View Full Version : LFP need 2 players for text only campaign in Midgard

July 2nd, 2023, 01:19
FG License: Fantasty Grounds Unity (Ultimate)
Game System: 5e D&D

Time Zone: Eastern Time
Day of week and time: Saturday 7h pm
Planned Duration & Frequency: every week, lasting around 4 hours
Term: Long term campaign involving the war between the Seven Cities and the Mharoti Empire

Text or Voice: Text only

Number of Players in game & needed: need 2 more players
Character starting level & equipment: Level 2
Character restrictions: Most options by Wizards of the Coast or Kobold Press are allow.

Details of your scenario: The campaign in the world of Midgard by Kobold Press, starting in the Barony of Capleon in the Seven Cities, hired by the Tavv's Pionners as new recruit, in their first missions the group got found proof that the Mharoti empire is meddling in the Barony, spying and taking note of troops and supplies among other things, but is getting involve in the business of the Mharoti Empire a wise thing to do? They are rules by dragons after all.

You can contact me on discord .silverbeard if you are interested.