View Full Version : LF1P, Mon 7pm BST, Pathfinder 2E, Abomination Vaults

August 31st, 2023, 09:03
FG License: FGU Ultimate (Players can use the free Demo version).
Game System: Pathfinder 2nd Edition

Time Zone: UK (BST)
Day of week and time: Mondays at 7pm BST [Click here for other timezones] (https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20230904T180000&p1=tz_bst&p2=tz_ct&p3=tz_et&p4=tz_pt&p5=tz_cest)
Planned start date: Already underway, next session Monday 4th September
Planned Duration & Frequency: Weekly, approx 4 hours per session
Term: Long Term

Text or Voice: Voice
Voice software used: Discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No.

Roleplay & Combat mix: 30% / 70%
Number of Players in game & needed: Have 3 players (Fighter, Summoner, Gunslinger), need 1 more to complete the party.
Character starting level & equipment: Party has just reached level 4, standard starting equipment for a level 4 character.
Character restrictions: Any common options from the books in the Essentials Bundle (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/store/productbundle.php?bundleid=PFRPG2ESSENTIALS) is fine. If you'd like to use an uncommon or rare option, or something from another source, then let me know and we can discuss it.

Details of the scenario:
500 years ago an adventuring group killed the evil Sorceress who built the combined fortress and lighthouse known as Gauntlight, but it appears that that they didn't clear out all of Gauntlight's inhabitants and now it has fallen to to a new group of adventurers to finish the job before the denizens of the Gauntlight ruins spell doom for the nearby town of Otari...

The Abomination Vaults is a megadungeon campaign that starts with level 1 characters and continues up to level 10 or 11.

August 31st, 2023, 09:29
Hy there i can see your post and i must say

LF1P: Looking for 1 Player. This indicates that the group is searching for one more player to join their game.

Mon 7pm BST: This specifies the date and time of the game session. "Mon" stands for Monday, "7pm" indicates 7:00 PM, and "BST" refers to British Summer Time, the time zone used in the UK during daylight saving time.

Pathfinder 2E: This refers to the role-playing game system being used for the game. Pathfinder 2E (Second Edition) is a tabletop RPG system developed by Paizo.

Abomination Vaults: This is likely the name of the adventure or campaign that the game session will be based on. It might be an official module or a custom campaign created by the game master.

Thanks and regards

September 5th, 2023, 18:09
Is there still a spot open?