View Full Version : Automating Thaumaturge abilities.

October 3rd, 2023, 11:57
Hey! I've been working on getting my players classes setup and getting Thaumaturge up an running is going well so far. I'm wondering if there is a way to have the Effect count dice rolled as a condition (similar to {LVL} but dice instead? I'd want something like DMG: {DROLL}x2 but i don't think multiplying works either does it?
Personal antithesis I've got up and running I've modeled it after the Hunt Prey action from ranger (IFT: CUSTOM(Personal Antithesis {ACTORNAME}); DMG: {HLVL}+2; DMGTYPE: magic). Is there a way to input the biggest *weakness* from a target as damage type? I was thinking of just putting in each element but then it would get muddied by all the resistances and immunities.

October 3rd, 2023, 16:08
Personally what I did was create an effect with "DMG: -1; DMG: 1". Then, after adding the effect, I type in the actual weakness at the end. That way their damage is reduced by 1, and then that 1 is added back as a type that will trigger the weakness.

It's a bit janky but it works, and I don't think there's a notably cleaner way to do it currently.

October 3rd, 2023, 17:29
Dmgtype is used to swap the type of damage so that's covered I currently just change that to be the needed element. I was hoping for some way to have it use the "best" element vs a target

October 4th, 2023, 05:01
You know, I totally didn't even remember dmgtype was a thing.

I don't believe there is a way to target the best weakness currently, no.