View Full Version : LFG 1 Player, LF Weeknight Wednesday 7PM EST D&D or Pathfinder

Arctic Longear
September 22nd, 2023, 14:43
FG License: Paid License, some 5e material purchased
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: I'm available Wednesday evenings (any time AFTER 7PM EST), and am interested in playing weekly or bi-weekly.
Term: I'm looking for something that could last at least a few months
Voice: I can do Voice Chat over Discord. I use my phone to communicate as I cannot do so on my computer.

Game System Preferred: I am primarily looking for at playing D&D 5e, though I am interested in D&D 3.5e, Pathfinder, and Pathfinder 2e as well
Game System Experience: I have quite a few years of experience with D&D 5e, and a little bit with D&D 3.5e and Pathfinder, and little experience with Pathfinder 2e
Fantasy Grounds Experience: I've used FG a little bit, but the games I've been a part of have stopped after three or four sessions due to scheduling conflicts.

Character Type Preferred: I typically play utility-, skill-, or theme-based characters. I enjoy playing Fighters, Warlocks, and Witches, typically as Humans, Tieflings, or Half-Elves. I do not play characters younger than 16 years of age.
About me: I am a father with kids in school. My days off of work are Wed/Thu, and I work Graveyard shift. I am in EST (Toronto-area) Time Zone, and looking to play after I get my kids to bed. My playstyle is typically focused on having fun and roleplaying, and getting involved in the storyline of DM/GMs, and having jokes both IC and OoC with others. I have been involved with Tabletop RPGs for over twenty years both as a player and a DM/GM. My memory is a little shot nowadays, and I've forgotten some details of the systems I've been involved with; I'm an experienced player with moments of feeling like a new player.

Thank you for your time reading my thread.

September 22nd, 2023, 16:20
Hi, would you be interested in joining a west marches style campaign (basically one-shots)?

Arctic Longear
September 22nd, 2023, 22:09
I don't know what a west marches style is. I'm also looking for a free-to-play to learn better about Fantasy Grounds if possible.
Thank you for your reply.

September 23rd, 2023, 17:17
I have taught many players to use Fantasy Grounds, but I do all that stuff now via StartPlaying.gamesnow.
If you ever need coaching or a great gaming experience, don't hesitate to join us there.

September 28th, 2023, 19:41
I run a campaign that is a 1E/2E homebrew that is mixed with the skills and spells of Rolemaster (makes it much more realistic without being bogged down by tables and rules). We alternate between Wednesdays and Thursdays based on people's availability. I have room for more players if you're interested in a different system that is played with older people that like to have a good time.

Arctic Longear
September 28th, 2023, 20:00
Thank you for your comment. I've gotten PMs to join two different games recently. I will keep your offer in mind if they don't work out.