View Full Version : LFP Traveller 2E Sundays CST

August 26th, 2023, 02:00
Game Closed. No longer accepting new players.

VTT: Fantasy Grounds Unity
FG License: GM has Full Unity license so players need at least the free client software.
Game System: Mongoose Traveller 2E

Time Zone: Central Time USA, GMT -6.
Day of week and time: Sundays 6PM (18:00CST) expecting to try and wrap it up around 4 hours long. Weekly.

Goal: Host a "one shot" lasting a few sessions to get to know some people who enjoy playing Traveller and want to put together a long term campaign running mostly through the published Reach modules. You can get to know me as a GM and I can get to know you as a player and see if we enjoy gaming together before committing to a long term campaign.

Planned Start Date: Soon? Septemberish? (It's highly dependent on how long it takes to get enough players together. It really needs 5 or 6 and I expect that to take a couple weeks. It could come together sooner if there's a flood of people who want to play.)
Planned Duration & Frequency: 4 hour sessions weekly
Term: The goal here is to meet people interested in a long term Traveller campaign. But I'm labeling this as a "one shot" meaning probably 3 or 4 sessions counting the zero session.

Text or Voice: Voice over Discord
Main Language used: English
Voice software used: Discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No.
Cameras: No.

Roleplay & Combat mix: It's kind of up to the players, especially if we put a long term campaign together. But this one I expect to be resolved with a lot of combat unless the players
are super clever. I do expect a ship to ship combat at a minimum. A lot of roleplaying would be nice, but it's probably going to be more combat focused in this "one shot".
Number of Players in game & needed: I have 1 player committed before posting. I think we need a total of 5+ for a game. I may run this twice with different groups if I get enough interest.
Character starting level & equipment: Traveller - We'll be following the standard character creation rules in the book with a couple tweaks to help the players slightly.
Character restrictions: I'm open to discussion on anything that is in the rule books, ESPECIALLY for this "one shot".

Scenario type: Homemade. (But I do want to meet some people interested in going through the Reach modules later.)

Details of your scenario:
Disaster! You were asleep in your hotel room on Masari Station. Now the station is under attack and breaking apart. You need to find a way off ASAP! Unfortunately, you're on the far side
of the station from the public port. You're being directed to the life boats. But you've no idea what you'll find when you get there. It might be a good time to investigate your options.

Again, this is more about meeting people who enjoy playing Traveller to hopefully at some point play through published adventures, especially the Reach series.

Those interested can post here or send me a message. If you send me a message, you should probably let me know that you're doing that here as I don't check my FG mailbox that often.

Players new to Traveller are welcome to join!

August 26th, 2023, 03:26
I'm super interested. Two Traveller groups I was in both recently disbanded due to GM life issues. Heartbreaking since Traveller is my all-time favorite TTRPG and it's kind of hard to find a game. You can reach me to discuss further on Discord at JoeCold.

August 26th, 2023, 04:00
I think we have to be on the same server for me to contact you that way. If you go to the Traveller Discord server and to the #gms-looking-for-players channel you'll see pretty much the exact same ad there and you can contact me through that. Currently it's the last game posted.

I believe the Discord server is named "Traveller RPG".

August 26th, 2023, 04:29
Good day, I am also interested. My preference is for a game with a high role play content but I am not adverse to combat. I like to live vicariously through my characters. I love seeing how different character arcs develop.

My last (very short lived) character had a goal of learning how to juggle in as many different gravity fields as he could. I am on USA Mountain time so the time zone is a good match (Central time -1). I am new-ish to Traveller and definitely new to discord but proficient with working remotely. FYI my work isn't open on the weekends and I don't need to juggle other commitments.

I want to eventually start my own group but I want to learn the system and technology as a player first. VonKyrin, I will send you my email via direct message so we can correspond and get to know each other a bit.

August 26th, 2023, 05:00
I believe the Discord server is named "Traveller RPG".
That does not appear to be the name of the server. At least, nothing comes up when I search for it.

I think we have to be on the same server for me to contact you that way. If you go to the Traveller Discord server and to the #gms-looking-for-players channel you'll see pretty much the exact same ad there and you can contact me through that. Currently it's the last game posted.
You don't have to already have a server in common. If you know someone's Discord name, you can add them as friend and when they accept you can message them. That's the typical way people connect on Discord when responding to non-Discord forums.

August 26th, 2023, 13:39
Super interested!
I am a long time TTRPG GM.
Experience with Traveller, cyberpunk, D&D(ADD-5E), Call of Cthulhu, Alien.
Almost a forever GM with little player time.

I prefer a healthy mix of combat/RP. But no problem swinging either way.

I am silly when there is time, but serious when Sh!t hits the fan.

Please hit me up, and thanks for putting a traveller game together(doesn’t come up here very often.

August 30th, 2023, 16:54
I obviously don't read these forums often enough. Best of luck with your campaign.