View Full Version : DM LFP For Tuesday night gme

September 3rd, 2023, 04:27
DM FG License: Fantasy Grounds Unity Ultimate
Game System: D&D 5e
Time Zone: MST
Day of week and time: Tuesday time TBD
New game, planned start date: Session 0 TBD after I fill the group
Planned Duration & Frequency: 3-4 hour sessions, weekly.
Term: Medium
Text or Voice: Voice.
Voice software used: Discord.
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No
Roleplay & Combat mix: Group dependent
Number of Players in game & needed: Looking for 4-6
Character starting level & equipment: Level 1, standard equipment. I allow for variations or substitutes with in reason
Character restrictions: Any class/race/background if I have the source material for it but keep in mind there my be consequences for playing certain races.
Scenario Details: Ghost's of Saltmarsh set in Faerūn
Other Details: I am looking for experienced and mature players only. I plan an using quite a bit of advanced house rules and for the sake of game flow and courtesy of the group I won't have time to stop and explain everything
Send PM for more details

September 4th, 2023, 01:47
I'm interested greatly

September 5th, 2023, 18:06
I'm interested in playing if there are spots open

September 6th, 2023, 21:51
I have 6 as of now I will update this thread if someone drops and still need a replacement