View Full Version : LF 2-3 Players- D&D 5e Open-world style campaign

September 26th, 2023, 13:44
Edit: Full! Ty for all the replies
FG License: GM has full, so players need only the free demo
Game System: D&D 5e. Minimal QOL changes

Time Zone: Most of us are North American, varies
Day of week and time: Thursdays: 8 PM EST/ 5 PM PST
If new game, planned start date: Oct 5th if people are ready? No rush
Planned Duration & Frequency: 3-3.5 hour sessions, nothing too long. Approximately every other week.
Term: Long term. See how it goes.

Text or Voice: Voice
Main Language used: English
Voice software used: Discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No, and no video needed. If someone wanted to though wouldn't bother me.

Roleplay & Combat mix: Situational. I try to adjust based on what the group preferences are, or leave options for different types and the group can pick which quests to take.
Number of Players in game & needed: Have 3 players, need 2 more ideally, 3'd be fine.
Character starting level & equipment: Level 1 default. (You'll get things over time not to worry :) )
Character restrictions: Very little, I'm pretty open as long as people are reasonable about things. I have a 1-page doc of minor 'fixes' like e.g Hexblade dips are nerfed slightly.

Details of your scenario: A council of Warlocks once ruled Berenthal with capricious policy, at times wonderful and others tyrannical. But those days are long gone. Like most mages, the Warlocks have been killed or driven underground after the Night of Ruination- where arcane magic split the continent asunder. In the generation since their cities and artifacts have been looted and smashed by roving hordes of everything from rioting people to drow-led pirates to orcish legions. Still, some civilization has endured, and after a string of surprising victories, Mandalith the Abjurer has declared 'New Berenthal' from the small intact port city of Gwinnith, allying himself to the isolated Dwarven citadels and opening up trade for the first time in human memory, declaring to the world that magic used in self-defence or creation can still do great good. Still, much needs to be done. Scarcely a road is safe to travel, and much of the land is either smoking ruins or held by everything from vengeful Fey and Elementals to Ogre Bandits, and even outlying kingdoms in more 'civilized' lands look upon a nation (openly) ruled by a Wizard still with horror. Heroes- of whatever sort- are desperately needed.

I've been running campaigns now for a good 17 years, and over FGU for about 4, and it's different every time with every group, so I try not to have too many 'expectations' from my players going in. I mostly just keep a deep reservoir of lore and overall plot-arcs on hand, then improvise my way through more sessions than not. What direction things go and what sort of game, and sort of stories get told is very much up to how the players want to play the game- I'm huge on player agency and your choices mattering. My biggest strength is likely that the group can teleport around without warning and I don't bat an eye. Still, that can occasionally clash with players more used to the 'railroad' or 'set-story' type of games where the DM gives them a lot more direction in terms of 'here's where you're supposed to go'. There's never one 'right answer' with me, and the world is far from black-and-white. If that sounds like your cup of tea happy to have you.

September 26th, 2023, 19:13
Hey, that seems like the type of campaign I could enjoy! Hi, my name is Filippo, I'm a not very experienced D&D player and DM, and I'm searching for a campaign to play in my only free day - the tuesday... Is it a problem to swich to tuesdays? If not, I would love to know if my character's backstory is fine with the lore. (I took everything from Fizban's Treasury of Dragons, if you wonder... Even though I think you already know the book if you DM'ed for more time than I lived :). Also, I'm not too bad talking and writing in english, but sometimes I may take my time when I can't remember how to say something (also this will probably be the cause of mistakes in this message) because I'm actually italian (yeah if you've rolled more than a nat 1 on investigation you've read my name, but better be safe than sorry, right? It's still a 5% probability after all ;)
Name: Seygarya Clanless
Age: 26
A fierce, self-confident red dragonborn, who once was the best scout of the clan "Fireheat", living on the mountains of [insert name here because idk the places]. Her clan consisted only of dragonborn, there was no difference between metallic or cromatic if they were helping surviving in that hostile environment. They had a great hatred for dragons because once they got attacked by an evil silver dragon claiming their few possessions as his own. Seygarya had other enemies instead of dragons: monstrosities, as a basilisk almost petrified her during her first hunting trip. She was following a manticore alone when she discovered a strange-looking menhir, ancient draconic runes carved on it. When, curiously, she began reading it, the arcane runes activated and started glowing with a red light while little flames began circling around them and entering directly in their eyes. Seygarya felt an ancient draconic power flowing trough her as she continued reading the poem, called "Elegy for the first world", narrating about the primary role that Bahamut, Tiamat and Sardior had when shaping the First World and how the other deities just came and destroyed. She began to put herself in the dragons' point of view, forced to coexist with other species of capricious gods. When she returned to her clan, not only her eyes were different (they became of different shades of orange and it seemed that a flame was constantly burning in her iris), but her entire soul was changed. When she tried to explain herself, she got exiliated by the clan, and now she's searching for protection and new company in this cruel and unfair world.
What do you think? Is it good? Can't wait to play, I'm so excited to finally be the player of a veteran DM!
Also, major detail that I forgot: is it free to play? Pleeease tell me yes!
Last thing, I promise: I am preeetty obsessed with dragons and dragon-related things (my first character was a kobold and then this is my second one)... Are there dragons in this campaign? I'm not intending quests or main plot stories with dragons, but if you give me a clue a dragon is nearby, I'll probably try to learn more about him-her and maybe talk if he/she's not too evil... You know, character backstory ;)
Filippo :)
Edit: do you know what time would it be in Italy when this campaign will take place? I can play only in the afternoon, but if it's at the right time, I can play on thursdays too

September 26th, 2023, 19:38
Hey, thanks for the reply Filippo. Unfortunately myself and a couple of the others already have commitments on Tuesdays, otherwise, I'd love to have you. That character sounds like a lot of fun, and I'm a firm believer that D&D should always be free for everyone.
I actually had a whole campaign idea that was very dragon-focused, I just gave the couple of players I already have a choice from a few options and they chose this one. But hey. Doesn't mean I won't run something along those lines sometime down the road should my Tuesdays happen to clear up.

September 26th, 2023, 20:04
Ok, love to finally hear an answer after I triead 3 other times with other campaigns without success... That's already a win :)
I think maybe I can also play on thursday, but I don't know what time here in Italy would be at your 8.00 PM (right? Or did I misunderstand the infos?)
To let you know, at my last edit time here in Italy it's 9:10 PM, so maybe you can do the math.
If we get that clear, there still might be a chance... And, hey, dragon-related things could be a good game of dragon-chess! (Yeah, I read your profile... And I also like chess ;)) I will still fully enjoy a D&D game without dragons if it's a problem, it doesn't matter, seriously.
If I reaally can't play, then it's fine, I'll keep checking if you post any campaign on tuesday.
Either way, I think you're a nice DM and I can't wait to play with you! :)

September 26th, 2023, 20:13
Yeah that'd be 2 am for you, or 2-530 am as the game time. So if you're nocturnal like me more than welcome, but that wouldn't be for everyone. I'll most certainly keep you in mind though either way!

September 26th, 2023, 20:16
OUCH... Yeah I don't think I can do it... Well, it was worth the shot. Have fun!

September 26th, 2023, 23:42
Interested, I can do the listed time if slots are available. I'm in CST.

September 27th, 2023, 00:04
Sorry didn’t realize this was a biweekly game.

September 27th, 2023, 08:20
Skewr was the next person to respond so checking with them, then I think I have enough people likely at the moment then, thank you everyone for the interest if I need anyone else I'll let you know

September 27th, 2023, 19:30
Just came across this post. If you need another player with some experience with FGU and 5e let me know. Thursday at 5 pm PST works for me as I am in California. I’m ok with creating characters in FGU but may need a little guidance.



September 27th, 2023, 20:21
I'll let you know if I do, absolutely

September 28th, 2023, 18:21
If you are looking for another player. Let me know. This time works well for me! Experienced player who knows how to use FG. Love to RP and looking forward to meeting new people!

September 29th, 2023, 13:53
Other guy never responded so messaging you now Mike, AFNick that leaves you 1st inline

September 29th, 2023, 22:39
I can be a backup, i suspect.

Backup to the backup. :-)

October 20th, 2023, 06:40
Had a person drop out so messaging AFNick now, Bear that leaves you next if either of you happen to be still looking

October 26th, 2023, 16:34
A friend and I would like to join, we both are experienced in 5e and FGU. That is if this game is still going or in need of players.

October 26th, 2023, 19:26
Appriciate the interest, but back up to 6 again andni think 8 is a little excessive if that's fair