View Full Version : impromptu SW game saturday night! (feb. 16)

February 16th, 2008, 06:52
Hello - I am a GM running on pacific standard time (GMT-8), and looking to run an impromptu game tomorrow night. This will be a savage worlds game (newcomers to SW welcome), and I can take up to six players. The setting is my own; you can look at the website (www.pisian.com) and even choose a ready made character if you don't have one in mind or don't know the rules.

If you are interested, PM me or reply to this thread!

PS - I was thinking of starting the game around 6pm pacific.

February 16th, 2008, 20:31
i'm interested! i'll use one of the characters from your site. thanks!


February 16th, 2008, 21:30
Thanks guys, we now have four players for tonight's game. I can still take two more if there are any stragglers out there...

February 16th, 2008, 21:41
Trying connect to download and put my character up, not going through.

February 16th, 2008, 22:42
Room for one more? Haven't played SW yet but would like to. I have no mic though; hope that's not a problem.

February 16th, 2008, 22:46
@Varn - thanks for the heads up, I fixed the problem and you should be able to login now. A couple weeks ago I upgraded my cable modem, and when I rebooted the router afterwords, it reassigned all my IP addresses and I lost the open port. But like I said, its fixed now.

As a side note, I doubled my upload bandwidth along with upgrading the cable modem. I am interested to see how FG performance is affected; I am expected faster transfer of maps, rulesets, tokens, etc., as well as fewer player drop offs.

@Ghoti - yep, sent you a pm. Nobody will have mics for todays game.

February 17th, 2008, 04:41
Had a blast, guys; thanks again!

February 17th, 2008, 04:56
Yep, it was indeed fun. I really like the "old" crew we had, we made quite a team. I still can't believe that damage roll i got with the bolts. Wicked fun! Hope to see you guys again.

February 17th, 2008, 06:28
You guys were very good players, thanks for coming.

Chatlog from today's session is up on the website:

February 19th, 2008, 08:30
Was interesting. Though i wish i didnt miss as much as i did. Though it gave me a interesting character idea i would have to say.

February 19th, 2008, 15:45
That was lots of fun. Are you planning on continuing on with this group? If so, when will the next game be?

February 23rd, 2008, 02:53
Gman - I'd like to run another game on Sat., March 8th or Sat. March 15th. I'd like to start running games every other saturday thereafter, with a core group of "regulars" if possible.

Sounds like you might be interested in a campaign instead of just one shots, that's great. If you have any friends that share your interests - recruite them ;) As many as you can find too... I think it makes sense to start a campaign with about 10-15 players committed to regular games, and then weed out players until you have a strong group of 4-6 regular players.

February 23rd, 2008, 09:07
I'd be game for it, though i'd like to ditch this monkish-pet owner thing. Rather bring in my alter ego, known as Albert steelaxe :)

March 7th, 2008, 06:04
Okay, Gman and varnfury, next game will be March 15th, and the campaign will run every other saturday thereafter. If you guys know anyone else interested, tell them.

I'll post more information in another thread with an appropriate title.

March 8th, 2008, 17:17
I don't know if I can make every (other) Saturday, but if you're open to an 'open table' arrangement, I'd be delighted to continue as often as I can.

March 8th, 2008, 20:55
Sure Ghoti, that would be great if you can play under that arrangement.