View Full Version : interest check - pathfinder 1e adventure path: ruins of azlant (weekly, edt / gmt -4)

July 28th, 2023, 03:56
recruiting: looking for 1 player

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fg unity: gm holds ultimate license and can host any player license
game system, setting: pathfinder 1e, golarion
adventure path: ruins of azlant (aquatic, remote, survival: ruins of azlant player's guide (https://paizo.com/products/btpy9uir))

start date: started
time and timezone: 19:30 edt / gmt -4 (timezone converter (https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/edt-to-gmt-converter))
frequency: weekly on thursday, consistent attendance and punctuality respected by all at table
duration: 3- to 4-hr session; more promptly players show up, more time to play
commitment: longer term

text / voice: mix of both
voip: discord
recorded: no

roleplay / combat mix: will try to keep it 50 / 50
number of players: 4 - 5
start level / equipment: current party level with wealth-by-level rule (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/Gamemastering/#Table-Character-Wealth-by-Level), plus a few house rules; advancement: ap milestones
pc class and race: no gunslinger or summoner -- summoning ok, just not the class; otherwise, practically all classes and playable races allowed
pc build restrictions: alignment: no evil; crafting magic items: limited mostly to potions
game sources: practically all paizo pathfinder 1e material allowed; no 3rd party
game ruling: to keep consistent and regular pacing; will stick with ap contents and mostly r.a.w.
table tone and attitude: casual, mature, open-minded, respectful, chill, funny (we think we are)

current line-up:
- monk: front-liner, melee damage-dealer, not-tank
- witch: healer, buff / debuff, knowledge
- elemental shifter: melee, survivalist, knowledge
- rogue / alchemist: jack-of-all-trades, healer, melee, knowledge
(although there are 2 healers, both are not focused in the art; mostly good at out-of-combat healing)

pm me if you have questions or want more details. thx for your interest.

check out ap theme (and other visual interests) here (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?52730-pathfinder-ruins-of-azlant-fg-interface-and-mod).

July 31st, 2023, 13:23

July 31st, 2023, 17:44
Hi there, I am very interested. Been playing D&D for over 4 decades. Bought FG in 2015 but didn’t get into it till 2020 (Covid) mainly DM Pathfinder 1e but love playing as player. Tuesday or Wednesday is best for me?! Fighter/Barbarian or Sorcerer preferred but am willing to play anything.

August 3rd, 2023, 17:41
I'm interested in playing. I recently returned to PF1e play after an 8 year absence. I'm not sure what I'd play, but I've never played a Monk, Shifter or Wizard. Thurs, Fri and Sun are the only days that I can play, with Thurs being the preferable of those days.

August 3rd, 2023, 18:05
thx for the interest and post, folks. i've updated the details in original post with your possible class preference(s) to play, as well as the day(s) you might be able to join in the 2nd post.

August 3rd, 2023, 20:48
Sorry tahl_liadon, I had a bit of a brain fart in my earlier post. For some reason I thought the class possibiities you'd listed were those you were allowing in the campaign - doh! Other than a Ranger-Shifter the classes I gave aren't the ones I'd be likely to play. If it's OK with you, I'll list my class preferences after I've put a bit of thought into it.

August 4th, 2023, 15:04
So the classes I'd be interested in playing are; Druid, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue and maybe even a Shaman.

August 5th, 2023, 14:09
I'd be interested but Thursdays don't work for me. If you do Tuesdays I'd love to play a Brawler in your game. I tend to do rp builds and am terrible at maximizing for peak combat. Feel free to Holler at me if you have room/interest in my joining.

August 6th, 2023, 14:51
I can make this game and play a human cleric. I Love em and enjoy having fun! Sounds pretty interesting.

August 10th, 2023, 20:58
bumping. see original and second post for updates of recruitment deadline.

thx for your interests!

August 10th, 2023, 21:01
bump back

August 16th, 2023, 18:51
session 0: 8/24 @ 19:30 edt

September 10th, 2024, 14:41
recruitment open

level 8. review original post at top. thx for your interest.

September 11th, 2024, 08:35
Hello I am very interested in the game. I'm 42. Been playing various ttrpgs for over 20 years, pathfinder specifically since launch.