View Full Version : 5E Unity LFP's at 4th level for weekly Thurs Game 5-8 MST "Abbey Isle" in Greyhawk

September 8th, 2023, 20:26
DM FG License: Fantasy Grounds Unity Standard NO DEMOS SORRY
Game System: D&D 5e
Time Zone: MST
Day of week and time: Thursdays 5-8PM MST time
Session 02: September 14th
Planned Duration & Frequency: 3 hour sessions, weekly.
Term: Long
Text or Voice: Voice.
Voice software used: Discord.
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No
Roleplay & Combat mix: Group dependent
Number of Players in game & needed: Looking for 2 players who regularly show up, accept die rolls and their fate and aren't annoying or whiney.
Character starting level & equipment: Roll up Level 4, 3d6 for stats and place in any order, standard equipment PHB
Character restrictions: PHB Class and Race's only
Scenario Details: Isle of the Abbey module in the Ghost's of Saltmarsh Series set in GreyHawk
A local feud between Pirates and a Cleric Sect on a nearby island has resulted in the ownership of the island being in dispute. A local Trade guild would like to build a lighthouse on the island for the good of the town of Saltmarsh. The Trade guild is looking for adventurers to go to the island and determine what has happened to the Clerics and the Abbey and to claim the island for the Trade Guild.
Discord link here: https://discord.gg/P7uYMmEP

October 2nd, 2023, 05:43
I am interested in joining, if possible, but I am new to game. https://discordapp.com/users/606208733789421579

October 2nd, 2023, 18:17
I think we are full for the moment. I'll PM you if something opens up.

October 10th, 2023, 02:26
I would be interested in joining if you have availability ??

October 10th, 2023, 16:29
I would also be interested in joining if there is a spot.

Can contact at kiriennailo or Kirien#2441 on discord

October 18th, 2023, 17:26
I sent you a pm we have a spot

October 18th, 2023, 17:27
I have a spot just open up if your interested

October 19th, 2023, 00:45
I'm interested if you're still looking for someone - bobwhitley3 on discord

October 19th, 2023, 03:09
I would still be interested

October 20th, 2023, 14:09
Kelain I'll send you a pm we have a opening

October 20th, 2023, 14:09
Bob I'll send you a pm we have an opening

October 21st, 2023, 04:33
I have an opening for a 4th level ? https://discord.gg/QqKC3apU"]https://discord.gg/QqKC3apU"]https://discord.gg/QqKC3apU[/URL][/URL] check out the rules and if you can live with them..