View Full Version : Developer Notes - 2023-08 Ruleset Updates

Moon Wizard
August 2nd, 2023, 00:48
We are continuing to work on general ruleset updates. See the main ruleset beta thread for the summary of the updates.

In order to support ruleset and extension developers, I have made a number of notes regarding changes that should be made to bring rulesets and extensions in-line with changes to ones we directly maintain.

NOTE: I've only documented the specific rulesets affected for rulesets sold in the FG store or installed by default. Any updates for rulesets/extensions provided via FG Forge or other sources will need to look at the notes below for suggested updates.


Moon Wizard
August 2nd, 2023, 00:50
Ruleset/Extension - Suggested Maintenance Updates

NOTE: This ruleset update is part of a larger push to standardize UI frames and fields for consistency for users, as well as making theming for ruleset creation and extensions much easier long term. Wiki article to come once I have more time.

Changes (including ruleset-specific change notes) are now documented on the wiki, in order to improve historical access to change information.

Rulesets Updated: CoreRPG, 3.5E, 4E, 5E, 13A, AFF2, BRP, BoL, CoC6, CoC7, Conan, Cypher, d20Modern, DCC/MCC, Dune, Fallout, FT, Fate, ICONS, ICRPG, MGT1, MGT2, M&M, SW, SFRPG, STA, VTM, WOIN,

Rulesets To Be Updated (Third Party): 2E, SDL,

Moon Wizard
August 21st, 2023, 02:07
With this weekend's update, I've changed the way that the dicetower panel has been implemented to use icons, instead of frames. This will affect any rulesets or themes which define dice tower graphic overrides. This is something I've wanted to clean up for a very long time, as we now have all the pieces in place to do this more smoothly under the hood.

Here is a new code snippet example for overriding (if using same default size, 100x100):

<!-- Dice tower -->
<icon name="dicetower_normal" file="graphics/icons/dicetower_normal.png" />
<icon name="dicetower_drop" file="graphics/icons/dicetower_drop.png" />

Here is a new code snippet example for overriding (if using a custom size):

<!-- Dice tower -->
<icon name="dicetower_normal" file="graphics/icons/dicetower_normal.png" />
<icon name="dicetower_drop" file="graphics/icons/dicetower_drop.png" />

<panel name="dicetower" merge="join">
<anchored height="230" width="230" />
<windowclass name="dicetower" merge="join">
<minimum width="230" height="230" />
<maximum width="230" height="230" />

NOTE: The specification of drag rolls to highlight is now done automatically based on rolls registered to ActionsManager script. This means that dicetower windowclass overrides and dicetower panel overrides can be removed if not changing the dice tower normal/drop icon sizes from the default (100x100).