View Full Version : LFP D&D 5e Midgard Dragon Empire Campaign

October 12th, 2023, 14:44
FG License:*GM has Full so players need at least Lite, or Free
Game System:*D&D 5e

Time Zone:*Pacific
Day of week and time:*TBD (player availability will be considered
If new game, planned start date: TBD (within the next 30 days or less)
Planned Duration & Frequency:*4 Hour weekly sessions
Term:*Long term keep
Text or Voice:*i.e. Mix of both text and voice
Main Language used:*English
Voice software used:*Discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed?*I am not planning on making this a steamed game (though I could be open if all players agree). This will not be a video game if streamed/podcast I would only be willing to use my screen and voice recordings of participants).

Roleplay & Combat mix:*50/50
Number of Players in game & needed: There are currently no players, I am looking to have between 4-8 players max*
Character starting level & equipment:*1st level with 0 experience
Character restrictions:*Players will be restricted to creating characters from the PHB (note some races are restricted) and official Midgard Books that I have within the campaign. The players will be limited to no more than 3 different races within the group (this is an option of Midgard that I will be using). I will not be allowing races and classes from other D&D or 5e compatible books.

Details of your scenario:*This campaign is a Midgard 5e campaign set in the Dragon Empire. Players should create characters that are locals of the empire or from regions close by. No characters from the far east, the North or the waste (as an example; although I may allow 1 PC to be created from a region further off if I like their backstory, but only 1 PC and it will be on a 1st come first serve basis). After the campaign begins new players will be limited to creating characters within the current region of the PCs.

PCs will be brand new adventures from the Dragon Empire (who are at least neutral or supportive of the Empire). The players will help determine the campaign direction by the approved backstories. The PCs should be amendable in helping further the power of the Empire as they adventure to become more influential within the Empire itself. Their adventures may take them to the far reaches of the setting but their loyalty should be to either further the might of the empire or at a minimal to not harm the empire by any of their actions. They may find themselves eventually wrapped in the wars to come as the empire expands their might. But… in the beginning the PCs should be concerned with becoming more powerful individuals through their explorations/research within the world of Midgard.

I am looking for players who love to get into the role of their characters. I like immersive roleplaying. I am looking for role-players and new players are welcome. This isn’t a game for min/maxers and power gamers per se nor rules-lawyers. I look for respectful players who believe in sharing the lime-light, getting into character and being considerate of others no matter the other players backgrounds or beliefs. Real world Politics and religions should not be brought to this table. This is a game for enjoying an imaginative setting that will include serious topics yet has room for laughter and fun (when appropriate.

I have been game mastering since the early 80s. My experience with Fantasy Grounds Unity is basic, but I plan to learn even more as we play. I have most of the Midgard Books and the Core Books of 5e available within Fantasy Grounds (I purchased them) so players do not have to own the books. The campaign will begin with a session Zero once we get enough players and an established time has been chosen. I run games already on Fridays 4pm-10pm, Saturdays 1pm-5pm and Sundays Noon-4pm (all times are Pacific). I am open to playing games outside of these times and am willing to run a weekday game on any other day of the week. I will need at least an hour break between the other times If we play on Fri-Sun.

October 15th, 2023, 02:43
I can see no one is interested in this particular game, so back to the drawing board. Maybe I can find some players interested in a PF 1e game instead. Please disregard the above post as I am taking it off the shelf as of now.

February 24th, 2024, 23:03
Hello, I know you took this game off the shelf, but is it possible there is aything similar you are running on sundays?