View Full Version : modifying default light effects

September 4th, 2023, 16:36
i'm still figuring things out about creating extensions/modifying files etc.

i'm building an extention that would need the default lights effects to have a different brightness range in dnd5e, so here's what I found and tried but haven't succeded

the place that the lights effect are initialised seems to be in the manager_vision.lua (in coreRPG):

local _tTokenLightDefaults = {
["candle"] = {
sColor = "FFFFFCC3",
nBright = 1,
nDim = 2,
sAnimType = "flicker",
nAnimSpeed = 100,
nDuration = 600,
["lamp"] = {
sColor = "FFFFF3E1",
nBright = 3,
nDim = 9,
sAnimType = "flicker",
nAnimSpeed = 25,
nDuration = 3600,
Once these are changed the effects are updated in CoreRPG but not in dnd5e, so I searched using the "search in files" feature in Notepad++ in a unzipped copy of the 5e ruleset but can't find any "candle" or "nBright" text... does that mean that these values are updated somewhere else?
may some of you know where are those updated?

September 4th, 2023, 18:07
See the 3rd post here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?71426-Can-you-modify-the-Lighting-presets

September 4th, 2023, 18:38
interesting, I am indeed modifying in the right place!

I found my problem!

the modifications actually update in 5e as well, a simple "/reload" DOESN'T update these variables, I have to create a new campain each time to see the updated variables of those default lights effects!

all good now :)