View Full Version : LFG Pathfinder 2E

Randy Herbert
October 20th, 2023, 17:50
Greetings fellow travelers,
A "died in the wool" D&D guy looking to spend some time on the dark side by starting or joining a Pathfinder 2E game.
A bit about my gaming history. I've played and DM'd D&D from the original version in the late 70's (yes, I'm old, get off my lawn!) using only graph paper and imagination to 5E on Fantasy Grounds and most versions in between. Admittedly, there was a 20ish year layoff between AD&D 2nd edition to D&D 3.5. The core of the group has been pretty consistent from the early 90's to now and most of our campaigns have been set in the Forgotten Realms or Dragonlance.
Why, you may ask (or may not, it's really your choice) would I want to switch? There comes a time when you have to shake the tree and try something different to restart the creative juices flowing again. I'm eager to explore a new setting, rules and group dynamic, which brings me to...
What am I looking for? Well, thanks for asking! I'd like to find a group of mature (I think I mentioned being old) people who enjoy the role playing aspect of TTRPG's as much as the mechanics or combat aspects. Quite a few groups I've been a player in feel more like video games than RP games, "find the thing, beat the guy, collect the loot, repeat". That's fine if the story supports those actions being relevant but too many times the narrative falls short and the players lose interest.
I'm a very story driven player. Being able to immerse myself in a character for a few hours a week is one of life's many joys. And before you ask, oh yes there are character voices. Seriously, I'm not interesting enough to play myself as a character!
So in summation, if your are a group or GM who either plays or wants to play Pathfinder 2E and likes what is posted above hit me up.
Happy gaming all!

October 21st, 2023, 01:14
I would be interested in playing. I was in a group that disbanded before we could really even get into the first session. I've found the mechanics interesting. Alas, I cannot DM as I don't have any of the sourcebooks in FG or in RL.

If you're interested in GMing I'd be available Wednesday or Thursday at any time PST. Though for Thursday's it'd have to end by 8PM as I have to be up for work at 4AM Friday morning.