View Full Version : LFP Curse of Strahd CST Sat, 6-9ish 3-4 players needed Sess0 11/4 2nd level

October 29th, 2023, 06:49
FG License: I have Ultimate. All you need is the Demo
Game System: D&D 5e

Time Zone: Central Time USA
Day of week and time: Saturday, 6 pm-9 pm ish.
New game, the planned start date: 11/4/23, session zero
Planned Duration & Frequency: the first 3 to 4 weekends of the month as the last one I have to work.
Term: We are looking at six months to a year and a half. Most have finished just over a year. May continue past if the group wants.

Text or Voice: Voice text is okay sometimes but not frequently, as it is hard to keep the flow.
Main Language used: English Only.
Voice software used: Discord. I will require free accounts on Scabard.com and Syrinscape.com.
Will this be recorded and/or live-streamed? No, no webcam is needed. The game may be audio recorded for notetaking it will be discussed in session zero.

Roleplay & Combat mix: it's party-dependent in the past. We had sessions that were mostly combat and others where it was all roleplay and every version in between.
Number of Players in-game & needed: I have one player, need 3-4 more
Character starting level & equipment: you will start at 2nd level. Equipment will be discussed in session zero.
Character restrictions: None as long as it is in an Official book, No UA/Homebrew. This is a primarily human world so non-humans may be judged.

Details of your scenario: I am a professional DM. I have been running games since the 90's. I am a very easygoing DM. I try to let you write the story, and I try not to tell you no. However, I try to keep everyone happy and give everyone their time to shine. I do my best to make the time spent fun for everyone. This is a Gothic Horror setting, and this is a miserable place/setting. However, you are heroes trying to change that. I will run the module close to the written. So that will bring up the topic of safety tools and possible subjects that are triggers for some. We will keep it to a minimum and give outs to anyone who needs it.

Reasons that you may need to consider looking elsewhere.
Min/max is probably not the best fit for this. I don't need a rules lawyer. At the same time, I don't know every rule; I know how to make it work and the game fun. I use SOME AI art/descriptions, so if that is an issue, you may want to look elsewhere. This is reasonably even on RP/Combat overall. if you want more of one or the other, this may not be for you. No PVP at my table. This is an adult game table; no one under 18, please.

November 2nd, 2023, 05:40

Tooting Dog
November 4th, 2023, 18:33
Sent PM

November 4th, 2023, 19:05
would love to play New to FG sent pm

The Marge
November 30th, 2023, 01:02
Interested if you are still taking players