View Full Version : FGU linked tables and allowing a player to roll?

October 15th, 2023, 00:01

I just made a d100 table that links to a bunch of other tables. It generates a parcel upon completion. I don't have anyone to test this out with at the moment, but can I have my player roll on the table himself by sharing the table? What if I'd prefer not to show the table to him. If he rolled a d100 separately, could I force that die number on to the table somehow and that way keep the table private?

Thank you very much :)

October 15th, 2023, 09:47
You can certainly share the table(s) and your players can roll on it. However it will not create a treasure parcel for players since players can't create such things. You can't force a particular result from a table; you have to roll on it. So if you want the player to make a dice roll you'll need to manually create the parcel from the table by dragging and dropping the items from the table into a new parcel. So if you want to automatically create a treasure parcel from the tables you'll need to roll the dice yourself.