View Full Version : LF 2-3 PLAYERS.. ADnD 2E rules. Lankhmar (City Campaign)

September 22nd, 2023, 23:34
FG License: GM has full License. Lite or Demo version required.
Game System: Advanced DnD (2E) rule set.

Time Zone: Central Standard
Day of week and time: Fridays or Saturdays from 6pm to 9-10pm
If new game, planned start date: Sep 29th or the following weekend, depending on players.
Planned Duration & Frequency: Weekly (3-4 hour sessions)
Term: Long Term (Campaign)

Text or Voice: Voice chat only
Main Language used: English
Voice software used: Discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No

Roleplay & Combat mix:60/40 RP/Combat
Number of Players in game & needed:2-3 more, already have 2.
Character starting level & equipment: 1st, Normal starting gear.
Character restrictions: Lankhmar sub ruleset so races and classes differ than the standard.

Details of your scenario: Lankhmar is a massive city campaign. While your character will spend much if not most of his/her time in Lankhmar, the world of Newhon in which it resides has plenty of savage and unexplored lands to discover. As well as a Mythos all its own. The DM runs this as a massive sandbox city. You as a player decide what stories you prefer to follow. Evil characters are allowed and probably suggested due to the nature of the city. The Lankhmar city Campaign tends to gear itself more towards the cloak and dagger, political intrigue, backstabbing, betrayal side of society.
Current group members are a bit older, in their 50s and would prefer like-minded individuals.
Thread here or contact via email [email protected]
This Campaign setting isn't for everyone, so I would like to discuss differences and or details with any interested individuals before anyone commits.

Group has filled. (wanted to close this post):cry:

September 24th, 2023, 14:43
Nice! Love Lankhmar but already have too many games.

September 24th, 2023, 15:49
I sent you a PM, am interested.

September 24th, 2023, 20:36
Interested, sent you a DM

September 28th, 2023, 19:37
FG License: GM has full License. Lite or Demo version required.
Game System: Advanced DnD (2E) rule set.

Time Zone: Central Standard
Day of week and time: Fridays or Saturdays from 6pm to 9-10pm
If new game, planned start date: Sep 29th or the following weekend, depending on players.
Planned Duration & Frequency: Weekly (3-4 hour sessions)
Term: Long Term (Campaign)

Text or Voice: Voice chat only
Main Language used: English
Voice software used: Discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No

Roleplay & Combat mix:60/40 RP/Combat
Number of Players in game & needed:2-3 more, already have 2.
Character starting level & equipment: 1st, Normal starting gear.
Character restrictions: Lankhmar sub ruleset so races and classes differ than the standard.

Details of your scenario: Lankhmar is a massive city campaign. While your character will spend much if not most of his/her time in Lankhmar, the world of Newhon in which it resides has plenty of savage and unexplored lands to discover. As well as a Mythos all its own. The DM runs this as a massive sandbox city. You as a player decide what stories you prefer to follow. Evil characters are allowed and probably suggested due to the nature of the city. The Lankhmar city Campaign tends to gear itself more towards the cloak and dagger, political intrigue, backstabbing, betrayal side of society.
Current group members are a bit older, in their 50s and would prefer like-minded individuals.
Thread here or contact via email [email protected]
This Campaign setting isn't for everyone, so I would like to discuss differences and or details with any interested individuals before anyone commits.

Still have room for another player? I'm available Fri nights.

September 29th, 2023, 09:33
I'd love to but would have to be Saturday. Already have a Friday game.

September 30th, 2023, 10:36
Do you still have room in this game? I run a DCC-Lankhmar game and would enjoy a city campaign to play in. I played in a Sanctuary [Thieves World] campaign back in the early 80s and really liked the city setting. And I don't mind playing with young folks in their 50's.

Saturday would be preferable, but Friday is not out of the question.

October 2nd, 2023, 02:37
Hello, I remember buying this when it came out. Would like to play prefer FRIs if possible. Been playing a year on Fantasy Grounds but have played RPGs for a long time mostly AD&D

October 7th, 2023, 14:46
Wanted to get back with you. After receiving more interest than expected for this campaign I am considering starting a second group within the same campaign. While i am open to almost any evening, the general consensus seems to be Sat amongst those interested. Right now I am testing the waters and seeing if a full group would commit first. Let me know if this interests you. Forgive me if I already have sent this to you. I'm a bit overwhelmed keeping track of emails vs DM names.

Paul (Frostscalp) DM
Again, thanks for your interest.

October 7th, 2023, 15:03
Still interested in a Saturday game if enough people are interested.

October 8th, 2023, 03:25
I would be interested in the game. Still Prefer FRiday nights but Saturday would work too