View Full Version : Laundry Files Cthulhu Modern UK evenings interest post

July 7th, 2023, 21:58
FG License: Ultimate
Game System:Call of Cthulhu 7e

Time Zone: UK timezone
Day of week and time: 18:30 UK time, day to be decided
If new game, planned start date: to be decided
Planned Duration & Frequency: i.e. weekly 3 - 4 hr sessions
Term: i.e. see how it goes

Text or Voice: i.e. voice only
Voice software used: discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? no plans

Roleplay & Combat mix: its CoC so more RP and investigation than combat.
Number of Players in game & needed: none yet, looking for players, min 3 max 6.
Character starting level & equipment: N/A
Character restrictions: N/A

Details of your scenario: I updated and converted the Laundry Files by Charles Stross to Fantasy Grounds, and im looking to run a few adventures from the published Cubicle 7 books which ive also converted to FG VTT. So far I have done 5 adventures, I may do more depending on how i feel and how it goes.

This is an interest post for a fairly niche setting so ill check back periodically, if i get 3 or more interested people ill run a game.

18:30 UK time on a night to be decided

Link to Game Calendar page: none yet.

July 16th, 2023, 19:45

July 17th, 2023, 04:11
I'm interested; have never read a Charles Stross novel, but have heard good things about them. The time you listed equates to 10:30 am my time on the West Coast of N.A. The only time I've done tabletop or VTT RPGs that early in the morning is at game CONs, but it sounds doable. However, I'm only available Thursday - Sunday, with Friday and Saturday being the more preferable days of those 4.

I'm still fairly new to CoC and have only played the 20's era, so the idea of playing modern era intrigues me. I'm still working towards mastering the rules, but I've played both BRP and Mythras and there seems to be a good amount of similarity. I'm all in on the rules though and own the 2 hardcovers and 2 FGU DLCs. I'm homebrewing my own CoC7 adventures set in the Ardennes Forest of 585-595 CE, which will use the Dark Ages companion. So I'm keen to RP in another Keeper's adaptation of a setting that set in an era outside of the default 20's.

July 18th, 2023, 12:44
nice. hopefully we can get 2 more in the next week or so, then put a discord server up.