View Full Version : Release Updates for September 5th, 2023

September 5th, 2023, 19:50
Please remember not to update right before a game starts.

In order for some of the updates to be visible, you may need to open the Module Activation window from Library->Activation, right click on the module and select "revert changes". Be warned, any edits you've made will be lost.

Note: Hotfixes are to fix an immediate problem that prevents using a product. They are not fully tested and may introduce other issues. If you have issues with a hotfix please contact support.

Note: Fantasy Grounds Classic is no longer receiving regular updates. These updates are for Fantasy Grounds Unity unless specifically noted.

The following products have been updated:

Rolemaster Classic (Rolemaster Classic)

Skill armor multiplier to use the copy of the skill on the charsheet
[Fixed] Combat tracker defense section not showing Parry if not opened by the GM first

[U]Dungeon Crawl Classics Ruleset (Dungeon Crawl Classics)

[Fixed] Minor typos in the core rules module.
Graphics for improved compatibility with themes.
[Updated] Core rules module with gender-neutral text introduced in the softcover 9th printing.
[Updated] Effect modifier DIE now accepts a dice clause (previously number only).
[Added] Effect modifier DIEALL applies dice chain adjustment to all rolls.
[Added] New art from 10th printing to core rules module.
[Added] Spell Lists button to class library sorts spells by source (i.e., class or patron) and level.

[U]Pathfinder 2 RPG - Core Rules (Pathfinder 2.0)

[Added] Repair (shield) activity
[Added] Shield Warden SHIELDBLOCKALLY activities.
[Added] How to use text to Battle Medicine
Hide effects now GM visible only
[Updated] Shield Block feat effect to use SHIELDBLOCK (no XX value)
[Fixed] Ranger Hunt Prey class feature RANGEINC2MOD -2 instead of +2
[Fixed] Sorcerer Elemental Blood Magic elemental energy effect using deception instead of intimidation.
[Fixed] Actions not added correctly for feats with the same name.

[U]Pathfinder 2 RPG Ruleset (Pathfinder 2.0)

Chat version = PF2 release 19b
[Updated] Redesigned VsDC handler to allow full access to PC data when acting against another PC.
[Updated] Effect trait filters will remove any text within brackets - (...) For example:allows "Treat Wounds" effect matching to "Treat Wounds (Expert)" activity.
[Updated] If ranged weapon action range = 0 in the PC actions tab, set range to base inventory item range.
[Updated] Shields with 0 base HP can be raised and apply their AC bonus.
[Updated] Shields with a break threshold of 0 can't be broken.
[Updated] Update of shield AC then raising/lowering shield takes into account current equipped unbroken shield.
[Added] Heal type = shield. Allows repairing of shields.
[Added] Min Actions display to spells in the Actions tab.
[Added] Ability to hide ApplyAllActions for spells.
[Added] S+ (Success Plus) and F- (Failure minus) to action result level options.
[Added] Prof# (prof number) to actions (currently only supported for skill activities). Untrained = 0, Trained = 1, Expert = 2, etc.. Initial use with the Repair (shield) activity.
[Added] ShieldDC to activity skill target DCs. Used for Repair (shield) activity.
[Added] Redesigned the SHIELDBLOCK functionality - the hardness of the equipped shield will be used, not need to specify SHIELDBLOCK: XX.
[Added] Support for Repair (shield) activity - the first damaged equipped or carried shield in the target PC inventory will be repaired, and also used for the repair DC.
[Added] SHIELDBLOCKALLY functionality - used for Shield Warden feat and similar.
[Added] GM DC Panel - ability to close via right-click menu and open via desktop sidebar "Tool" button.
[Added] [DEV] getEffectTargetNode functionality to the PFRPG2 effect handler.
[Added] Not currently supported GM chat message for Usage = usecount.
[Added] Activity and spell actions without a source actor (i.e. executed from a campaign data record) will use the currently active NPC and their targeting.
[Fixed] Various CT issue:
[Fixed] - PC AC and Saves not shown in CT.
[Fixed] - Attack section shown when PC first added to CT.
[Fixed] - Character effects toggle not shown when PC first added to CT.
[Fixed] - Rest right-click menu not available for PC when first added to the CT.
[Fixed] VsDC secret checks applying effects twice.
[Fixed] R19 code updating inventory items wouldn't keep original identified state.
[Fixed] Player would see chat warning regarding core rules module not open when opening a PC.

[U]Savage Rifts(R): Arcana & Mysticism (Savage Worlds Adventure Edition)

Removed Iconic Framework Edges (Framesworks do the trick now).

[U]Savage Rifts(R) North America: Empires of Humanity (Savage Worlds Adventure Edition)

Updated Edges automation (as TLPG)

[U]Rifts (R): The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide (Savage Worlds)

Udated Edges to Improved versions will replace "lesser" versions when dragged to character sheets.

[U]Pathfinder 2 RPG - Pathfinder Adventure: Troubles in Otari (Pathfinder 2.0)

[Fixed] striking in properties causing issue with striking damage automation.

Pathfinder RPG 2 - Pathfinder Adventure: The Slithering (Pathfinder 2.0)

[Fixed] striking in properties causing issue with striking damage automation.

Pathfinder 2 RPG - The Fall of Plaguestone (Pathfinder 2.0)

[Fixed] striking in properties causing issue with striking damage automation.

Pathfinder 2 RPG - Pathfinder Adventure: The Enmity Cycle (Pathfinder 2.0)

[Fixed] striking in properties causing issue with striking damage automation.

Pathfinder 2 RPG - Pathfinder Adventure: Shadows at Sundown (Pathfinder 2.0)

[Fixed] striking in properties causing issue with striking damage automation.

Pathfinder 2 RPG - Pathfinder Adventure: Rusthenge (Pathfinder 2.0)

[Fixed] striking in properties causing issue with striking damage automation.

Pathfinder 2 RPG - Pathfinder Adventure: Night of the Gray Death (Pathfinder 2.0)

[Fixed] striking in properties causing issue with striking damage automation.

Pathfinder 2 RPG - Pathfinder Adventure: Malevolence (Pathfinder 2.0)

[Fixed] striking in properties causing issue with striking damage automation.

Pathfinder 2 RPG - Pathfinder Adventure: Crown of the Kobold King Anniversary Edition (Pathfinder 2.0)

[Fixed] striking in properties causing issue with striking damage automation.

Pathfinder 2 RPG - One-Shot #4: Mark of the Mantis (Pathfinder 2.0)

[Fixed] striking in properties causing issue with striking damage automation.

Pathfinder 2 RPG - One-Shot #2: Dinner at Lionlodge (Pathfinder 2.0)

[Fixed] striking in properties causing issue with striking damage automation.

Pathfinder for Savage Worlds Core Rules (Pathfinder for Savage Worlds)

[Fixed] missing text in Activation section.
[Added] some graphics

Pathfinder RPG - Pathfinder Companion: People of the Sands (Pathfinder RPG and D&D 3.5/ OGL)

[Fixed] updated the seam image with new logo, also made sure the title is not covered by banner

A magical Society - Ecology and Culture (Generic Add-ons)

[Fixed] changed logo
[Fixed] fixed title
[Fixed] cover title and pushed the store document to dropbox

Underworld Races & Classes (5E) (5E Compatible)

[Fixed] Cleric Class table
[Fixed] Some feats missing prerequisites
[Fixed] Some missing race traits
[Fixed] Typos

September 5th, 2023, 19:53
Starfinder RPG (Ruleset)

[Fixed] Error when attempting to drop a spell or parse a spell's actions from the character sheet

September 5th, 2023, 20:37

Shadow of the Demon Lord Freeport Trilogy (Shadow of the Demon Lord)

[Fixed] Several reported bugs have been fixed

Frozen Depths Map Collection (Generic Add-ons)

[Fixed] Maps for Arctic II section showed the LOS, but not the map image.

Savage Rifts(R): Tomorrow Legion Field Manual (Savage Worlds Adventure Edition)

[Fixed] Iconic Frameworks missing - fixed!

Honor + Intrigue (Barbarians of Lemuria)

[Fixed] Maneuver records should now display properly

Barbarians of Lemuria (Barbarians of Lemuria)

[Fixed] A required Frame was inadvertently removed

2E Ruleset (2E Compatible)

Records list should include sound sets

[U]Rifts (R): The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide (Savage Worlds)

[Updated] Updated Edges to Improved versions will replace "lesser" versions when dragged to character sheets.

Moon Wizard
September 5th, 2023, 20:55
Dungeons and Dragons (5E) ruleset

[Fixed] ADV/DIS effects being ignored for automated initiative rolling.

Multiple rulesets (CoreRPG/4E/13A/SFRPG/SW/Vaesen/VTM)

[Fixed] Theme layout issues.

September 5th, 2023, 21:01

Savage Worlds Super Powers Companion (SWADE) (Savage Worlds Adventure Edition)

[Fixed] Broken theme and missing graphic - fixed

Moon Wizard
September 6th, 2023, 01:56
Savage Worlds - Multiple themes (50F, IZ2, IZ3, RR, WotD)

[Fixed] Theme layout issues.

September 6th, 2023, 17:10

Shadow of the Demon Lord Tombs of the Desolation (Shadow of the Demon Lord)

[Fixed] Images resized

September 6th, 2023, 17:26

Seasons of Mystery (Vaesen)

Updated image file names and module data to fit within development guidelines due to images not able to be displayed correctly.

September 7th, 2023, 16:50

Conan 2d20 (Ruleset)

[Fixed] Unable to use modifier box to roll dice

Moon Wizard
September 8th, 2023, 21:50
D&D 3.5, Pathfinder 1E, Starfinder, d20 Modern

[Fixed] Domain spell lists throwing script errors.

September 11th, 2023, 19:21

Flee, Mortals! The MCDM Monster Book (5E Compatible)

[Fixed] Error when adding NPCs to the Combat Tracker.
[Fixed] Skeleton's Bone Bow damage text.