View Full Version : Looking for players. AD&D 2E Forgotten Realms

July 25th, 2023, 09:31
Basics: I'm starting a new 2nd edition campaign set in Forgotten Realms. Will include elements of sandbox/homebrew and questing. Almost all official classes and kits will be available, including psionicist (using the MTHAC0/MAC system, but modified a bit to restore some of the feel of psionic combat from Psionics Handbook). Also adapted all powers available from the Dark Sun supplements The Will and the Way and Dragon Kings.
Most clerics will be specialty priests of the Forgotten Realms deities (from Faiths & Avatars/Demihuman Deities).
There are the standard 8 specialist wizards and some other magic specialties you may not have seen before.

Allowed Races: PHB and Complete Race books. If you want to play dark races, like Drow and Duergar or races in Complete Book of Humanoids, you should check with me first.

I may also mix-up the genres a little bit. I may add the occasional Ravenloft-style horror scenario, a heist, murder mystery, etc.

Platform: We will be using Fantasy Grounds, Discord for voice. Video not necessary. I have FGU ultimate license. Players can use Standard or Trial licenses.

Schedule: To be decided once we get some players together, but sessions will probably be on a weeknight (Mon-Thurs) evening US time, around 3 hours, once a week.

House Rules: I'm probably going to use a point buy for ability scores (75 points assigned as you like) and slightly reducing ability score requirements for Rangers and Paladins. It makes it fair for everyone and you don't need to worry about dice getting in the way of the class you want. I'll also have a list of traits and flaws for players to pick to add more color to your characters.

Style: There will be a big focus on role-playing. Player actions will have consequences. Will you spare the life of a defeated foe? If you let him flee, he may repay your kindness or bring friends to seek revenge against you later.

Perhaps the old man you meet on the street is really a powerful wizard in disguise. You might do well to help him with the task he requests of you. Or maybe he's actually a foul necromancer luring you into a trap. You should choose your course of action carefully.

The campaign world: The world is known as Toril, a planet with an abundance of magic. A planet where the gods themselves have walked. The primary continent, known as Faerûn, includes the great cities of Neverwinter, Waterdeep and Baldur's Gate along the Sword Coast to the West. The Hordlands and Kara-Tur lie to the East. To the North, the Frozen Wastes, Savage Frontier, the Dalelands and Moonsea. Then there are the desert lands to the Southeast and the land of Zakhara, land of genies and sultans, in the deep Southern reaches. In the center, the Sea of Fallen Stars and the empires of Cormyr and Thay.

The year is now DR 1367, nine years after the Time of Troubles. Where will your adventures take you?

Now, disclaimer time: This campaign will utilize all 2nd edition lore as it was originally presented. Some players may find certain content objectionable. (Examples include: racial tensions between light and dark elves, certain fey creatures having an aversion to wearing clothing, etc.) Such content will be presented tastefully, but if any of this offends you this may not be the game for you.

Also, my campaign welcomes all types of people. There will be no gender or racial bias. I want to keep a friendly atmosphere for all. However, I will not be enforcing special pronouns. If someone calls you "he" or "she" based on the sound of your voice or the gender of your character, you can DM them or let it go. We're here to relax and have fun.

I want to keep the group on the small side, between 4-6 players. Much better for everyone to get a chance to role-play!

So, if you're interested in playing, please respond to this thread and tell me a bit about your playstyle.

Your Name:


Preferred Character name/race:


Any background you have for the character. No need for too much detail:

A region of Forgotten Realms you might be interested in exploring:

A bit about your role-playing style:

Anything else you'd like to share or questions/requests about the campaign:

July 25th, 2023, 20:44
Your Name: Jim

Age: 38

Preferred Character name/race:
Halbare Drune (Human or Elf) (Melee option)

Mythrin Forge (Human or elf) (Magic user option)

Ranger (Preferred)
Magic user (Secondary)

Any background you have for the character. No need for too much detail: I’m hoping to play a ranger who is an initiate of the Emerald Enclave. Up to the start of game-he will have been patrolling the frontier and forests as well as alpine areas and swamps-seeking out evil and trouble that would waylay travelers and corrupt the sanctuary of the forests.

A region of Forgotten Realms you might be interested in exploring: Neverwinter and Luskan and the wilds surrounding.

A bit about your role-playing style: Role play that moves the story forward. Enough to get immersed-but not so much that it drags or leaves others alienated.

Anything else you'd like to share or questions/requests about the campaign:
I’m very very new to this system as well as fantasy grounds unity and really want to learn. I only hope for folk’s patience. Thanks!

July 26th, 2023, 08:14
Hi Jim, nice to see you here again. There are a few options for the type of Ranger you want to play. The Emerald Enclave is primarily a druid organization in 2nd edition, but there are several nature deities that have Rangers as members of their religious orders. Mielikki is the main Ranger Goddess. There are also the elven deities Solonor Thelandira and Shevarash. The Harpers also have a good many Rangers in their ranks.

I plan to focus on story and get each player involved, based on individual character personalities and such. If there's a ranger or druid in the party, we'll certainly have a few wilderness adventures of some kind. The Neverwinter/Luskan area could be a good place to start off. It's not far from Icewind Dale, another popular destination. But we'll see what the other players think when we get our party together.

July 28th, 2023, 19:04
Hi Jim, nice to see you here again. There are a few options for the type of Ranger you want to play. The Emerald Enclave is primarily a druid organization in 2nd edition, but there are several nature deities that have Rangers as members of their religious orders. Mielikki is the main Ranger Goddess. There are also the elven deities Solonor Thelandira and Shevarash. The Harpers also have a good many Rangers in their ranks.

I plan to focus on story and get each player involved, based on individual character personalities and such. If there's a ranger or druid in the party, we'll certainly have a few wilderness adventures of some kind. The Neverwinter/Luskan area could be a good place to start off. It's not far from Icewind Dale, another popular destination. But we'll see what the other players think when we get our party together.

Sorry for the delayed response!

I hope recruiting is going well.

As far as options-I’m thinking my ranger could be a Harper agent, and Worship Mielikki. I’m excited to see this group eventually come together. I really like the older forgotten realms setting and lore as I’m just now getting into it. I will continue to read up on the rules and leave my schedule open. Looking forward to this game.

July 28th, 2023, 19:29
That sounds like a reasonable option. The Harpers are a fairly welcoming group as long as you have good motives, and I'm sure they would be happy to have a servant of Mielikki as an ally. I can send you the background info on Mielikki and the Harpers when we're ready to make characters.

July 29th, 2023, 11:54
Hello, very interested. Only real question is before I throw out a concept is, Unity or Classic?

July 29th, 2023, 12:25
It's going to be Fantasy Grounds Unity. I have an Ultimate license, so you shouldn't need to pay anything if you don't have a license. I bought the entire AD&D classics bundle from the Fantasy Grounds store, but I'm also adding in a lot of stuff myself that hasn't made it to the store yet, such as the setting-specific info on the various elf, dwarf, gnome and halfling subraces in Forgotten Realms.

July 29th, 2023, 14:31
Oh just needed to know which one I needed downloaded. I got the ultimate upgrade as well. Though some still use Classic.

Your Name: Rodrom Nieght


Preferred Character name/race: Human

Class/kit: Rogue

Any background you have for the character.: born and raised in Waterdeep with connections to the The Explorer's Society, Rodrom grew up wishing to join fully. Though he knew he had to find something worth contrubiting to their archive. Studying languages and other skills he may need, Rodrom would set out from Waterdeep to find that big score. Praying to Shar to guide his way.

A region of Forgotten Realms you might be interested in exploring: Really any where.
A bit about your role-playing style: Mellow and fun.

Anything else you'd like to share or questions/requests about the campaign: Not overly too much no. I am pretty excited at the idea of this. I run Pathfinder 1ed on Tuesday nights, but any other day works great. US Central time. Can also go cleric if need be.

July 29th, 2023, 18:38
Rogues are cool. Just no evil alignments, since we seem to have an aspiring Harper in the group, lol. Shar is a pretty evil goddess, so Harpers might be a bit suspicious if you mention her name around them. ;)

July 29th, 2023, 18:44
Shar is evil, but also goddess of unraveled mysteries. He happily roleplay and explain.. otherwise nah ng if anything.

July 30th, 2023, 03:54
"Loss is the nature of Shar. One of the Dark Gods, she is a deeply twisted and perverse being of ineffable evil and endless petty hatred and jealousy. She rules over pains hidden but not forgotten, bitterness carefully nurtured away from the light and from others, and quiet revenge for any slight, no matter how old."

This is just the opening of her bio in "Faiths & Avatars" from 2nd edition. :D I'm not opposed to someone playing a neutral-aligned character who happens to venerate an evil deity that aligns with their character in some way. I understand there aren't an overabundance of non-evil gods for rogues to follow. At least for human rogues. Gnomes and Halflings have some! It's cool as long as you role-play whatever reactions other players and NPCs may have. The NPCs in my campaign will react in a realistic way to your actions. They may be suspicious until you earn their trust.

July 30th, 2023, 04:08
I very agree..I choose shar due to one of her things being unraveled mysteries. Figure that go with a explorer like my rogue
. He ain't a pick pocket for sure, but a spelunker of artifacts and lore. I'm sure he be happy to assist a Harper. Only knowledge to gain out of that partnership!

July 30th, 2023, 05:44
Ok, no problem with that. As for starting location, I'm thinking about exploring some lesser known areas. The Sword Coast has been done to death in every D&D edition. We could check out the Frozen North, Sea of Fallen Stars, Empire of Thay or the Jungle areas around Chult, etc. But that's why I wanted to get player input and ideas first. Since Jim floated the idea of Neverwinter, that's kind of on the edge of the Frozen North, so starting from there we could make our way to Icewind Dale or something.

Edit: Also, if you want to go with a more happy-go-lucky roguish type, you could choose Lady Luck, Tymora, as your patron. There's also a rogue specialty class which is basically the equivalent of 5th edition's Arcane Trickster. It's called Shadow Walker. It doesn't get the Rogue pickpocket or climb walls skills, but it gets stealth and backstabbing plus Arcane spells up to 4th level. With a Spider Climb or Levitate spell, you won't even miss the Climb Walls skill. The other notable thing about Shadow Walkers is they are explicitly non-evil. Like Robin Hood types, using their rogue skills to hunt evil.

July 30th, 2023, 16:06
Sorry accidentally made a post on the wrong thread

July 30th, 2023, 22:40
Hey there Sylvan. My wife plays a lot of 5e and Pathfinder, and is interested in playing. She has never played and I can help her create a character and help her run through everything so she knows how to function in 2e. Shes just wondering about timing. Just throwing this out there if ever need an additional player.

July 30th, 2023, 22:44
Your Name: William

Age: 48

Available: Mon, Wed, Thrus

Preferred Character name/race: Bulwyf Frostmourne tribe of Wolf / Human

Class/kit: Warrior / Barbarian

Any background you have for the character. No need for too much detail:

Ventured out from Icewind Dale, in search of glory and honor. Wishes to unite the broken tribe and oust the current chief and lead his tribe to new glories.
Knows nothing of the outside world. "Might" tend to not understand society and its laws.

A region of Forgotten Realms you might be interested in exploring:

Anywhere. He needs to build glories so as to be able to challenge for the right to rule his tribe.

A bit about your role-playing style:

that tends to be more on characters i play. Tend to RP the characters of build based off how i perceive their personalities.

Anything else you'd like to share or questions/requests about the campaign:

nah, just let it flow and see how it goes... lol

July 31st, 2023, 05:39
Tikkui: If your wife wants to play, she is welcome. Unfortunately, there is no character creation wizard for 2E, so I'll probably have to run you guys through the process in our session zero. There are a lot of character options, so I can help you with some ideas based on the character concepts you're looking for and we'll go from there.

William: Hi there, a northern barbarian in the group might be interesting. There are a few possibilities for that. The patron deity of the Uthgardt barbarian tribes of the North is called Uthgar. This could create some interesting story possibilities.

August 6th, 2023, 21:52
Good day. This really sounds good, but it all depends on the schedule. I recently started playing d&d 2e in my Saturday game, I played lots of 1e/2e once but it has been a long time. I don't have a great idea what I am doing, because mainly play/run Pathfinder 1e. If the schedule is right, and you don't mind providing guidance on character creation and rules, I would through my hat in.

August 7th, 2023, 09:56
Sure, I'll help you out with setting up your character. We still have a couple slots. For now, leaning on Monday or Thursday evening, US time. Healer or mage would be useful, but it's up to you.

August 7th, 2023, 16:18
Sure, I'll help you out with setting up your character. We still have a couple slots. For now, leaning on Monday or Thursday evening, US time. Healer or mage would be useful, but it's up to you.

As long as we don't go past 10pm Central I am good. I will post later today with Character concept.

August 7th, 2023, 23:37
Your Name: Victor

Age: 58

Preferred Character name/race: TBD / TBD (How long will the campaign last? Are we sticking with level caps for races?)

Class/kit: Cleric of Sune/Explain Kit?/Silken Whip

Any background you have for the character. No need for too much detail: Cleric of Sune, doing research on Sune. It is much to take in.
A region of Forgotten Realms you might be interested in exploring: It all sounds good.

A bit about your role-playing style: I am not the best at puzzles, like adult scenarios, like role-play and like combat.

Anything else you'd like to share or questions/requests about the campaign: I ran a Pathfinder campaign where one of the players played a rogue of Calistriar. Some role play was too sensual to do in the open, while other roleplay was campaign driven for the whole group. In cases of one-on-one roll play, the other players saw the tip of the iceberg, possibly by what they overheard, etc. It worked very well, and had far reaching ramifications in that world.
I am looking forward to character creation.

August 8th, 2023, 07:29
Hi Victor. Another player expressed interest in playing a priest character. Having two priests is probably not a big deal, but we can discuss that more later. As for kits, AD&D 2nd edition introduced the kit system as an add-on to your character class. A kit is sort of similar to the subclass system in 5th edition. In 2nd edition, kits are generally related to your character background and often gives focus to your class abilities. If you need help with choosing a kit, I can give you options based on the character concept you want to play.

If you choose to play a cleric type, generally player characters will begin as a specialty priest of their specific deity. As a specialty priest, you get some bonus spells and abilities that other priests and clerics don't have. Sune is the goddess of love and beauty, so her priests get extra charm-related abilities. Generally specialty priests are already focused enough that they don't really need to add a character kit to their class anyway. If you have any other questions, you can ask. I'll send you the link to my Discord channel and you can meet the other players we have so far.

August 8th, 2023, 14:04
Hi Victor. Another player expressed interest in playing a priest character. Having two priests is probably not a big deal, but we can discuss that more later. As for kits, AD&D 2nd edition introduced the kit system as an add-on to your character class. A kit is sort of similar to the subclass system in 5th edition. In 2nd edition, kits are generally related to your character background and often gives focus to your class abilities. If you need help with choosing a kit, I can give you options based on the character concept you want to play.

If you choose to play a cleric type, generally player characters will begin as a specialty priest of their specific deity. As a specialty priest, you get some bonus spells and abilities that other priests and clerics don't have. Sune is the goddess of love and beauty, so her priests get extra charm-related abilities. Generally specialty priests are already focused enough that they don't really need to add a character kit to their class anyway. If you have any other questions, you can ask. I'll send you the link to my Discord channel and you can meet the other players we have so far.

Perhaps Bard, or maybe cleric not sure at this point. Will look at discord tonight, thanks.

August 10th, 2023, 18:30
Hey Sylvan,

You still need players? I see a few responses, but not if you have reach capacity.

August 10th, 2023, 18:59
We have 4 players. We could fit one more, I think. Got any character ideas?

August 10th, 2023, 19:50
I might. the only real concern I have is how long you estimate the campaign.

August 10th, 2023, 19:59
I'm planning to make it pretty long, starting at level 1.

August 11th, 2023, 13:52
Your Name: James

Age: 52

Preferred Character name/race: Hawkwind/Human


Any background you have for the character. No need for too much detail: Sell sword that is always short of coin as he tends to help the less fortunate that historically have paid him in chickens, free room and board or ale.

A region of Forgotten Realms you might be interested in exploring:Any though I do love wilderness and dungeon adventures.

A bit about your role-playing style:I tend to adapt that to the group.

Anything else you'd like to share or questions/requests about the campaign. I’ve been playing and dming since 1987. As a player I’ve played 1E through 5E. As DM I’ve run MERP, Rolemaster, 2E through 5E, Mongoose’s Conan Rpg, The One Ring, Warhammer rpg, EverQuest TTRPG, and recently DCC.

Hopefully you still have an open spot. I cannot play most Fridays unfortunately. Nice to see someone keeping my favorite edition alive!!!

August 13th, 2023, 00:56
Your Name: James

Age: 52

Preferred Character name/race: Hawkwind/Human


Any background you have for the character. No need for too much detail: Sell sword that is always short of coin as he tends to help the less fortunate that historically have paid him in chickens, free room and board or ale.

A region of Forgotten Realms you might be interested in exploring:Any though I do love wilderness and dungeon adventures.

A bit about your role-playing style:I tend to adapt that to the group.

Anything else you'd like to share or questions/requests about the campaign. I’ve been playing and dming since 1987. As a player I’ve played 1E through 5E. As DM I’ve run MERP, Rolemaster, 2E through 5E, Mongoose’s Conan Rpg, The One Ring, Warhammer rpg, EverQuest TTRPG, and recently DCC.

Hopefully you still have an open spot. I cannot play most Fridays unfortunately. Nice to see someone keeping my favorite edition alive!!!

August 13th, 2023, 14:48
Your Name: Terry

Age: 56

Preferred Character name/race: Kamal Ibn Akbar

Class/kit: Sha'ir (a spell caster from Al Qabir Arabian Adventures)

Any background you have for the character. No need for too much detail: Likes seeing different types of land and is tired of seeing sand. His Gen, Anwar, wants to see huge mountains with snow on them whatever snow is.

A region of Forgotten Realms you might be interested in exploring: All settings and locations are fine with me

A bit about your role-playing style: I usually play a thief, but I was the party healer for a year which was fun. I picked Sha'ir bc it has a lot of role-playing since spell casting isn't instant. the gen has to get the spell; it could be rounds before it comes back to cast even a 1st level spell. I have to treat the gen as part of the party and a dear close paid friend almost a family member. The gen could also grab a priest spell which could bring further role-playing possibilities explaining to the god why I stole the spell to save the cleric's life etc

Anything else you'd like to share or questions/requests about the campaign: I have played only one other campaign on fantasy grounds but it was for a year, so I am kind of new to it still. I have playing 2nd ed for years. Are you still looking for players and what night are you playing? what time do you start and what time zone?

August 18th, 2023, 14:30
Your Name: Steve

Age: 40+

Preferred Character name/race: human

Class/kit: Fighter/ swashbuckler

Any background you have for the character. No need for too much detail:
In his youth, he met a Elven blade singer, and was fascinated with their eloquent demeanor and graceful fighting style he’s grown-up trying to mimic them.

A region of Forgotten Realms you might be interested in exploring: it’s such a big setting, so anywhere is fine.

A bit about your role-playing style:
I don’t mind heavy role-playing or heavy combat games. I try to adapt to the group.

Anything else you'd like to share or questions/requests about the campaign:
I really enjoy playing AD&D second edition I find it to be the most versatile of the editions I’ve never played in a fantasy Ground game, but I’ve heard nothing but great things about it. If your games full I understand, but please keep me in mind if room opens up. Also, what day, time zone and time is this game?

August 18th, 2023, 17:01
Hi Terry,
I'm gonna be honest. I don't know a lot about Sha'ir, but I have the books for it. I don't mind you playing one if you can give me an idea of the class mechanics. I know it has something to do with elemental magic.
Also, we're sort of settled on Thursday evening, US time for sessions.

August 18th, 2023, 17:08
We're not full at the moment, Steve. Swashbuckler would be interesting with the motley crew we have right now. But you should dress warmly, because we're starting in the frigid city of Neverwinter. :D

August 18th, 2023, 17:58
Man that’s the only day of the week I can’t play.

August 19th, 2023, 19:08
Your Name: Mark

Age: 55

Preferred Character name/race: Noemi

Class/kit: Druid / Totem Sister

Any background you have for the character. No need for too much detail: Her family and most of her tribe was killed by a vampire when she was an infant. She was sent to Evermeet to live with others in her tribe/family. Now grown, she has returned to hunt down intelligent undead, possibly getting revenge, and assisting the remaining elven tribes through the watchful eye of her elven faith and wisdom.

A region of Forgotten Realms you might be interested in exploring: Sword Coast

A bit about your role-playing style: Roller style - rolling dice and role playing

Anything else you'd like to share or questions/requests about the campaign: when and where? Online or in person? Coordination of play details needed.

August 22nd, 2023, 19:21
Your Name: Scott

Age: 53

Preferred Character name/race: Skooter de Mage/ Human

Class/kit: Fighter Dualed to Mage at Level 1

Any background you have for the character. No need for too much detail: I rolled and played a character about 20 years ago and never really got to develop him. He is a naïve spoiled kid who grew up sheltered by rich parents who provided him with everything until casting him out when he began to show magical abilities.

A region of Forgotten Realms you might be interested in exploring: Any

A bit about your role-playing style: I look to figure out how to fit into a group, but take advantage of the fact my character has an extremely low wisdom score.

Anything else you'd like to share or questions/requests about the campaign: I haven't played in at least 20 years when my DM moved 3000 miles away.

August 25th, 2023, 23:47
We are still seeking more players, but @SylvanSnake just made a character image for my Scarlet.


Thank you @SylvanSnake!

August 26th, 2023, 02:47
My Name: Gray
Age: 50+
Preferred Character name/race: Alex Mistsong, Half-Elf
Class/kit: Multiclass : Wizard Specialist (Transmuter) / Thief

Any background you have for the character. No need for too much detail: Son of an elf rogue and a wizard lady of the Harpell of Longsaddle, he explore dungeon and ruins of ancient knowledge.

A region of Forgotten Realms you might be interested in exploring: Neverwinter is a fine place to explore

A bit about your role-playing style: Looking for a mix of combat and exploration.

Anything else you'd like to share or questions/requests about the campaign: This seem interesting, and I'm available Thursday depending of the time. I haven't play 2e ad&d in a long time. Been running 5e game on FG but looking forward to be a player again :-)

August 26th, 2023, 07:31
Hi Gray. You know, multiclass wizards aren't allowed to specialize in a school, except for Gnomes who can multiclass as illusionists. You could be a mage/thief, which is still pretty cool. A thief with Invisibility, Spider Climb, Feather Fall and Sleep spells would be quite good at breaking and entering.

August 26th, 2023, 13:36
Or I could try Gnome Illusionist/Thief... what does the rest of the group is looking like? How will abilities be rolls?

August 26th, 2023, 13:59
that would be cool. The basics is a Sha'ir is a magic user who doesnt have any spells. They have a gen that retrieves all spells for them. If gen retrieves a magic user common spell from AL Qadim 2nd ED book it takes d6+1RD per lvl of spell to retrieve the spell so the Sha'ir can cast it. IF native wizard cannot cast the spell it takes d6+1turn per lvl to retrieve the spell. IF sha'ir has the gen retrieve a priest spell or a non-native spell it takes D6+1 hour per lvl of spell.

I am first lvl and want to cast magic missile. I would ask my gen to retrieve magic missile. roll a D6 and add 1 rd till the gen comes back with the magic missile spell and I can cast it.

I am first lvl and see someone cast blind a 2nd lvl spell. I can ask my gen to retrieve the spell. roll a D6+1turn per lvl till the gen comes back with blind and i can cast it

I can do the same with priest spells that I have seen but they take hours to retrieve and I can get punished from the gods for stealing their spells.

there is a base chance of finding the spell is 50% plus modifiers. +5% per lvl, -10% per spell lvl, +10% if common spell, -30% if priest spell or not in list in Sha'ir handbook, -10% if gen fails and get back to look for spell again.

90% and above the gen fails to find the spell.

Sha'ir do get special abilities as the progress in lvl.

once the gen returns sha'ir only have 3 turns to cast the spell and the gen cant retrieve another till that spell is cast.

only 1st and 2nd lvl spells are considered common. others must have been seen.

The other thing is with Sha'ir handbook you can improve your gen but I dont know if that is a route I would take.

Thursdays work for me.

Sorry for the book. It really sounds OP at first glance but it really isnt. there is a chance that the gen cant even retrieve a 1st lvl spell.

August 26th, 2023, 15:19
Or I could try Gnome Illusionist/Thief... what does the rest of the group is looking like? How will abilities be rolls?

I am playing a cleric of Sharess, stats 8 17 8 8 17 19, Elf. These stats after racial and class adjustments.

August 26th, 2023, 15:49
Nevermind I missed the part about using 75 points, for a Gnome Illusionist / Thief, I'm thinking about something like this Str 8 Dex 18 Con 16 Int 19 Wis 6 Cha 8

August 26th, 2023, 16:07
First of all, let me preface this by saying that I haven't played 2e in like 15+ years or so. I'm going to have to do a lot of reading before I decide what I want to play. Initially, I'm considering psionics and dual-classing.

Your Name: Whatever. I usually just go by my username or character name, bit I really don't care. My real name is pretty unique, so I try to not give it out over the internet. If that's a problem, you can give me a name, and I'm cool with that too.

Age: 41

Preferred Character name/race: TBD. Not sure what's feasible yet, but Drow is sounding most appealing right now.

Class/kit: TBD - Maybe Dual-class Fighter/Cleric or something with Psionics

Any background you have for the character. No need for too much detail:

A region of Forgotten Realms you might be interested in exploring: Honestly never read any of the books, and my knowledge of it is severely limited to the few video games that superficially cover it.

A bit about your role-playing style: I'm a rare breed of a high-power roleplayer. I typically spend around 20-40 hours to craft a 3e character and expect that I'll spend at least that pouring over 2e to refresh myself on it and craft something. I like to play characters with a 'dark' past that they're running away from, or otherwise dealing with. For example, Raven from Teen Titans is a 'good' character whose father wants to end the world. In another game, I play a character with a strong Succubus heritage who's effectively LNE (LN with an evil subtype). Her 'evil' acts are basically doing bad things to bad people. As an example, instead of killing the bandits and (presumably) sending them to the abyss, she instead sacrificed them to a specific demon in order to gain power to herself. "They were gonna die anyways, might as well get some use out of them, and they were bad people anyways!" Speaking of, I know some GMs misconstrue "Lawful" to "follows the law", when it's really, "has a personal code of ethics". Hopefully you aren't one of those, as I almost always play something Lawful, or at least with a Lawful bent.

Anything else you'd like to share or questions/requests about the campaign: I'd prefer to go over character specifics via DM. Discord: chandra1337. I don't like posting background deets ahead of time in the game because I, personally, find it more fun if everyone learns about each other organically, in-character, rather than reading a background on the forum.

September 4th, 2023, 08:34
Chandra - "Speaking of, I know some GMs misconstrue "Lawful" to "follows the law", when it's really, "has a personal code of ethics". Hopefully you aren't one of those, as I almost always play something Lawful, or at least with a Lawful bent."

I agree with you here. I've actually had a few heated discussions on what the law/chaos alignment axis actually means. In simpler terms, lawful characters tend to be reasonable and thoughtful in their decisions, weighing the consequences of their actions. It could mean following the law, such as weighing the consequence of going to jail. But sometimes lawful good characters will defy a leader or government they know to be corrupt, while lawful evil characters are typically the corrupt rulers who manipulate the legal system to achieve their goals. As for chaotic characters, they tend to be impulsive and make rash decisions based on emotion. Chaotic good characters will rush into danger if they believe they can help someone in need. Chaotic evil characters find pleasure in causing problems for others (not necessarily killing or causing mass destruction like anime villains often do). Chaotic neutral characters are typically self-centered and sometimes mentally unstable (ie. insane), just doing whatever seems like fun at the time.

October 5th, 2023, 12:14
We are about to play Session 3 and not to far along in the campaign. Four players in group, most likely our GM may be looking for 1 or 2 more players. Game has been on Thursday, 7-11 pm Central. Great Day for a game!

October 5th, 2023, 19:42
Hi! Before I send a book about myself, what time would it be converted in GMT+2? Also, I'll probably be able to play only tuesday (or thursday if I'm lucky enough with the time)

October 6th, 2023, 01:50
I'm interested.

October 6th, 2023, 06:46
(How do you delete a post in here?)

October 6th, 2023, 06:48
Hi! Before I send a book about myself, what time would it be converted in GMT+2? Also, I'll probably be able to play only tuesday (or thursday if I'm lucky enough with the time)
About 2:00 AM for you, I think. Are you in Europe?

October 6th, 2023, 16:30
Have to edit I think.

October 10th, 2023, 15:47
Still looking for players?

If so,

Your Name: Seth

Age: 50

Preferred Character name/race: Varies based on campaign, stats, etc...either spell caster or knightly type

Class/kit: can vary to balance party

Any background you have for the character. No need for too much detail: Not yet.

A region of Forgotten Realms you might be interested in exploring: New to FR....not new to 2E. I run a 2E campaign.

A bit about your role-playing style: In character conversations frequent.

Anything else you'd like to share or questions/requests about the campaign: Hope to learn your world.

November 13th, 2023, 19:59
Is this game still open? and if so, when are you playing?