View Full Version : LFP PF 1e

August 12th, 2023, 16:48
FG License: GM (Me) Has Standard (everyone requires a Standard/Ultimate license).
Game System: Pathfinder 1e.

Time Zone: GMT.
Day of week and time: Wednesdays - 7pm - 10pm. (can change if majority need a different day)
If new game, planned start date: When reached required player count a week after session 0.
Planned Duration & Frequency: Weekly.
Term: until AP is finished.

Text or Voice: Voice.
Voice software used: Discord.
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? i don't mind but all players must agree.

Roleplay & Combat mix: 50/50 or as provided in the AP.
Number of Players in game & needed: 4-6.
Character starting level & equipment: level 1 & Max gold for class.
Character restrictions: No Gunslingers, No Summoners, no lone wolves, no to edgy characters (Core rulebook & Advanced players guide), No Evil aligned characters, The Players are heroes!

Details of your scenario: i will be running the Rise of the Runelords Adventure path by paizo mostly as written.

Im Py the GM i've had many years of expirience running d&d, pathfinder, traveller and many more systems, I am an older'ish guy looking for a new group as Covid happened and messed up my previous group. I'm quite new to FGU so would appreciate any help my players can give me in that regard and help me tell a fun story for everyone.

i do not mind new or veteran players in my game as i'm happy to teach the rules as we go.

Feel free to add a little about yourself here to or DM me if you don't want to share to much here. I will get back to people as quickly as i can.

Current player count 0 - 4/6

Thank you!

August 14th, 2023, 15:04
Just a bump to see if there is any interest in forming a group.

August 14th, 2023, 20:30
Funny, running this tuesdays for some close friends. Love to join as a player :3 and I know one other who might want to join as well.

August 14th, 2023, 23:31
Funny, running this tuesdays for some close friends. Love to join as a player :3 and I know one other who might want to join as well.

I happy for you to bring a friend but just so your aware its gmt time and everyone needs a standard/ultimate license, just need a couple more players to get things more concrete but if you and your friend want to post here what class/race you'd like to play and any other deets you feel might help. Also i'm not adverse to running either ad&d2e (set in mystara 1e) or traveller mg2e if people dont want pathfinder 1e.

August 15th, 2023, 02:13
your post says LFG which means your a player looking for a group to join, it should be titled LFM, as in your looking for more players. possibly why your getting little interest

August 15th, 2023, 02:28
Im confused. Why do the players need a ultimate upgrade of their own? If you're a player you go by what the host has installed?

August 15th, 2023, 02:44
And yea. it be 2pm to 5pm my time is all. Very do able.

August 15th, 2023, 04:08
Im confused. Why do the players need a ultimate upgrade of their own? If you're a player you go by what the host has installed?

The GM has a Standard license so players will need their own license - either Standard or Ultimate.

August 15th, 2023, 14:47
RIGHT, I forgot about that. Feels dumb XD

August 15th, 2023, 17:07
Its all good happens to us all, any idea what class/race you would be interested in playing?

August 15th, 2023, 20:28
If you're still looking for a member I'd be down to join. I'm the friend of Tikkui.

August 15th, 2023, 20:50
yep still looking, need 2-4 more still though, what class/race are you 2 planning on?

August 15th, 2023, 20:57
Most likely sorcer and a half-elf or half-orc.

August 22nd, 2023, 23:51
Human Cleric

August 25th, 2023, 11:12

I have a free Fantasy Grounds account, will that work out?

As for class and race, unless there's a need for a specific class/race combo or some meta requirement - I'd like to run something completely off the meta.
I'd like to run a Drow psionic, for example, a Psychic Warrior / Soul Knife or perhaps a Mind-blade Magus.
Will that work out?

August 25th, 2023, 13:12

I have a free Fantasy Grounds account, will that work out?

As for class and race, unless there's a need for a specific class/race combo or some meta requirement - I'd like to run something completely off the meta.
I'd like to run a Drow psionic, for example, a Psychic Warrior / Soul Knife or perhaps a Mind-blade Magus.
Will that work out?

Character restrictions: No Gunslingers, No Summoners, no lone wolves, no to edgy characters (Core rulebook & Advanced players guide), No Evil aligned characters, The Players are heroes!

i'm not in this just posting his restrictions he said for you.

August 25th, 2023, 13:25
Character restrictions: No Gunslingers, No Summoners, no lone wolves, no to edgy characters (Core rulebook & Advanced players guide), No Evil aligned characters, The Players are heroes!

i'm not in this just posting his restrictions he said for you.

Hey Vhok,
I've read what OP posted, I know.
That been said, not everyone know about 3PP like psionics (Even if they became sort of 1PP at some point by Paizo).
Also in my experience its best to ask anyways, unless its a complete kitbag question like "Can I play a fighter?" :)

Anyways, thanks for your input :)

August 30th, 2023, 05:00
I'd be interested if you're still looking for players. You said "mostly core." Does that mean you're open to Elephant in the Room?