View Full Version : Mad Nomad Extensions

Mad Nomad
October 16th, 2023, 22:13
This forum post will serve as the FG forum post for all of my extensions. Given the number of extensions I have, I just have not found having support threads on FG forums and through FG private messages to be effective for me. I have instead set up a robust discord server for faster and easier support and discussion.

If you prefer not to use Discord, I also have a web ticket board where you can submit issues, bug reports, and feature enhancement requests. You can also track my progress on these things on my kanban board.

Lastly, I will be trying to do a better job including more detailed instructions and FAQs directly in the extensions, accessible via the /MNM chat command in game.

Please use these links to access the items mentioned above.

Mad Nomad Discord Server (https://discord.gg/AyWJE5m)

[Links Updated Jan 2024]
Report and Issue/ Bug (https://bit.ly/MNMIssue)
Suggest a new Feature or Enhancement (https://bit.ly/MNMRequest)
Mad Nomad Development Tasks and Progress (https://bit.ly/MNMKanban)

October 19th, 2023, 05:31
Thanks MNM for all the work on these extensions you provide. Great help to the community.

October 24th, 2023, 22:15
I love that you give us visibility into your kanban. It's almost like work, but hey, happy to see into your process!

December 6th, 2023, 19:15
Hey Mad! I purchased many of your extensions before the forge on DriveThru and recently pulled them off from drivethru again, so they should be the latest version and when I activated them they were basically all broken. Are the Drivethru extensions no longer being updated?

Mad Nomad
December 6th, 2023, 20:22
Hey Mad! I purchased many of your extensions before the forge on DriveThru and recently pulled them off from drivethru again, so they should be the latest version and when I activated them they were basically all broken. Are the Drivethru extensions no longer being updated?

I moved everything to the forge and did a painstaking manual gifting for everyone for about 2 years. Check out my Forge Upgrader extension on the forge. I officially stopped my monthly timely updates but every once and a while I process a batch of requests for people who had taken a break for the last couple years and are just discovering it.

December 8th, 2023, 17:13
I got the forge updater. Sorry. I havent played 5e for almost 2 years I guess. I didnt even realize the purchases over there wouldnt carry over. Should have paid more attention I guess

December 15th, 2023, 23:09
not working great in Starfinder again. 80% of the main screen is transparent

January 10th, 2024, 17:42
Can you change the text color of your buttons when adding a journal entry? I, and my players, find them unreadable in every setting we play in. We've hit the wrong button several times (made worse because there's no hover over text).

Per Mr. Moon Wizerd over on Discord this is the issue:

The button_text template requires that the onInit be preserved; so any extension with that issue will need to make sure that any onInit overrides check and call super.onInit.
This allows the coloration to be set correctly to match the theme.

January 19th, 2024, 19:38

When adding items to players and these items have actions added to player's action tab, added action is showed in the chat to all players. Is it possible to turn this off somewhere?

January 21st, 2024, 19:00
Or I could learn to read

January 22nd, 2024, 09:23
Does anyone know whether this extension works well with Friend Zone extension ? (https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/170/view). I ask because the Friend Zone extension also adds an additional Tab to the Character Sheet

January 22nd, 2024, 17:49
Does anyone know whether this extension works well with Friend Zone extension ? (https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/170/view). I ask because the Friend Zone extension also adds an additional Tab to the Character Sheet

Yes it does. I use FZ and most of MNM stuff.

January 22nd, 2024, 18:33
When adding items to players and these items have actions added to player's action tab, added action is showed in the chat to all players. Is it possible to turn this off somewhere?

Found a way to work around this. If you make the item unidentified, transfer it to player's inventory and identify it there, then it is not shown in chat.

Tooting Dog
January 23rd, 2024, 19:39
Friendly Fire Extension

I really like this one. I would not mind a toggle setting with the option that it displays ALL targets about to be dealt damage whether friendly or enemy.

Something like Friendly: All: Off

Mad Nomad
January 24th, 2024, 02:49
SO you mean even if you havent targeted any friendly, it would still pop up showing you which NPCs you were about to damage?

Tooting Dog
January 24th, 2024, 23:12

I've never had a game where players only accidentally target friendlies and never accidentally target enemies. If some groups think this slows things down, there could be a toggle for it to work between only friendlies or all.

Mad Nomad
January 25th, 2024, 00:22
seems like a reasonable enhancement. I'll add it on my back log. If you have other ideas now or in future, feel free to add them yourself as well.


January 25th, 2024, 19:17
Hey peep. Minor nit. Automatic Actions Upgrade shows up in other incompatible rulesets.

January 28th, 2024, 19:03
Okay, I'm running into some errors/issues with the following modules, running on MACOS

MNM Automatic Actions Upgrade v1
Whenever I equip an item in the inventory, I get "s'No Matching Power Found' outputted to the chat window.
This could include magic items to mundane items (like a simple ring), and I always get this output.

MNM Module UI
From the Campaign Setup window, when I navigate to the DATA MODULES, a console window pops up with multiple errors "window: Control (*various*) anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step2)"
When this happens, the option to load/unload modules does not appear, and I can only do that from the MODULES window in the Sidebar.

I have attached a link to the campaign logs I generated for this error.
FGU_Logs (https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/axe5nqppaaqzeodq5pne0/fgu_logs_20240128.zip?rlkey=s45okf6tw8ogbs73vc3bjk 01v&dl=0)

Finally, this is minor, but from the MAD NOMAD CORE window, you have a column that shows when the modules were last updated, but several of the modules are showing "Date Error". The modules showing this are:
MNM Automatic Actions Upgrade
MNM Interactive Portraits Upgrade
MNM Party Combat Stats Upgrade
MNM Coin Manager Upgrade

Otherwise, everything else seems to be rocking.
I do wish that the effect to change STR also affected Encumbrance, which yours used to do, but with your shift to not modifying the default numbers, it does not.

Tooting Dog
January 28th, 2024, 20:46
Character Sheet Enhancements:

I would personally prefer that effects as listed as Visible to GM Only in the CT do not show up on the Character Sheet under the heading Current Effects.

January 31st, 2024, 08:07
In regards to coin, item and inventory extensions, how does it determine what a "valuable" is? As is, I'm using AD&D 2e and some of my players have gems but they aren't listed in the valuables count. Additionally, the inventory filter lists categories I think according to 5e rather than the categories used by the native system. Is it possible at all to alter this?

Honestly, love the extensions though. I feel like Fantasy Grounds is dramatically improved by them. My players are already excited by the journal tab (and me too, the Quests menu has not often been visited by players so having them on their sheet is a god send).

February 1st, 2024, 07:13
It uses the "Type" field in the Item box. if you change it to "Valuable" or "Treasure", it should add the value of the item to your valuables calculator.

February 5th, 2024, 18:07
If I already have Grim Press's Automatic Effects, does this extension add anything? Will it cause issues? Does it make sense to use both?

February 5th, 2024, 18:11
If I already have Grim Press's Automatic Effects, does this extension add anything? Will it cause issues? Does it make sense to use both?

Both of what? Which EXT are you looking for on MNM because this is a post about many of his stuff.

I use both MNM and Grim Press stuff and all of it works together.

February 7th, 2024, 14:32
Both of what? Which EXT are you looking for on MNM because this is a post about many of his stuff.

I use both MNM and Grim Press stuff and all of it works together.

I didn't realize that this was a general MNM extension thread. I was wondering specifically about Mad Nomads Automatic actions (https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/134/view)

February 15th, 2024, 23:13
MNM's Automatic Actions is aimed at using the Spell Effects codings by Team Twohy. The Grim Press Automatic Effects packages are meant to be used with their Equipped Effects extension. While you can make one or the others work to degrees with the others, they will work best with mostly sticking with one or the other for this specific coupling of extensions\mods.

February 22nd, 2024, 03:42
Hi there! I ran into a bit of an issue recently with the new coin module. Some of my players tried to convert their currency in our PF2E game, and when they tried to convert 2 PP to GP, it stated "Player converted 2 PP to -nan(ind) GP, -nan(ind) refunded". I was able to adjust and change it as the GM, but all of my players were unable to convert their money as a result of it. I double checked the values in options and making sure it was set up correctly (it appeared I forgot to set values prior), but that didn't resolve the issue afterwards either. Not sure if its a specific issue to what I have set up, or a potential error here, but wanted to make sure it was known! I've attached an image here to see what it looked like for the issue: 59931

Also, is it be possibly to change the listing of currencies in the option menu to not being alphabetical? Wasn't sure if that was a fantasy grounds thing or from the mod in particular, but I had some players who wanted to put it in sequential order of value, and found that neither of us were able to adjust it without it autocorrecting to alphabetical order. If its not something that can be easily changed, its not a big deal overall, as it was more of what they prefer, rather than a *need* by any means.

Thanks again for making such a great mod, as its been super helpful, and for doing the awesome work of helping to ensure that everyone was able to keep enjoying it after the switch with minimal delay!

Mad Nomad
February 22nd, 2024, 04:22
Thanks for letting me know. I'll look into it. Guessing it was somethign to do with the values assigned to the coins in capiagn setting, which maybe aligns with what you mentioend, but I am suprised it didnt corre ctitself after you adjusted it. I hav a feel it may be hard for me to duplciate hte scenario but i will try.

As far alphabetizing, yes i think thats just the FG default for the drop downs unfortunately. Possibly configurable , will add it to back log

February 25th, 2024, 23:26
Thanks for looking into it for us, and absolutely no rush on the alphabetizing, it was something the player understood isn't an absolute necessity!

Edit after some testing: I made a new table just now to test it, and apparently reorienting it to PP value 10, GP value 1, SP value 0.1, and CP value 0.01 like it was on the new table seemed to fix it! So it may have been because i hadn't messed with it since adding the new version that it created the problem itself. It also seemed to be listed by the values, rather than alphabetical now, so I'm unsure if you ended up making a new update or if it just requires us to readjust the values again to fix it.

Thank you again for looking in to us though regardless!

March 10th, 2024, 17:27
Hi MN - in AD&D 2e - with this extension enabled, the item description frame from 'recordsheet.xml' is missing. Image included. 60126

March 10th, 2024, 17:52
Since updating to v4.5.0 Ultimate (2024-03-08), the encounter window is throwing an error and creatures are not accessible. See the image--the creature is ghosted.


March 14th, 2024, 20:49
After the update, this extension prevents player characters from setting their full-body token from their sheets - clicking on their portrait or token lets them change those, but doesn't bring up the menu with the "token-camera" option.

March 14th, 2024, 21:09
After the update, this extension prevents player characters from setting their full-body token from their sheets - clicking on their portrait or token lets them change those, but doesn't bring up the menu with the "token-camera" option.

Which extension are you referring to? As this post is about all his extensions if you don’t mind.

March 14th, 2024, 21:39
Which extension are you referring to? As this post is about all his extensions if you don’t mind.

Oh sorry! I quickly followed the Forge link back to here and thought it was more specific without checking. My bad! I'm referring to the Character Sheet Tweaks extension!

March 15th, 2024, 17:04
I'm using AD&D currently and the Buy and Sell option appears incompatible with the new update. Items often have blank entries whilst its running. The Journal seems to be working still, though the button to add journal entries appears over the Share record button, I think.
Other MNM extensions appear fine currently for me!

Nyarly Dude
March 17th, 2024, 05:21
Also observed blank item entries w/ the Pathfinder 2 ruleset and the Buy and Sell extension.

March 19th, 2024, 22:49
thanks for posting. I am seeing the same thing. I disabled MSM Enhanced Encounter and the errors went away. Hope it gets fixed, because I use this extension all the time to construct encounters w the right difficulty.

March 19th, 2024, 22:53
For me I get an error with MSM Enhanced Encounters after the 4.5 update. I disabled it and the error went away. I get errors in the pop up error window, but also when I look at the encounter window, it looks like the information is there (from monsters added from my random tables into the encounter window, but its all scrunched behind another window.

March 19th, 2024, 23:00
Errors like this for MNM Enhanced Encounter. Stuff bunched up in encounter window and error message.60228

March 20th, 2024, 04:48
Errors like this for MNM Enhanced Encounter. Stuff bunched up in encounter window and error message.60228
Running a new 5E with no theme I got a similar error message, but not the bunching you see on the right. The little bit of bunching I see is remedied by resizing the window and making it a touch wider. Other than that, no other errors and everything I could test worked as expected.

March 24th, 2024, 06:12
I am getting some errors using the MNM Enhanced Encounter extension. I tested with no other extensions active. using FGU 4.5.2 5E ruleset:

[ERROR] Script execution error: [string " ..ed Encounter Window:...ounterWindowMNM.lua"]:35: attempt to index global 'MNM (a nil value) - I get this when first loading the campaign
[ERROR] Script execution error: [string " ..ed Encounter Window:...ounterWindowMNM.lua"]:240: attempt to index Global 'MNM' (a nil value) - I get this when pressing the Challenge refresh button

I checked other areas like adding a map and it is generating similar errors.

UPDATE: Disregard this.. I was unable to delete this post. I noticed after the fact that I needed the Core Extension.. It seems to be working now.

March 24th, 2024, 21:46
Hi @Mad Nomad, I just purchased the Sheet Effects Display. (been buying a bunch of your extensions - excellent!) It appears that the updates to the character sheet are not lining up. I tried this with multiple themes. The fonts are not matching the theme's font either. On your demo (an older version of FGU) it all lined up perfectly. I am using 4.5.2 of FGU with 5E ruleset.

Screenshot attached

Also using the Player Journal 2 and noticed, the Journal Entry title on the Journal tab is missing. The button to quick-add links is on the top bar blocking other buttons that come with FGU. See attached screenshot:

No Journal Entry Title (was that removed?)

The Quick Add Button is blocking other buttons

One quick question. As the GM, if I want to add an entry to only one of my players (like a story or something that might be private to that player) is there a way to drag the entry to them? The button seems to give it to everyone (which is great) but would be cool if it was also draggable to a single PC. If it doesn't do this, then this would be a wish list item.


March 31st, 2024, 20:55
Buy and Sell Extension is currently broken. Items no longer have information when you view them, it is just a blank white display as if it was a newly created item. It does appear that items in inventory still retain their automatic functions even though it shows they have no information. Selling items through the party sheet does not work due to the information being missing so the info in not hidden in that regard. Noticed it yesterday and confirmed it was the Buy and Sell mod specifically.

April 11th, 2024, 02:58
Yeah, it's very upsetting. I bought this and was very excited to have it, but just a day or so later with the release of the Fantasy Grounds 3D view update, it stopped working. It's been almost a month now, and I don't know if it ever will. It doesn't seem like there's a way to get a refund, either.

April 11th, 2024, 04:12
Buy and Sell Extension is currently broken. Items no longer have information when you view them, it is just a blank white display as if it was a newly created item. It does appear that items in inventory still retain their automatic functions even though it shows they have no information. Selling items through the party sheet does not work due to the information being missing so the info in not hidden in that regard. Noticed it yesterday and confirmed it was the Buy and Sell mod specifically.

Yeah, it's very upsetting. I bought this and was very excited to have it, but just a day or so later with the release of the Fantasy Grounds 3D view update, it stopped working. It's been almost a month now, and I don't know if it ever will. It doesn't seem like there's a way to get a refund, either.

It's working for me, can you give more information on what is not working about it? What ruleset you use? Are you using other exts? (have you tried with no other exts other than core?)

@Drakenshield, this ext does not allow Party Sheet buying or selling, however, the GM still should be able to convert it using basic FGU party sheet selling.

April 11th, 2024, 05:01
Pathfinder 2nd edition Legacy and Remaster rulesets

Doesn't matter what extensions I use be it core and buy/sell only or all of my usual extension the moment buy/sell is loaded the issue is there so it is clearly that specific ext.

So to break it down, if you go to items on the right hand bar and select any item it shows the item as completely blank, this is also the case for any items currently on character sheets, and in party loot. The buy/sell option is irrelevant as nothing has a gold value as the items no longer contain any info to pull from. You cannot even edit the item, and swapping an items setting from say weapon to armor does not change anything, the item is still blank and cannot be edited. Creating new items does not change the issue either. But as items are blank and have no cold value settings using any of the features of the extension is irrelevant as every items is effectively a blank slate and worthless to buy even if you could.

Oddly any automated settings on the items still add their effects to the combat tracker and remove them when the item is unequipped or removed.

I just checked both Legacy and Remaster to see if anything has changed and the ext. is still broken. We only had 1 session with the mod installed so my players aren't missing it, and normally I wouldn't care as I have several other extensions that aren't working like they used to, but this was a paid mod, so my expectations on a fix are significantly higher. Though I am not desperate for something immediate, knowing that a fix is in the works, or that the problem has been identified and a fix will come is enough for me. Hence why I am reporting it, can't fix a bug most likely caused by FGU is nobody knows about it.

April 11th, 2024, 05:12
This is the exact thing that happens to me as well. Pathfinder 2E Legacy or Remaster.

I can create a brand new campaign with just the MNM Core and Buy/Sell Items extensions running, and all the items are just blank. As soon as I disable Buy/Sell Items, the items in the game return to normal. I've heard it happens in some other rulesets, too, but I can't confirm that.

April 11th, 2024, 05:59
Just an inform, I also noticed this “blank item” issue described above occurring in D&D Classic (2e) as well.

April 12th, 2024, 01:01
Two things.

1. Mad Nomad Extensions are among the most useful that I use in my games. I particularly think Interactive Portraits and Character Sheet Tweaks are of high value. They make things a little better -- but they are just neat features to.

2. I have one gripe though. The massive "Mad Nomad Core" window that pops up when you load into a session annoys me to know end. Some how for one, even if I have it OVER all other windows and then leave the session, when I go back into a session the window is behind my maps. I save my windows in FG I like orderly layouts so this Mad Nomad Core window ALWAYS makes me have to dig it out from behind other windows that I carefully placed and aligned on purpose.

Annoying. Also why is there no option to "Show only when something updates" or whatever the equivalent is to "Only show me if there's something new to tell me".


April 12th, 2024, 01:23
Two things.

1. Mad Nomad Extensions are among the most useful that I use in my games. I particularly think Interactive Portraits and Character Sheet Tweaks are of high value. They make things a little better -- but they are just neat features to.

2. I have one gripe though. The massive "Mad Nomad Core" window that pops up when you load into a session annoys me to know end. Some how for one, even if I have it OVER all other windows and then leave the session, when I go back into a session the window is behind my maps. I save my windows in FG I like orderly layouts so this Mad Nomad Core window ALWAYS makes me have to dig it out from behind other windows that I carefully placed and aligned on purpose.

Annoying. Also why is there no option to "Show only when something updates" or whatever the equivalent is to "Only show me if there's something new to tell me".


There should be a button at the bottom to only pop up if updates.

Mad Nomad
April 12th, 2024, 03:59
Hi. Sorry all. It seems some changes recently caused buyaand sell to stop working for non 5E. I will be wokring on a fix soon. Keep in mind it is like 1% of my audience who uses these extensions non 5E. As for the comments about the MNM core window popping up. There ISa checkbox option to set sothat it only shows up when there is an update. If it is not workign for you please let me know, but please make sure you are aware of that feature.

April 12th, 2024, 04:05
Keep in mind it is like 1% of my audience who uses these extensions non 5E.

I'd buy and use more extensions if they were available outside of 5E. It's not like there's really a choice there almost all the extensions are 5E only. These coin manager ones are great but I discovered them almost by accident and picked them up right away.

April 14th, 2024, 07:38
Hi MNM - love the look of the new spell mod, especially as it ticks off spells when they are cast; can I ask does it account for Paladin Smite in the same way?

Gawain the Great
April 15th, 2024, 18:58
The new Spellcaster Helper looks fantastic. I'm going to buy it. The idea of resolving the issue up up-leveling Spells in such a straight-forward window is outstanding, among other features. Thanks for the Video, those are always o helpful in helping to understand what happens.

One question: do you know how this interacts with the Requested Rolls, extension (https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/273/view)? I can just turn off the PC side of RR in the options. Just wondering if you'd seen or considered any conflicts.

Thanks so much. Great work!!

(Just bought it. Love it already. Will help so much, especially, with a couple of my PCs who always struggle getting their Spells done properly.)

April 16th, 2024, 10:52
Hi there.
I have the latest version of FGU and both Party Stats extensions, but I get the following error:

How can I fix this, as it makes the party stats option not show up?

April 16th, 2024, 18:38
There should be a button at the bottom to only pop up if updates.

I did try to squint and see if there was (bad eyes but the text is purple on a black background as well so hard for me to see) I’ll check it again though thanks.

April 16th, 2024, 18:57
I did try to squint and see if there was (bad eyes but the text is purple on a black background as well so hard for me to see) I’ll check it again though thanks.

I get you, I use hearth theme so here is what it looks like to me.

April 22nd, 2024, 19:15
Hi there.
I have the latest version of FGU and both Party Stats extensions, but I get the following error:

How can I fix this, as it makes the party stats option not show up?
Have you loaded the MNM Core Extension? Fantasy Grounds Forge (https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/1108/view)
Do you mean Party Combat Stats and Party Combat Stats Upgrade? Let us know if you mean something else.

Mad Nomad
April 23rd, 2024, 00:11
I don't think it will work with Smite. Only things that are in a "Spells" power group.

Mad Nomad
April 23rd, 2024, 00:12
Angel M.
Yup Lord Entrails s right. That error means you do not have MNM Core extension loaded. Its a free extension you can get on the forge that is used as foundation for all my stuff.

Fang VV
May 4th, 2024, 10:54
I get you, I use hearth theme so here is what it looks like to me.

I don't have that at all

Fang VV
May 4th, 2024, 11:09
Great work Mad Nomad. The Spellcaster Helper is almost exactly what I've been looking for. Gladly spent the $ for it. I mainly play Warlocks and I'm CONTINUALLY forgetting to upcast my spells so having it happen automatically is great. This does bring me to a question / request though.

I'm playing in 5e and recently decided to multiclass my Warlock with a Sorcerer to get some lower-level spell slots for my utility spells and things like Hex. Now 5e rules state that
"If you have both the Spellcasting class feature and the Pact Magic class feature from the warlock class, you can use the spell slots you gain from the Pact Magic feature to cast spells you know or have prepared from classes with the Spellcasting class feature, and you can use the spell slots you gain from the Spellcasting class feature to cast warlock spells you know."

As it stands at the moment, though, the Spellcaster Helper forces me to cast any Warlock spells at max level (as it would if I was pure Warlock) and will not allow me to use my Pact slots for Sorcerer spells. My question is whether this something that would even be possible in the code and should I put in a request for the feature?

Once again, thanks for all your hard work :)

May 5th, 2024, 07:22
I don't have that at all

I can see it in your picture. The issue is you are running a theme and the theme is colored close to the background color.

Fang VV
May 5th, 2024, 07:25
OMG, well spotted! I was actually randomly clicking in that spot yesterday, after I posted, in the hope that something like this was the case and, lo, this morning the pop-up didn't load :)

Thanks for pointing that out. :cool:

May 19th, 2024, 17:28
I love the idea of the spellcaster helper and I just purchased it. I am having an issue when I try to expand and see the Cantrips/Spells/Prepared list it does not expand and I do not see this information. Any ideas or tips?

Mad Nomad
May 19th, 2024, 17:58
I love the idea of the spellcaster helper and I just purchased it. I am having an issue when I try to expand and see the Cantrips/Spells/Prepared list it does not expand and I do not see this information. Any ideas or tips?

I am not sure what you mean. I don't see any issues like. Please join my Discord server for more help as its hard to trouble shoot issues through the forums.

May 22nd, 2024, 22:55
Hello, hello. Here be yet another Mad Nomad extension I've purchased :)

My current campaign is quite a low magic setting, so can't say I'm an expert on using spells in FGU, but I've noticed an issue that may have an easy solution; the extensions doesn't seem to recognise my Druid spellcasting feature, even though it's loaded, named correctly etc. Short of making the character over again and seeing if that resolves it, got any quick suggestions?

Also, it doesn't play nice with this extension: https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/242/view (Spell Action Info).
I use that to quickly identify Bonus Actions, but there's a formatting clash, unfortunately.

Many thanks!