View Full Version : Sidebar Character Option not Visable

August 1st, 2023, 14:11
Hey, it's been a while since I was using the D&D rulesets, it was since before the big update to the sidebars. Did they change how you hide and reveal sidebar options? I don't seem to have access to the character sidebar, the wiki doesn't explain how to add that part of the sidebar and I can't personally find any option either. Am I dumb? Or is my 5e module bugged?

August 1st, 2023, 14:19
You should just be able to click the "Player" header in the sidebar to show the Characters and Notes buttons.

If that doesn't work, make sure you're only running one theme extension. If you're still having issues, please provide a screenshot showing the sidebar in your setup.

August 1st, 2023, 14:24
I have the 'Player' header and Chatacter button, I meant that I don't have the 'Character' header and it's buttons.

August 1st, 2023, 14:38
I have the 'Player' header and Chatacter button, I meant that I don't have the 'Character' header and it's buttons.
Try mouse-wheel to scroll down the sidebar buttons.

If that doesn't work, make sure you're only running one theme extension. If you're still having issues, please provide a screenshot showing the sidebar in your setup.

August 1st, 2023, 14:43
Details on how to use the sidebar can be found in the Wiki here: https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGCP/pages/1242857473/The+FG+Unity+Sidebar

All options are in the sidebar, they just might not be visible due to collapsed categories or needing to scroll the sidebar.

Have a look at resizing and collapsing/opening the categories. If you see a scrollbar on the side, use the mouse-wheel to scroll up/down to access all of the buttons.

August 1st, 2023, 15:01
I'm not using any extensions at all, and it still shows no 'Character' header. I can't seem to scroll the sidebar at all, since it's all compact. Here's a link.


August 1st, 2023, 15:12
You're using a 5E ruleset that is 2 years old. You can see that in the chat messages - the date is June 2021. The reason why is also shown in chat - you have extracted the 5E ruleset in your rulesets folder. Delete the 5E folder you have in rulesets and restart FG.

The Decepticon
August 1st, 2023, 15:13
I'm not using any extensions at all, and it still shows no 'Character' header. I can't seem to scroll the sidebar at all, since it's all compact. Here's a link.


Just click on the player header and the options should open up.

August 1st, 2023, 15:35
That was the problem. I deleted that folder, reupdated and now it's showing up again, but when I started testing the other editions, I noticed 4e didn't have Race, Class, Backgrounds or Skills, is that normal? Or do I have an outdated 4e too?

August 1st, 2023, 15:39
If you have any sub-folders in the ruleset folder of FG, then those rulesets will not appear to get updated (the .pak files will be updated, but FG will use the extracted folders instead). If you are extracting rulesets to folders for development work, it's best not to store them in the ruleset folder when not actually using them. See if you have more extracted folders and move or delete them as well.

August 1st, 2023, 15:51
Yeah, looks like there was some errant folders from when I was messing about a while back, removed them and it seems to have fixed everything, thanks.

August 1st, 2023, 16:05
Or do I have an outdated 4e too?
Look at the date and the information in the chat window.

August 2nd, 2023, 00:03
Wait, no that wasn't the issue for 4e, even after deleting extra folders, I still only have 'Feats' and 'Powers' in the Character header. Is that all the 4e ruleset has? It doesn't have classes or races or anything else?

Moon Wizard
August 2nd, 2023, 00:06
That's correct. The 4E ruleset was built before all of those record types existed in the other rulesets; and the publisher never gave permission to license the data to do anything further.


August 2nd, 2023, 00:20
Ah, well that sucks, it would have been nice to have them so that people could fill out their own information.

August 2nd, 2023, 00:54
Wait, no that wasn't the issue for 4e, even after deleting extra folders, I still only have 'Feats' and 'Powers' in the Character header. Is that all the 4e ruleset has? It doesn't have classes or races or anything else?
You can create them all yourself, but since there is no SRD for 4E and no license was granted, you can't purchase or distribute them.

August 2nd, 2023, 01:31
That was the problem. I deleted that folder, reupdated and now it's showing up again, but when I started testing the other editions, I noticed 4e didn't have Race, Class, Backgrounds or Skills, is that normal? Or do I have an outdated 4e too?

That's normal, 4e is very barebones unfortunately.

August 2nd, 2023, 01:57
You can create the powers and abilities, but there isn't a slot of Classes or Races, which means you can only create a huge list of powers and feats without having the cool ability to drag and drop a class or race and have it automatically add everything you need.

August 2nd, 2023, 04:16
That cool ability requires a significant amount of coding effort under the hood.
It was not a feature of any Fantasy Grounds ruleset at the time that this ruleset was written.
Without a license there is limited value in adding coding support for that today.
It would certainly be nice but it will never get to the top of any of the developers priority lists unless there is a change in the license as there is always so many things competing for developer time.