View Full Version : Assets Folder Tabs Blocked

July 19th, 2023, 23:06
Hello - I did a quick search to see if anyone else was having this issue and couldn't find anything:

When I click on the assets folder, the subfolders for tokens sit on top of the tabs for "images," "portraits," and "all." I've restarted multiple times and updated fantasy grounds and the issue persists. Even when I click into a folder that doesn't have enough subfolders to block the tabs they still do not work. This happened to me once before several months ago, but it went away on a restart. This time the issue seems more persistent - I haven't been able to access the assets since yesterday.

Please advise!

July 19th, 2023, 23:15
What ruleset?

And are you using any extensions (including themes)?

I've tried in the following rulesets, and cannot reproduce the issue:


July 19th, 2023, 23:17
Apologies, 5E today.

I've also had the issue in the Level Up A5E ruleset (that was the one a few weeks ago).

July 19th, 2023, 23:22
I cannot reproduce in 5E. Do you use any extensions?

Screen shot of me selecting all of the tabs in 5E:
https://i.imgur.com/Mqa6vo8l.png (https://i.imgur.com/Mqa6vo8.png)

July 19th, 2023, 23:27
I have in the past -

Kingdoms & Warfare
Default Fumble & Crit Tables

They're sitting there as options, but none are loaded in the campaign at the moment.

Only things loaded are: PHB, Volos, XgtE, SRD

July 19th, 2023, 23:34
Have you ever tried creating your own ruleset or extensions?

The reason I ask is if you had opened up one of the rulesets (5E or CRPG), and created a folder in the Ruleset folder for that, it would override any of the packaged rulesets.

Other than that, I still cannot reproduce it, I also tried different UI Scales (50, 90, 110, 200), and could not reproduce either.

Can you screen shot your rulesets folder?

Click the folder icon in the top left of the launcher screen, then open the Rulesets folder.

It should look something like this (not exactly, because I have a purchased ruleset there as well):

July 20th, 2023, 09:21
@SolarAlbatross - please reproduce the issue and then compile your logs and post the resulting zip file here. Details on how to compile your logs can be found in the FG Wiki here: https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGCP/pages/1242136781/How+to+Compile+Logs

July 20th, 2023, 09:22
Try deleting the CoreRPG.pak and the 5e.pak files from your rulesets folder and then do an update (if Sulimo's suggestion isn't on point).

July 20th, 2023, 17:15
"I have in the past -

Kingdoms & Warfare
Default Fumble & Crit Tables

They're sitting there as options, but none are loaded in the campaign at the moment.

Only things loaded are: PHB, Volos, XgtE, SRD"

These are not extensions, they are modules. Extensions are loaded from the launcher, not within the campaign after loading in.

July 20th, 2023, 22:02
Thanks all for the suggestions. Today it's working fine again. Which tracks - it resolved itself when it happened in the past too. It's just when it happens in the moment that it's frustrating (especially when I'm building maps) as no amount of loading/updating seems to fix it.

If it happens again I'll upload the logs and try Zaccheaus and Sulimo's suggestions. For now it's just a mystery.