View Full Version : FG wishlist Continued

February 16th, 2008, 22:52
It has been requested we put newer wishes into a newer thread for convenience of reading.

February 17th, 2008, 09:49
I wish we had a summary of all the previous wishes from the other thread, so I don't end up wishing for things that have already been wished for! :D

February 17th, 2008, 11:27
Your... Wish is my command. No not really. But I am a nice guy so I will play along.

* More Autorolling - Subwish to tie Subrolls to the charsheet instead of active char.

* Player to Player Whispers

* Graphical IDE for developing charsheets and rulesets.

* /Light command to set lights on the fly, replacing the "/day" "/night" commands

* More classes on the D20 charsheet

* Easier to plug in different charsheets.

* Loading from default D20 set when file not present in Mod.

* Targetting and size even for things not allready bound in the tracker. Maybe some kind of list on the side of the map-window that is populated as you drop items into a layer.

* Layers, better drawing tools.

* Marking several tokens at one sweep, moving them together.

* Letting the DM/GM open a character and have a portrait as well within the host client. Not everyone has a powerful rig to run dual connections and two directX sensitive applications at the same time.

* Login thaty lets you save game-server names under an alias of your own. Add, Delete, Edit options to this.

* More toggle-options. Open-ended die, Autosum Die, Sucesses-Die. After all FG is about emulating the table. All those die can be rolled at the table.

* Proper D100.

* Invisible Chars. When a player is present but the GM doesn't want the other players to know what their char is.

* Kick and Bell options back.

* Non Lethal Damage box on the charsheet for D20

* Save of ALL options on the combat tracker. Including conditions.

* Save / Load of pre-set combat trackers. Maybe some option to pre-set them in modules?

* Correct saving of masks and drawings.

* Remove the bug that crashes FG if both GM and client tries to move a pointer.

* Pdf manual for FG II or at the very least a downloadable Library.

* Persistant targetting for PCs and NPCs on the map.

* Pen Width. Line-draw. Nuff said.

* Damage Resistance / Absorbation / Soak whatever to be pulled from Damage.

* Numeric Keypad toggle.

* Reset Window command.

* Fast clearing of checkmarks for cast spells in the D20 set

* Printing the charsheet.

* Buff Page on Charsheet for D20.

* Clicking portrait again when charsheet is allready open should either close it or bring it to the top again. (Helps with the clutter)

* Better tracking of spells for NPCs

* Dynamical adding of tokens just like maps...

* Floating licenses.

... Done. I am spoiling you guys, you know that?

February 17th, 2008, 11:28
And my own :

Doubleclick a skill or stat to send it to the modifier box.

February 18th, 2008, 00:38
Wow you are a nice guy! The crash bug is when both player and GM *delete* the area effect pointer at the same time. It happens after "instant" spells are cast far more than you would think. :p In fact it happened to me on the last game I ran - and I know better. :(

On the Invisible character I just wanted the player and GM to see the character and no one else. That's probably understood - but just in case.

February 18th, 2008, 01:47
* sort pc portraits so that all of a players pcs are together

A minor annoyance but when I play two characters one will appear at the far left of the set of pc portraits and the other at the opposite end. Would be a little easier to see which one is currently active if they were next to each other.

* more regular updates

There area some annoying little bugs that have been around for a loooooooong time now. I'm sure the next update will be full of cool features and fixes but a little patch update or two to address annoying bugs would be well received.

February 18th, 2008, 02:48
Thanks much for making that list, Oberoten! :D

My suggestion is dynamic lighting on maps. That is, you define where walls are on a map, define that a token is carrying, say, a 20' light source, and it calculates and displays what areas the light covers. Automatic hiding of tokens could go along with that, as well as defining darkvision and low-light effects on individual clients.

Of course, that would be a crapload of work :)

February 18th, 2008, 08:26
Doubleclick a skill or stat to send it to the modifier box.
Missed out the "double-click to roll" one at the start. Could be a problem with conflicting requirements here.

Maybe SmiteWorks would consider a "modification library" with instructions on how to fit the code changes in to the ruleset.

Moon Wizard
February 20th, 2008, 23:08
Just a quick note that I've been adding some of these features to my upgraded d20 ruleset (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=7966).

Features on this thread that are in this ruleset:
* Rolls tied to the character sheet (when double-click rolling, drag-rolling or using mini-window buttons)
* Dice auto-total option
* Combat tracker fully saved (in database now)
* Portrait click always brings character sheet to the top


February 26th, 2008, 02:25
The ability to save characters with a module (pre-gens) for distributing complete adventures

March 15th, 2008, 00:56
npcs, characters, items, storys save in separate folder.
Its very util in crash situation. (now if crash, you lose all database)

and if possible no use xml, xml is not friendly to repair

maybe a real database or jaison format or properties format

March 15th, 2008, 01:07

If a natural d20 rolls, in chat show
"Player X rolled a Gary Gygax!!!"

March 22nd, 2008, 20:30
It would be wonderful if FG supported browser windows, or even RTF windows. Not so that you can browse the internet, that isn't what I mean.

FG is pretty limited in layout options for modules and a more fully featured text window would be very helpful. So why not just use html? This makes it very easy to convert documents to FG format, as it's just html format. It would give many more options and make modules potentially much prettier as well.

March 22nd, 2008, 21:44
Not to mention that if it handled a browser interface of some sort then you could use wiki pages for basic information.

March 24th, 2008, 08:31
Fudge Dice

Pressure-sensitive graphics tablet eraser support
Choice of line width
Choice of line color

Built-in character sheet editor

March 31st, 2008, 23:33
Thanks much for making that list, Oberoten! :D

My suggestion is dynamic lighting on maps. That is, you define where walls are on a map, define that a token is carrying, say, a 20' light source, and it calculates and displays what areas the light covers. Automatic hiding of tokens could go along with that, as well as defining darkvision and low-light effects on individual clients.

Of course, that would be a crapload of work :)

Second to that!

It would be more awesome for example the players be underground in a pitch black cave with only a torch and they could see forward and back only as much as the torch light goes. It would be much more fun to players than the basic revealing of map as they go. I've always wanted the PC's to go to a maze but it's kind of hard for them to loose the sense of direction without dynamic lighting :)

It'll be "crapload of work" but it'll be worth it ;)

April 1st, 2008, 08:17
We need a Wall of Features just like MapTool has it! Posting wishes to a forum creates chaos. :P

April 15th, 2008, 15:48
For my two cents, I'd like to see the scripting API enhanced to allow ruleset builders to offer a better experience. In particular:

Programmatic access to all control properties (tabtarget cannot be changed dynamically, for example)
Programmatic access to some of the environment methods (being able to invoke anything that a right-click can do, such as totalling the dice in the chat box)
An extension of the base controls (being able to use getValue and setValue on formatted text, having onTab events for number controls)
Completed documentation (where *is* numberbasecontrol.xcp?)

Some of those might be more straightforward than others, and I realise that the wishlist will always exceed the capacity to deliver!


April 15th, 2008, 21:22
I could add some wish items, but mostly I just want all FG2's bugs fixed.

I would like the pathing to work so auto save works, including tokens with modules works, so modules images drawn on, masked and unmasked and would have their drawings and masks next session.
I would like to be able to pin the same storybook entry more than once on a map (or at least not have a crash on exit).
I would like the book tabs to work always without sometimes needing a fake entry.
I would like the combat tracker to remember the stuff on it reguardless of how I close it.
I would like to be able to make rulesets where player with the lite version of FG could make local characters.
My personal peeve is getting stuck in pointer hell in drawing mode where instead of panning the image by holding down the middle mouse button it draws a line pointer. That one drives me wild. :mad:

Despite the bugs I think FG is the best VTT simulation out there but you see so much potential lost due to the flaws. I find the pathing/saving issues to be horrible because I think there is nothing that pisses someone off more than losing a bunch of work when it is not your fault. It takes you from having fun to mad as hell.

June 19th, 2016, 14:38
5E sidebar icons in color, can the icons be made in color much like 3.5/PF, grey on grey isn't the easiest thing to read and colors on them would make it easier to see and let you know that for instance maps are orange, PC's are green.... etc. It'd make my life a bit more pleasant on here

June 19th, 2016, 14:47
Worst Necro Ever!

June 19th, 2016, 16:56
Please use the wishlist here: https://fg2app.idea.informer.com/

Closing this thread.