View Full Version : LFG 1 player LF Weeknight game Tues Thurs Fri EST US Time Zone Traveller

August 20th, 2023, 13:51
FG License: Standard
Time Zone: Eastern Time USA
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: I'm new at FG, so I'm looking for a one shot or a campaign starting at 7:00 pm on one of Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday with a three hour maximum length of time per game. (There's this "work" thing that gets in the way.)
Game System Preferred: Traveller
Game System Experience: I haven't played RPGs in decades. A long time ago I played Dungeons and Dragons and Chivalry and Sorcery. I used to GM Traveller. At some point I'd like to get back into doing that.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: I've installed the program, installed the Standard license, and watched a few videos. Other than that, I have no experience with FG. This is one thing I'm trying to address.

Character Type Preferred: I'm very mellow about character type. Any play is better than no play.
About me: I'm a government bureaucrat who's looking forward to retirement within the next few years. (I've got this tracking spreadsheet...) My wife has suckered me into joining the local community choir which meets Monday nights. The City Commission meets Wednesday nights. This leaves Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays as possible play days. I have two grown daughters who I attempted to get into D&D when they were kids. I failed. However, later on during COVID they hooked up with some online groups and now play D&D (elder daughter) and Masks (younger daughter).

Language: English.