View Full Version : DM Looking players for New 5E unity Game Thursdays 5-8PM MST "ISLE OF THE ABBEY"

July 7th, 2023, 21:09
**DM Looking players for New 5E unity Game Thursdays "ISLE OF THE ABBEY"
FG License: STD you must have at least STD license
Game System: D&D 5e
Game Status: New Adventure
Game Start: Aug 3rd 2023 Time Zone: MST
Day of week and time: Every Thursday 5:00 PM -8:00 PM MST
Planned Duration & Frequency: 3 hours a week
Term: Long

Voice software used: Discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No

Roleplay/Quests/Combat/Mysteries/Advancement mix: 20/35/15/15/15
Number of Players in game & needed: 2+
Character starting level & equipment: 4th level Starting equipment per PHB
Character restrictions: Single Class, PHB standards

Details of your scenario: Isle of the Abbey

A local mariners' guild would like to claim a small, strategically located island and build a lighthouse there. But so far, its representatives have not been able to land safely on the island-every attempt to come ashore has been met by a horde of undead.
Set in GreyHawk world with chance to advance through the "Ghosts of Saltmarsh" Campaign series..

I need players who show up consistently and work well as a team member. You have to accept the fate of the Dice. If you rolled up a character who is an idiot you work with what you got, no cry babies or quitters.

PM me if Interested... Discord Server: https://discord.gg/Hjwsjj6H

July 14th, 2023, 18:55
I am interested in learning more about your game. Thank you.

July 14th, 2023, 22:11
I sent you a PM

July 15th, 2023, 03:30
I would like to find out about your game

July 26th, 2023, 04:31
Hi here's a link to the discord page. The party is about 95% through and adventure and is about to begin the Isle of the Abbey


July 27th, 2023, 03:44
I would be interested. Can I ask the makeup of the group?

Kirien#2441 or KirienNailo on discord

July 27th, 2023, 21:14
We have one Human Wizard one Dwarven Eldritch Knight one Human Cleric and one Human Druid

July 30th, 2023, 23:47

July 31st, 2023, 04:09
has this filled up? if not id be interested. time slot works great for me.

August 3rd, 2023, 17:31
Still need another player (always looking)