View Full Version : The color scheme on the new FG update is horrible

September 10th, 2023, 22:27
Please give us the option to swap out these colors because it's almost unreadable it's so bad.

September 10th, 2023, 22:38
See this thread for some possible causes: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?79041-Is-there-a-way-to-revert-the-character-sheet-colour

September 10th, 2023, 23:34
Thank you!

September 10th, 2023, 23:36
There are several free themes out there if you don't like vanilla, all included with the game. Just go try one. Also what ruleset are you using, what extensions are you running? If you cant read it it is probably something you loaded. If you don't think it is then tell us more info and post a screenshot. I can tell you 100% in the post Trenloe linked the guy has something weird loaded. Those frames are not even in core RPG anymore.

Edit: If your game doesn't look like the image in that link Trenloe posted something is definately wrong.

Moon Wizard
September 11th, 2023, 00:25
As @bayne7400 mentioned; there are several included themes in the extension list when launching your campaign in the FG launch screen. (Classic, Dungeon, Leather, Wood, Light, Dark, Simple Brown, Simple Gray) Plus, there are several others for sale in our store, as well as provided by the community through the FG Forge.

Make sure that you only select one theme at a time though!


September 12th, 2023, 05:41
Maybe this has been asked before?

Would it be possible on the launch screen for anything defined as a 'theme' to appear in a different box than the other extensions. Then have the 'theme' listing as radio buttons rather than check boxes, so that it's not even possible to accidentally choose two themes? Might cut both user frustration and support time.

September 12th, 2023, 16:39
Maybe this has been asked before?

Would it be possible on the launch screen for anything defined as a 'theme' to appear in a different box than the other extensions. Then have the 'theme' listing as radio buttons rather than check boxes, so that it's not even possible to accidentally choose two themes? Might cut both user frustration and support time.
Sort of, but not really, not as it stands. The only thing that makes a theme a theme is when the developer precedes the name as such. FG has no way to evaluate as theme as a theme, it's just another extension. A separate selection window for such is possible, but would be only as good as the developer marking them as such. And then there is the challenge of space on the launch screen. Maybe such would be enough though?

Regardless, the best place to put feature enhancements or suggestions in the on the Idea Informer Wish List; Idea Informer » Feedback 2.0 (http://fgapp.idea.informer.com/)

Moon Wizard
September 12th, 2023, 16:51
It's something I've been considering. However, as @LordEntrails mentions, a theme is no different than any other extension in behavior and capability; so it is up to the developer to "do the right thing" in that scenario.


September 12th, 2023, 17:18
I've long thought a drop down with only "themes" would be a good way to go considering how many people accidently select more than one (myself included :p ).

September 12th, 2023, 17:58
Add a type field to extension definitions and allow sorting by that. Theme, UI, System, General, etc. I'm sure you've thought of that but seems simple solution. Anything w/o one would be pushed to general and people can nag the devs to update them.

Moon Wizard
September 12th, 2023, 18:12
The only challenge with that approach is that we have 10+ years worth of extensions that do not have tags, so enforcing a tag seems problematic. I'm basically doing the same thing with the naming filters. The question is whether to break that out, given that there is no good space on the launch screen without redesigning the whole thing for this capability. (Not sure the risk/reward ratio is there for that.)


September 12th, 2023, 18:18
I've long thought a drop down with only "themes" would be a good way to go considering how many people accidently select more than one (myself included :p ).
That's there now (see below). But, as mentioned in this thread, it relies on the naming convention being used to allow FG to filter correctly.


September 12th, 2023, 18:52
The only challenge with that approach is that we have 10+ years worth of extensions that do not have tags, so enforcing a tag seems problematic. I'm basically doing the same thing with the naming filters. The question is whether to break that out, given that there is no good space on the launch screen without redesigning the whole thing for this capability. (Not sure the risk/reward ratio is there for that.)


I figured that it would mean the official content would have the appropriate tags and some of the more active extension devs and the rest would pile up in "general" and slowly be worked out of that as the user based prodded them into doing so. Seems a good migration path to me but I dont know long term issues for SW.

September 12th, 2023, 18:55
Part of it is not only filtering/segregating by extension type, but also restricting or warning users when more than one theme is selected. Would be nice not to get the periodic reports of white-on-white etc due to multiple themes being selected, but not sure those are as prevalent now as they used to be.

September 12th, 2023, 20:36
That's there now (see below). But, as mentioned in this thread, it relies on the naming convention being used to allow FG to filter correctly.


Yeah but I meant a Theme *only* single select drop down not a multi-select, two drop downs like this:

September 12th, 2023, 20:42
I will say that I have two "themes" running at the same time so I would not like radio buttons. However the one is a special extension theme that only changes the DM icon in chat to a custom one.

I suppose that could be changed out of the Theme category into a different one.

Also if turning things into radio buttons, do NOT do that to Fonts please. I have four or six Font extensions running currently. A general one off the list to use if different than the Theme font, plus all the various other language fonts that work as part of the Language drop down.

Moon Wizard
September 12th, 2023, 22:18
Yeah, that's a consideration as well. I've already come across a few extensions which have a "Base" theme; and "Modifier" themes. Those extensions don't fit into the one theme rules them all approach.


September 12th, 2023, 23:00
Yeah but I meant a Theme *only* single select drop down not a multi-select, two drop downs like this:
I'm confused and don't know what that represents or how it would work?

September 12th, 2023, 23:04
Yeah, that's a consideration as well. I've already come across a few extensions which have a "Base" theme; and "Modifier" themes. Those extensions don't fit into the one theme rules them all approach.

I would imagine a solution would be a warning. i.e. that if filtered for themes and more than one was selected there would be some type of warning message. "You have more than one theme selected, this may result in undesirable graphics, insure all theme extensions are designed to work together."

Actually, maybe that could be done today in the chat following startup? Something big and bold after all extensions are loaded. Seems that would be much easier to implement in CoreRPG than to modify the launcher.

September 13th, 2023, 07:02
I'm confused and don't know what that represents or how it would work?

Sorry I was in a hurry and just uploaded the mock up as an attachment, you can look above but I was thinking about one drop down just for themes and nothing else where you could only select one theme, and the mult-radio button for the rest.

I wasn't aware that some themes apparently have a base theme then an additional theme.

September 13th, 2023, 09:04
Sorry I was in a hurry and just uploaded the mock up as an attachment, you can look above but I was thinking about one drop down just for themes and nothing else where you could only select one theme, and the mult-radio button for the rest.

I wasn't aware that some themes apparently have a base theme then an additional theme.
Ah, right. I get you. Yeah, that would be a good idea...

Nick Frost
September 13th, 2023, 10:59
I think clicking on two "radio buttons" will be as common as clicking on two exts labeled "THEME"...

Lo Zeno
September 13th, 2023, 12:16
I think clicking on two "radio buttons" will be as common as clicking on two exts labeled "THEME"...

Radio buttons specifically don't let you click two options in a group, but only one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_button

September 13th, 2023, 16:24
And as pointed out, there are valid reasons for loading two themes. It's just uncommon. So if you enforce only loading of one theme, then you have developers not labelling all themes as themes. And if you don't enforce only one theme, you still have the problem.

IMO, There are improvements that can be made, but not a perfect solution.

September 13th, 2023, 18:03
Yeah the multi extension themes complicate things but at the end of the day, after both parts are loaded they are still just one theme they are only in two parts for development reasons - for the end user they are still just one theme at final selection.

August 10th, 2024, 23:19
This is quite an old thread and was in reference to another change. The feedback for the newest theme can be placed here:

August 10th, 2024, 23:35
It sounds like the new color scheme in the FG update has caused some frustration due to its impact on readability. A good solution would be for the developers to include an option for users to customize or revert to previous color schemes, ensuring that the interface remains accessible and comfortable for everyone. Providing more flexibility in color choices would likely improve the user experience and address the concerns of those who find the current scheme difficult to work with.

This is quite an old thread and was in reference to another change. The feedback for the newest theme can be placed here:
I'm pretty sure they're a spammer. Only joined yesterday, three posts in old threads that look very much like AI generated posts.