubble it will add the text in the language you selected. In order to see the text in chat in the chosen language you need to have a player connected - and the language will only show in the player's chat. See attached screenshots of the DM and Player screen using the above method.

October 31st, 2023, 20:07
Ohhh, thank you! Now I undestand this

November 3rd, 2023, 14:30
Ohhh, thank you! Now I undestand this

If you want to insert a speaker of your own accord, such as DM/GM, NPC, within a given chat box frame, use CTRL+Tab. If you need more than one paragraph in a chat frame use Shift+Enter for your next line or space. Assignment of a font via the chat frame is not initiated via the chat frame dialog as stated below.