View Full Version : LFG Week night Game (Pathfinder/D&D)

August 30th, 2023, 05:11
FG License: I have the Fantasy Grounds Ultimate v3.3.15, not the Unity version, but can get if needed
Time Zone: CST after 6 pm
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: I'm looking for weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly games. The only days I cannot do are Friday/Saturday/Sunday as I get my kids on the weekends.
Term: I am up for anything
Voice: I can do voice, I have Skype or Discord and am willing to get what is needed.

Game System Preferred: I would like D&D 3.5, Pathfinder 1/2, or D&D 5
Game System Experience: I am experienced with Pathfinder and D&D 3.5
Fantasy Grounds Experience: I have used it some, but not an expert.

Character Type Preferred: I am looking for a fantasy-type game. I like to play supporting characters, such as a Cleric. Though also enjoy playing Archer/Ranged types and Fighter/front fighter. Personality is usually alignment good, and trying to help rather than murder and always loot. Enjoy a good story.

September 22nd, 2023, 00:21
Bump, I have a game on Mondays, so looking for Tues-Thur.

September 28th, 2023, 18:59
Hi, this seems perfect for me! I'm Filippo, 15 years old, I discovered D&D a few months ago, I DMed my first game, I'm playing the second and right now I can't stop thinking about new characters and adventures :) your campaign catched my eye as it's one of the very few that can be played on tuesdays (my only free day) but there is one thing that I don't understand... Here in Italy at the time I'm writing this message it's around 19:50... What time would the campaign be played? I can only play in afternoons as I have school.
Now to the fun part: the character! I've only played D&D 5e but I'm willing to learn new sistems, the problem is I don't know if the "Drakewarden" ranger is balanced in other game sistems... The race and subclass are from Fizban's Treasury of Dragons, if you need to see it. Now, let me present you: Seygarya Clanless!
Name: Seygarya Clanless (lawful neutral and I promise I hate uncooperative players)
Age: 26
A fierce, self-confident red dragonborn, who once was the best scout of the clan "Fireheat", living on the mountains of [insert name here because idk the places]. Her clan consisted only of dragonborn, there was no difference between metallic or cromatic if they were helping surviving in that hostile environment. They had a great hatred for dragons because once they got attacked by an evil silver dragon claiming their few possessions as his own. Seygarya had other enemies instead of dragons: monstrosities, as a basilisk almost petrified her during her first hunting trip. She was following a manticore alone when she discovered a strange-looking menhir, ancient draconic runes carved on it. When, curiously, she began reading it, the arcane runes activated and started glowing with a red light while little flames began circling around them and entering directly in their eyes. Seygarya felt an ancient draconic power flowing trough her as she continued reading the poem, called "Elegy for the first world", narrating about the primary role that Bahamut, Tiamat and Sardior had when shaping the First World and how the other deities just came and destroyed. She began to put herself in the dragons' point of view, forced to coexist with other species of capricious gods. When she returned to her clan, not only her eyes were different (they became of different shades of orange and it seemed that a flame was constantly burning in her iris), but her entire soul was changed. When she tried to explain herself, she got exiliated by the clan, and now she's searching for protection and new company in this cruel and unfair world.
Hope to play with you soon!
P.s. A few minor details:
1- I'm dragon-obsessed... It's not a must in the campaigns I play, of course, but I love dragons and dragon-related things and it also matches the backstory if, let's say, I hear that there is a nearby dragon, I should go talking to him about my newly-found powers... Anyways, it's not important at all, just a little detail that makes me smile :)
2- I think I'm kinda good at writing and talking in english (says the one that probably made 20 grammar mistakes in this message and didn't realize it), but sometimes I have to take my time when I don't remember how to say something.
3- I've never used Discord and I have no idea of how it works... Skype would be a better option for me
That's all! I hope I can play and there is no time issue... I'm so excited!
See you soon!

September 28th, 2023, 19:03
Oh wait, maybe I misunderstood... Are you a DM??? *embarassment incoming*

September 28th, 2023, 19:17
Yep, I'm looking for games.

September 28th, 2023, 19:25
Oh, that's what LFG means! Ok, got it... Thanks

September 28th, 2023, 19:42
I run a campaign that is a 1E/2E homebrew that is mixed with the skills and spells of Rolemaster (makes it much more realistic without being bogged down by tables and rules). We alternate between Wednesdays and Thursdays based on people's availability. I have room for more players if you're interested in a different system that is played with older people that like to have a good time.