View Full Version : Ruleset string files

July 14th, 2023, 23:24
There has been some requests for the strings to help with changing them for localized languages. I will provide them here, but not every string is able to be replaced and much of the automation still requires English to work properly. So a complete re-write of the English may create errors.

July 18th, 2023, 13:17
There has been some requests for the strings to help with changing them for localized languages. I will provide them here, but not every string is able to be replaced and much of the automation still requires English to work properly. So a complete re-write of the English may create errors.

Thank you very much.
With these files and extracting some of the CoreRPG ruleset files, I have been able to make a pretty good translation.
I am aware that the ruleset has a lot of automatisms and that not all the terms can be translated, but it is enough for me.

July 18th, 2023, 22:01
Thanks to these files I have been able to translate most of the texts.
I identify those that are not translated but appear in the string files.
1.- Button Notes
2,3.- Motivation Buttons
4.- Buttons inside the home edit menu.
5.- Character selection sign

I imagine that the buttons Duty, Faith, Justice, Power and Truth are linked to certain automatisms and cannot be modified.
Thank you and best regards.

July 18th, 2023, 22:10
Not every control has their base within the string files. Some are just hard coded due to automation reasons. Others are based in CoreRPG and those are available through that ruleset.

July 18th, 2023, 22:16
I know, I also added some things from CoreRPG. But for example, the "Main Character Selection" box does not come from CoreRPG and I don't think it has any automatism linked to it.

July 18th, 2023, 22:42
That particular string is located in CoreRPG under the string name "charselect_window_title"

July 19th, 2023, 04:34
Thank you very much.
I had checked the CoreRPG files that did not correspond to the ones you had shared.
With the rest of the strings_campaign.xml it looks much better.