View Full Version : Looking for a group to join preferebly in Europe since i'm from the Netherlands

September 21st, 2023, 12:39
Hello I'm Joris from the Netherlands.

My current group has gone haywire due to some players breaking up and moving away.
Most post I see here are focused on eastern time but with a 6 hour time difference that is not really doable unless I could play in the evening and the rest during the day on weekends.
So if anyone is from europe and looking for a player hit me up.
If anyone plays around midday in America during the weekend hit me up as well.

Thanks for reading.

September 29th, 2023, 22:03
Message sent

October 2nd, 2023, 01:01
Hello I'm Joris from the Netherlands.
If you are open to trying Old-School Essentials, our current group is starting a new campaign in the next few weeks (trying to find a week everyone will be there). It would be a Saturday, day game for us in the US. I have a player in Malta which is a same time frame as you I think?? It's Saturday nights from 9PM to midnight for him (https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/?qm=1&lid=2563191,5,6&h=6&date=2023-10-7&sln=14-17&hf=1). We are just now starting to get organized.